43695 ,
<br />82..x. 1) l! ~ 4 y ~ ASSIGNMENT OF TRUST DEED
<br />tion, the party of the first parr, in consideration of the sum of Ten Dollars and other good
<br />and valuable considerations
<br />- --- ___Dollars,
<br />ro it in hand paid by WESTERN SECUR1TIcS COPSFANY, a'Nebraska Corporation
<br />a Corporation, the parry of the second patt', receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, has granted, assigned ar.d
<br />transferred, and, by [hest presents does grant, assign and. transfer unta its successors and assigns, a certain
<br />Trust Deed wherein the said BI MORTGAGE COMPANY, INC. is Beneficiary, Jitmnv ?„ fiough and ,
<br />Linda L. 13 __ _
<br />James S. Reed
<br />is TIL'S[Of, and is Trustee, which Trust Deed was dated the l Frh day of SPpramhPr ,
<br />Document No. 80_005116
<br />-19_89_, and recorded the~IiLkiday of ~zpramhar , lg $0 , i~tg~+ir , pi
<br />i : gL-_,
<br />of the voo+~ror ..F Doodc. Recordsot Aall , Counry;~ebraska• and all ;r right,
<br />title and interest to the property therein described; as follows, to-wit:
<br />Part of the Northeast 0uarter (NE 1/4) of Section Fourteen (14), in Township ;en (101
<br />North Range Ten (.10) Wesc of the 6th PiM., Hal'1 County, Nebraska,.more particularly
<br />described as follows: Beginning at the Northeast corner oF'said Northeast Quarter
<br />(NE 1/4); thence running south along the east line of said Northeast-Quarter(1'E 1/41
<br />a distance of Six Hundred Sixty (660.0) feet; thence running west and parallel
<br />to the North line of said Northeast 0uarter,(NE 1/G)'a distance of -0ne Thousand Three
<br />Hundred Eight (1,308.0) feet; thence=running North a distance of Six Hundred Sixty
<br />(660.0) feet to the 1/16 corner; thence running easterly along and'upon the North
<br />line of said Northeast `Quarter (NE 1/4) a distance of One Thousand Three Hundred'Fous
<br />and Eighty-five Hundredths (1,304,85) feet to the point of heginning and containing
<br />19.794 acres more er less including road right-of-way on north and'east sides.
<br />:ogetner with the prooissory note therein described, ahd'the money due cr to become
<br />due thereunder, including interest thereon, subject only to-the provisions of said Trust
<br />Deed therein contained.
<br />Further that Title Insurance Company of Minnesota, a Kitinesota Corporation is here"oy
<br />substituted as ?nrstee replacing the above referenced Trustee
<br />7N WITNESS W'KEREOF, the BI MORTGAGE COtifPAFY, IP+C. a corporation. has caused rh.is
<br />Assignment of Trus; Deed to he executed b its Treasures - Chairman of .the
<br />y _____, and arzesred by its_
<br />3oard ,and its corpora re seal ro be hereunto affixed this 2$th day ol____Pfav__ _ 19 '82
<br />~. ,_ -
<br />~ BI 'tORTGAGE COMP,:VF, I?:C. a Corporation
<br />By:- ~;~_`_~ ~:--~ ___ _
<br />J fin E, not, Trc~snrer
<br />-STATE Of fOWA Atres .
<br />r ~ ~ ~_-~~~~~
<br />ss_ olmes Foster; Chairr.n n~ the Board
<br />COC/f~1"I'~- OF FOLD
<br />On this 28th---day of -_-- MaY 82 ,
<br />-- , 19_.__-., .,efore me a r.orary public duly
<br />cot..-r•iss:orrd and qualified in anc fo: sardcounry :and stare,.personalJy came the above named
<br />.i9ha E. Ganoe Treasurer ar•d__rglmes Fbster. Chairman of the
<br />____ 3os-d __.________ _ o! ;he BI MOR?`tsAGE :COMPANY, jNC._V who are personally known to me to`
<br />b- ~^e dertica; persc•r;s morose ran;es are a fixed ro the above Assignment of Trust Deed as the Treasures
<br />~a Cha_r-r3n of Board cr' <, v' corporation, and they acknowledge the insrrumenr [o be:rheir
<br />'-~ ~. arv a;t and Gee' ar.c the voiu r-ra,~}• act .,nd deed o! said enraora:ion.
<br />Des ?ioines
<br />L~': Jr E`SS r^>. ... ~ ar~d oli;ciao cea~, e. io sardcounty, the dare aforesaid_ -
<br />._•. <...
<br />e
<br />. _, ~ - _
<br />_ -.. F _, ., is.3.
<br />