<br />~,
<br />r 47803
<br />ASSlGMMENT OF MORTGAGE - t:orpastion -
<br />KNOW" ALL MEN 8Y THESE PRESENTS; That the. BT ;fORTGAGEC02fPAN~', INC.d corporatidn;the
<br />', I party of Me first part, in consideration of the sumof Thirty Six Thousand Eight Hundred Dollars
<br />Rifty and<QO/100-----------------
<br />- lawful money a/ the United States of America, td it in hand paid by
<br />w'ESTERN SECURITIES CO*TPANY P.0. BOX 14.495 Omaha, Nebraska 68124-
<br />. a Corporation, the parry of the second part. at or before the`ensealingand delivery-of these piesents;. receipt whereof;s
<br />_ hereby acknowledged, has granted, bargieined, sold, assigned,.[ranslerred, and set over; and, bythesepresenrs does gran r,
<br />barga;n, sell, assign, trans/er, and set over unto thtsaid party:,of thesecond pat. its successonandassigns, a certain
<br />INDENTURE OF MORTGAGE, bearing date 13th of March ?9 81 ,
<br />Document No. 81-001253.
<br />Recorded ipp~~ ,Page , o/ the Mort Records of Hall '.Coup 1
<br />9a4e ry, Nebraska
<br />and n, ark by Rofiert Bradley Jacobsen and Lannette Kim Jacobsen, husband and uif~
<br />BI MORTGAGE CO?~,~\Y INC, andaJ/ itsright tit/e and interesf io the premises therein described, as follows,
<br />ro wi r
<br />Lot Eleven (11), Piper's Glen Subdivision, being a Subdivision of Lots Eight
<br />(8) and Nine (9~, Warre_rr Subdivision, ,in the>City of Grand Island, Ha1I County,
<br />Nebraska
<br />- Together wi!h the note therein described, and [he money due onto become due thereunder, including mterest.'
<br />thereon, TO HAVE AND TO HOLD dre same unto the said parry of the s~^ond parr, ors successors and assigns forever,
<br />wbjn:t only to the provsos of said /NDENTUREOF MORTGAGE therein::con[ained.
<br />And the parry of ~e first part does hereby make, cons[itufe and appointahe said party pfthesecondpart, its'lrue
<br />and lawful arrorney, irrevocably, in its name, or otherw,se, but afi their own proper costs andchargrs,. to have, use;.and
<br />take a1! lawlu/ ways and mans (or ;he -ecovery of d+esaid money and interest, and, in case of payment to d/scha~ge the
<br />same as the parry of the f;rst part m;Q+rr, o~ cou;ddo, if dtesepresentswere npt made,
<br />INW/TNESSWHEREOF,the BI `103TGAGE GOMPAA'Y,ISCacorporationo/ Iowa has caused"
<br />this Ass,ynment of fAortgoge ro be executed by ity. Treasurer :attested by its Ch irman f audits
<br />.; tie Board
<br />Eorppirl~F;$e~(,tabchereunro affixed this 19th day of May in the year 19 82. .
<br />~P ~ _' " BZ ?SOR GAGE CO?~A. -~ZNC.
<br />~~ ,
<br />i ~ ~'
<br />~. / n E. Ga a Treasurer
<br />Attest
<br />~mes;Fnster Chairman o the Board
<br />ss.
<br />On this 19th. day of Ma S' 19 82 beforema, a fJOtaryRublic, duiyeommissioned
<br />and qua4fied;iRan~fvr.sad County and State, personalty came the above named John.E. Canoe
<br />f ~ ~
<br />Trews z~';f and Ho2~'s-;Foster, i:hairmaa of the-.Bca_d of the BI MORTGAGE
<br />CO°IF:~C`:. , tVG~,+s~q are persar~ap~known ro me to br the idenr;cal per>ons whose names are affixed to U,e above assignment
<br />cf Morty~tfifi`p'{lp,T~asrti`vFft and Chairman of th fsaidCorporation, andtheyacknowledged theinstrument
<br />ro be trner,~',kq~fn pry act aa~~Iid, and the voiun Lary acfan~~ed of ,re said Corporation.
<br />~J" ~• _~ '• Des Moines
<br />Yyf ~S$rn M,~tiiiitf7~dbf/cial seal, er rn said.County, the dare efvresaid.'
<br />NdraryPuti7%~.
<br />`r c ' ..-.;.r;icn expires ~.""..~ ~~
<br />_ ,s _ str r .: ,i. drafter: by i ~`1:ie1 C. Crable~~
<br />