<br />fiSSIGNMENT OF MOR4GAGf -Corporation ! -7 ~ Q
<br />82-= ULi24$8 ~(
<br />KNOW ALL MEN BY TNESE PRESENTS, That the BI MORTGAGE CO*1PANY, P1C.a corporation, the
<br />parry of the firm pan, in consideration of the wm of Thirty Seven Thousand Sil Hundred Dollars
<br />Fifty and 00/1.00----------------
<br />lawfu! money of the United Stares o/ America, ro it in hand paid by
<br />:'ESTERN SECURITIES COMP.4N1 P_0. BOX 14:495 Omaha, Nebraska 68124
<br />a Corporation, tfie parry of the second pan, ai or before the enseafing and delrvery o/"these presence, receip t wfiereof is
<br />hereby acknowiedyed, has granted, bargained,so/d, assigned, translerred,':and set over;'and, bythesepresentsdoesgrant,
<br />bargain, sell, assign, Vancfer, and: set over unto t/te said parry_of'the second past, icewccessorsandassigrts, a certain
<br />INDENTURE OF MORTGAGE, bearing datd 19th of March
<br />1981 ,
<br />Document Hc. 81-001433
<br />Recorded ba~taobc ,Page , ofthe MongageRecwds d1 Half County, Nebraska
<br />and made by Sharon F. Norman, a single' person ro
<br />ET_ :1URTGAGE COi~ANY INC, and al! its right; tide and interest to crhe premises therein described, as follows,
<br />towir:
<br />Lot Twenty-Two (22), Piger's Glen Subdivision, being a Subdivision of Lots
<br />Eight (8) and Nine (9), Warren Subdivision, in the City. of Grand Island,
<br />Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />Together with the note Crerein described, and 7/te money due ar ta-become due thereunder, incluo'ing interest
<br />dereon, TO HAVE AND TO HOLD he same unto the said party of the sec..gnd parr,. its successors and assigns forever.
<br />suh/ect only to the provisos of said INDENTURE OFMORTGAGE therein contained''
<br />And the parry of the first Dart does hereby make,constitute. and appoint the saidparry ofUre secondparr, is true
<br />and la~Tul atromey, irrevtu:abiy, in its name, or otherwise, but at rireir ownpropercosYS and charges, to have, use, and
<br />1r<e a1! lawful Nays and rmans for the recovery of ti-e said money and interest, aod, incase of payment, to discharge the
<br />use as the parry of the first part might, or could do, i! these presence werenot made:
<br />!N WITNESS WHEREOF, the SI `10RTGAGE CO"P 9'T , IP:C a corporation of Iowa has caused
<br />ds Asugrrment o/ Mortgage to be executed by ice Treasurer arnsted by is Ch irman f - and :ts
<br />tie Board
<br />Corporal/ ~( ,'O br hereunto affixed this 19th day of Ma ~
<br />,,,S.V. Y. in the year 19 8_
<br />(° BI MDR" GE ~IP~,P7~ItiC.
<br />., .~. / //
<br />~° Br ,/
<br />~' .~ ° noe Treasurer
<br />' .. ~ ~ %'
<br />~.'
<br />Atreu
<br />`' "P(~~ `~ olmes .Foster Chairm2,yi~ne-board
<br />Srs{`l~G> r IOWA
<br />COUNTY OF POLK ~ ~
<br />On this 19.th day of ?`ay 79 82 betoreme, aNotary Public, du! -
<br />y commissraned
<br />and qualified in and-fdr,said County and State, personally came the above named Je:-:n E. Canoe
<br />'t°, ,
<br />it<asu er,, ~'ant3~ 1~a3ruos'-Foster, Chairman. of the Board of the bI `,`~nIC9;>E
<br />^"° "~ , {~,`~-.: who ae p2rjey:yyykno wn to me to be the iden rica! persons whose names are affixed to the abCVe assrgnment:
<br />n' Ma tgsge'a:-the Trea§urki and Chairman o. th f said C'orpuration, vnd they acFnowledged the instrument
<br />;o be c?.~tr,votan~ry aa~nd a+red, and the rofun [ary acf e°r~~d of the said Corporation.
<br />ydt N`.: -. ,. Des Moines
<br />Z StiS my hang Snd officio! sea', at in said Co;;nry, the da tmaroresard.
<br />9"~d ,. _~~. C Notary Public.
<br />b".~ , .~~ssr~n expires
<br />.a`_c instruaaent seas drafted oy M~cnael C. Ccoca~
<br />