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<br />aSSfGNMENT OF M0R7GAGE - Co 47798
<br />rpontioo-
<br />82= tiG2483
<br />KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE RRESENTS, Thar the BI MORTGAGE'COMPAYdy,' ING.a corporatidn; the
<br />1 parry oI the /,vst part, in consideration oI the vim of Thirty Eight Thousand and U0; 100----- Do//ors
<br />1 lawful money of [Ire United States of America, to it in hand paid by
<br />WESTERN SECURITIES COMPANY P.0. BOA 14495 Onaha, Nebraska 68124
<br />a Corporation, the parry o/ the second part, at or before the ensealing;and deliveryol these presents, receipt whereof is
<br />.hereby acknowledged, has granted, bargained, sold, assigned, ransferred;'and set over, and, by these presents does g-ar, [,
<br />bargain, seN, assign, rransler, and set over un;ro the said parry o/ the second part; its successors and assiyns, a cerrair.
<br />lNOENTURE OF MORTGAGE, bearing date 30th of April 181
<br />Document No, 81-t70213ti
<br />Rc~orded itt~ppk , of Me Mortgage Records of -Hall County, Vebra~ka
<br />and made by Darwin R. Hahn and Cynthia S, Hafin, husband and wipe ro
<br />3Z MORTG3GE COMPA\Y IVC, and a!1 its right, title and interest to the premises there.!n described, as fo.9ows,
<br />to- w; r:
<br />Lot One (1), in Block Ten< ~10~~ in John Voitle"s. Addition to the C-:tv o~ Grand
<br />Island, Hall Cossnt~ry Nebraska.;
<br />Together with the note therein described, and the money due or to become due thereunder, including interest
<br />thereon, TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the same onto the said parry of dre _+~cond part, i[ssuccessors and. assignsforever,
<br />wbjecr only to the provisos of said INDENTURE OF MORTGAGE drerein contained
<br />And the parry of the lust part does hereby make, constitute and appoint the said parryof the second parr, itstrue -
<br />znd law>ul attorney, irrevocab/y, in its name, or or!,erw,se, buta[ their own proper.cosrs and..charges, ta'have, use;: and
<br />take ~'i /.~N~/t;! ways and means for the : ctiovery o1 the said n, oney and interest, and,..in case of payment, to dischargethr
<br />same as the parry of d,e firs[ part might, or could do, ifthesepresentswere not made.
<br />IN WlT,VESS WHf,REOF, the BI 'i0RTG9GE CO?SPANY , ISC a corporation of Iowa has caused
<br />tits Assignment of Mortgage m be executed by in Treasurer attested `by its Chairt~ an - T , and its
<br />the Boarr~
<br />Co~porare Seal to be hereunto allixed this 19th day of May in the year 19 82
<br />BI 'OZTGAGE CO}fPA~'Yy,,,INC.
<br />~-=~ ~ ~ 1
<br />By- fv~ 1. ~'c%~
<br />John ,E. ~oe _ ,Treasures
<br />c
<br />i ~~J~
<br />e Attest L~7-~L~~i't/i.~_~~/~~
<br />1' r ` Armes Foster Chairman `of the Begird
<br />ST,a,T~ OF '- I01 :4
<br />` ~ ~
<br />On this 14th_ day of May , 19 S2 before me, a h/orary Rublic, dutycc~~,issio-:ed
<br />and Qualified in and rot said County andStare, personally camethe abovenamed - John`. E. Ganoe
<br />ressL;er, a,d 5olmes Eoste,°, Chairman. of the.. Board of the BI ?'RTGAGE
<br />L ~ `~ '~~"~ ~ H"i a e pcrsond'!y known to ,vae to be the7dentical persons wfiose names are off-xed rc -he above assignment
<br />~~orrgayea;~le reasurer and Chai_:~an oRf th fsardCorporation,and`theyacknor.~;:ogeii.,;~einsrrumenr
<br />to Cg.tfreir vd!untaryact and deed,and tllevoluntary acfen~~d of the saidCorporation..
<br />Des Moines
<br />NIfT1YESS my h-end and official gal, at in said County, the da:e aforesaid,
<br />rz~-~~.""3<tsd,c•- u.~
<br />r~`,~,,/~~ IYn tary Rutiiie:
<br />",zribn rxp„e_
<br />"`:r i ;sera,.-;, ,: was drafted by Miehae~l C. Cro le~>
<br />