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<br />43644
<br />ASSIGNMENT QF MORTGAGE - Corporation - S
<br />g~_ ~~C~?4Sfl
<br />KNOW ALL MEN BY .THESE PRESENTS, That fhe BI MORTGAGE COMPANY,-: INQ.a corporaton, the
<br />r parry of the first pan, in con>irlera lion of the wm of Thirty Fiye Thousand Joe Hundred Dol'ars
<br />Fifev and, ao:/~aQ-----~--~_M.___
<br />lawful money of Me United Starer of America, to rt in hand paid by
<br />&BSTER*1 SECURITIES COMPA*I:' P,0. BO:i 14~9~ Omaha, Nebraska 68124
<br />a Corporation, the parry- of the second part, a: nr before ~e ensea/ing anddebvery bf These presen tr, reteiptwflereot is
<br />hereby acknowledged, has granted, bargained, sold assigned, transferred, andset over,_.and, by7hese presents does G-ant,
<br />bargain, sell, assign, transfer, and set over unto ~,he said party:ofthe second part, ittsucceuorsand assigns, a certain
<br />INDENTURE OF MORTGAGE, bearing date 31st of July rg 30 ,
<br />Document No. 80-OQ3433; Rerecgrded as Document No. 80-IIQ3585
<br />Rec ordentin[stpyc yffip ofrhe Mortgage Records"of X11 Caun ry, Nebraska
<br />and made by Randa' I W. Stewart., an unmarried person m
<br />BI MORTGAGE COP4A.NT INC, and aff its right, title and interesP to the premises therein. described, as follows,
<br />to- wit
<br />Lot Six (6) i.n Blgck Eight: (8) in-Scarff.'s Addition to tdest
<br />Lawn, in the City of Grand Lsland,.,Hali County;'Ne&raksa
<br />Together with the note herein described, and the money due or to become due thereunder, including interest
<br />thereon, TO HAVE AND TO HOLD rha same unto the aid parry df the se~cnd pa•~t, irr successors and assigns forever,
<br />wb/act only to dre provisos of said 7N0ENTURE OF MORTGAGE therein. con rained.
<br />And the parry of ,Ire first par[ doeshereby make,.constitute sand appoint the said party o/the second part, in. true
<br />and lawful attorney, irrevocabl y, in its name, or otherwise, but ai their own. proper costs. and: charges, to have, use, and
<br />take a!1 lawful wads and means for the ter^very of thesaid money and interest, and, ih rase ofpaymer, r, to disch~rge.;he
<br />same as the party cf the first parr mtghr, or could do, if dtesr,presents were not inadei
<br />IN WITNESSWHEREOF, the BI MORTGAGE COMPAi4Y,INCatorporationof Iowa ':.has caused
<br />this Auignment of Mortgage to be executed by its Treasurer attested by its Ch irman f~ and its
<br />t~e Boaiod
<br />Corporate Seal to be hereunto affixed this 14th day of ?fay in the year 79 82
<br />. i EI '40RT~ GE COMPAAI,,~NC.
<br />. [~
<br />By 1 -~
<br />k `- Jafx1/E. noe ~ ""reasorer
<br />_- ;, ~1~~
<br />i ~ Attest-J ~'ff
<br />~~~ ~ olmes~Faster Chairrr~ of the 3oard
<br />SFiRIf D`F'" IOMA
<br />~' a .•~~ ~sc
<br />On this 14th. day of '.4ay f9 $2 before me, a Notary Public, duly commissroded
<br />andt~uabfle%in;and for std County and State, personally came the above named 'Sohn E. Canoe
<br />;~ '
<br />Tsea~u er d't~ xolRes Foster, C`tai_2~an o; the &oard of the BI MO[2I'GAGE
<br />COh(~Al'N1 ~ ij1\C ~yho-ara>yursa ;a/ty knotm to me fo be dre ;denncai persons whose names areaffixed to the above assignment
<br />!~"MafNp+e~thrSTreasurer and Chairr~a^. r,f th fsaidCnrporation,andtheyacknowledgedthe'insrrurnent
<br />itt be 3h~~r : oJNn~%pct and deed, ar,d Me valueWry ac~~`c~~d of ~e satd £orporafion,
<br />r _ Des Motors
<br />.WirtC'f$S my hand and official seal, a, in Bald County;-the date aforesaid.
<br />;Sy a"..^rss•_,n excrret ~- ~N ~.3 - I/oary Public_..
<br />hf~ i .sz:~ ,_ L:._ ?rr,iecu '~y Fiic;ttael G CYCti.*lty
<br />