__ __
<br />A'.,SIGNMENT OP MORTGAGE - P.oryorasion GNMA 45328
<br />82= iiG2479
<br />1 parry of the first part, in rnnsiotcra tion of the sum of Thirty' four thousand two hundred and poryars
<br />(34,200.00) 00/100
<br />awful monty of the (,totted Srotrs of America, to it in hand paid by
<br />1.~STER.v SECIIRITIES CO*LPANY P.O. BOk 14495 Omaha, Nebraska 582^c4
<br />a ;.orporaiion, the parry of the second part, at oar before the ensealinq and deNvery of these presents, receipt w~hereol is
<br />hereby acknowledged, has granted, bargained, .sold; assigned, transferred, and set over, and, by these presents does grant,
<br />:~argam, seU, assign, transfer, and se[ over unm thesaid party. of the second part, its successors and assigns, a certain
<br />JNDENTUP.E GF MORTGAGE, bearing dare 12th o/ December 19 80 '
<br />~~rr'',~,,,ent No. 80-007200°
<br />Recorded in Bt~ft'~ ,Tdg! , of the Morrgaga Records of Counry, ,
<br />`.Hall Nebraska
<br />an. made by William Patrick Jeffries,a single person ro
<br />3I ?'.OR_GAGE CC_`p~\i T;C, and all its ri~'tr, ufle and interest. ro dle premtser therein described, zs follorn,
<br />to-wiC -.
<br />Lot Fifteen (15), Elock Two (2), in Sothmanis Subdivision, Hall Counry, Nebraska
<br />Together with the rote rhererh described, and the money due or to become due thereunder, including interest
<br />:hE-eon, TO HAVE Ar'D TO h'OLD ~e same'unro 7lre'raid parry of dre s<'c:.nd:pan, its successors and assigns forever,
<br />s~t~ecr only ro the provisos of said !NUENTURE OF MORTGAGE therein contained
<br />And the parry of the first part doesdereby make; constitureand appoint the said parryofdre second part, its true
<br />erne lawfo! attorney, irrevocab/y, in its name, or otherwise, butataheir own proper costs and charges, to have use,and
<br />:aKe a'/ lawful ways and r:eans for the recovery of rhelsaidmonevandinterest, and incase ofpayment, to discnargerhe
<br />a.-e as the parry of me t;)st par[ might, o.~ could do, if these presents were not made.
<br />IM1'rLYTN'ESSNHEREOF, the SI ti'~~Rd:;Gi: COMPA;~TY,I\Cacorporationot Io-:a has caused
<br />;.his l.csignment of Morrgegv to be executed by its Trea5llrer attested byits. Ch ln~an f and its
<br />- tie board
<br />~o-oorare Seal to be hereunto affixed this 19t_h day oI :fay in the year 19 82
<br />s ` BI `1CR"
<br />AGE (~*SPA~ IVC.
<br />Jnhti E. ~ oe /~ Treasurer
<br />Holmes Foster CFairman of the: Board
<br />~`ST.A~fi qF ~ -'IOWA
<br />COJNTY.OF POLR ~ ~
<br />On. this day of Ma-; 19 82 taefore me, aNotary Public, duly cdmmissioneu'
<br />19th
<br />a.~c quaiifred ;n and !o- saio Counry and Sra te, personally came the above named .John E;- Ganoe
<br />~-~asurer, and Hnlues Foster, Chairman of the Board ofrhe BI 'fORTGAGE
<br />C^"_'.-' ISC., rAtoare personally krnown to me ro be ;fie identical persons i+fiose namesareaffixed-tethe above`assignmem
<br />_ c`.Hortgay- ara~i leasurer and Cheri^an of h f said Corporation, and-they acknowledged the instrument
<br />'-~ .~ the `raLint€ry {ef and deed, and the volunnry act a~~o~ed of me aid Corporation.
<br />~_ `"'"'~ .''-... Des 'Soines.
<br />°~NYNESS myl`=andand oNicia; sea!, at in aid Counry, the ware a'oresaid.
<br />~, ,~/
<br />i NOu3ry PulYlir,.
<br />ix xrzs.r.5t~e:it~ ~-;,s dcafi~;d b}~. .~z- iEa~1 C, Crawlay __.~_.
<br />