~~ ASSIGNrM~ENT OFrr,~MORTGyAGE =Corporation GNMA 47796
<br />KNOW ALL ,tlEN BV THESE PRESENTS, That the BI MORTGAGE C02+1PANY, INC.a cdrporation, the
<br />parry of the first part, in consideration of the sum of Thirty eighE thousand and'00%100------Doliars
<br />(38,000.00)
<br />lawful money of the United States of America, to i[ in hand paidby
<br />i~'ESTER~ SECURITIES C0*fpANNl ?.0. BOX 14495 Omaha, Nebraska 68124
<br />a Corpora elan, the parry of the second part, at or before the ensealing and delivery of these presents, receipt whereof is
<br />hereby acknow/edged, has granted, 6argarned,: so/d, assigned, transferred, and:set over, and, bythese presents doesgran.L
<br />bargain, sell, assign, transfer, and set over unto the said party df the second part,. itssuccessors and assigns, a certain
<br />1 :'DENTURE OF MORTGAGE,. bearing date'- 27th of February J9 ' 81,
<br />Document No. 81-000929
<br />Reco.~ded in BpoY_ ,page. , of the Mortgage Records of Hall Cauhty, yebraska
<br />and made by John Nahorny and Ruthann Naharny, Husband and Wife.:. to
<br />BI'fORTGAGE COMPANY ZNC, and ad'its right,' tit/e and interest to ffie premises therein dexribed,' as follows,
<br />t0-wiC
<br />Lot Ten (10), Damson Subdivision, in the City of Grand Island, Hall County,
<br />Nebraska
<br />Toge[her with the note therein dexribed, and die money due or to$ecome drre thereunder, including interest
<br />thereon, TO HAVE AND TO HOLD: the sama unto the said party of the second part, ifs successors and assigns for4ver, '
<br />wbjecr only ra'ehe provisos of saiddNDENTURE OF MORTGAGE thereih contained. r
<br />And the parry of the first part does hereby make, constimre and appoint the said parry of die second part, its true
<br />and lawful attorney, irrevocably, in its name, or otherwise, but at their own proper cosisandcharges,.ro. have, use,:.and
<br />take a9 lawfuf Nays and means for the recovery o! the said money and interest, and, incase of payment, to discharge the
<br />same as the parry. p! the first part migfrt, orcauld do,. it. these presen is: were not made.
<br />IN wfTNfSSWHER~OF, the BI :MORTGAGE COMPAlr'Y,INCacorporaiiondf Iowa has caused
<br />ohs Asslgnmenr of Mortgage ro beeexecutedbyits Treasurer attested byits Ch irman of and7ts
<br />tie Soard
<br />Corpora[4 Sea' to be hereunto aflixed this 19th day of May in the year 19 82 .
<br />~' BZ MORTGAGE 0",P:~Y, INC.
<br />/~~
<br />~3opn E. G noe Treasurer
<br />L...
<br />~~ Attest
<br />' olmes Oster Chairman o£-the Board
<br />STATE OF IOiv9
<br />Oa th/s 19th day °f May 19 82 before me, a Notary Public, dulycomm+ssioned
<br />and qua;rlied in and (or said County and Stare;: personatlyaame theabove named John E.: Ganoe
<br />~*'easnc'er, and Ho1~es Foster, Chairman of the 5oar~ df the BI MORTGAGE
<br />='C~.~ \"F, ISC, who are personally known ro me tobe the idenrrcal persons whose namesareaffizedtothe above.assignrrien[
<br />of ldor;~,ape,dsthe Treasurz:r and G}tairman oRf h .`said Corporatfon,and theyacknow/edged [heinstrument
<br />to ~ rbe:r voluntary act and deed, and the voluntary aeFan~J`r~ed e/ the said Corporation.
<br />" L'es Moines
<br />_.YI 4/fSS,n:y handa~>d official xa,, a[ in said Ccunry, rice,.:are aforesaid.
<br />/ ~ /~3 Notary F~ublic.
<br />is ors*_rir:r-rt ;;as draftr_d by ;•tlchael C.~CY'awlu~.~__.._.._•
<br />