~ ASSIGIVMEHT pF MORTGAGE - Corpwatian $2 ~ U ~ 2 ~ ~'
<br />GNMA 47802
<br />r prty of the lint psrt, in consideration o! dre sum of Thirty F.i.ght Thcusand and na/100 Dollars
<br />(38,000.00)
<br />lawful money of Me United Sates of America, ro it in hand paid by
<br />f,'ESTERl3 SECURITIES COMPANY ?.0. B0~ 14495 Otaaha, Sebraska 68124
<br />a Corporation, the party o! the .record part, of or beforr the ensealing and delivery of these presents, receipt whereof is
<br />hereby acknowledged, has wanted, bargained, sold, arsigned trans/erred, and set over, and, by these presents does grant,
<br />berg~m, .yell, assign, Vander, and Set over untt~ the said parry of the second part, ifs successor and assigns, a certain
<br />INDENTURE OF MORTGAGE, bearing dne 2nd o! Oc[ober 19 81
<br />Entered as Document Vo. 81-005067 '
<br />RxrRt~ltllr~ok .ape , of rhr Mortgage Records o/ ball County, }lebraska
<br />andmaoYby Harold V. Tessin and Arlene M. Zessin, husband and wife ro
<br />BZ MORTGAGE COMPA2v'Y PIC, and all i5 right, title and interest to the premises ;herein described, as follows,
<br />to- wi t:
<br />Lot Eight (8), in Blc^k 'Two (2), in Evan's Addition to the City of Grand
<br />Island, Hall County, ?lebraska.
<br />Together with the note therein described, and the money due or tdbecome due thereunder, includ.~ng interest
<br />thereon, TO HAVE AND TO HOLD [he same unto ~e ;aid parry oI the second par L:. its successors and assigns forever,
<br />subject onty to the provisos of said INDENTURE OF MORTGAGE therein confiined
<br />And tha pxry oI the first part does hereby r. rake, co^stitu to and appo~nr the said parry o/ rhekecond parr, its ;rue
<br />and la.vfu! attorney, irrevocably, in its name, or otberwrse, but at their own proper costs andchar'ges, idhave, use, and
<br />take all la wlu! wigs and means for the recovery of the sa.d money and interest, and, incase of pay.men t, ro discharge the
<br />same as rite pity of the first part might,. or could do, i7 these presentr were not made.
<br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF, dre BI `f0RT6AG8 CO'MPAN'Y , IRC a corporation of Iot.°a.
<br />this Asst mart of Mort _ has caused
<br />?' gape ro be executed by it: -reasurer attested by i[s Ch2irt~an QY and its
<br />the Board
<br />Co'pQ,aL~ $tlf 30, be hereunto allixed this 19th d-y of May in the year 19 82
<br />H~Rt ,
<br />BI `f0R7L;,~G~~~A,jy; _;NC.
<br />~ ~ ~1. )
<br />r~ ~ n E ~ De '"reasurer
<br />'~' t .. Attes?-
<br />olmes Foster Chairztdn -~, the Board
<br />STAFF®F jp{,/A
<br />a
<br />COFINTY OF ?OLli
<br />Cn this. 19th coy o! Mar' 79 &2 bafore me, a .Notary Public, duty corn.missioned
<br />' and. q~ali7ied in and !er said Caunry and Sate, personalty ume the above named John E. Ganoe
<br />Ercas~rer, and Holmes Foster, Cna:z-,,,an of the board of the BI *iOE..GAGE
<br />Cr~s~e~-,t . SC, who-are personally known. to me ro be the ;oar, t;cal persurs whcsr .names are a: fixed tothe above assgnme;;r
<br />of ~P tyFgr! as-the Treasurer and Chairman of 7sa;d Corpora;.on, acrd th
<br />ey ackndwledped tha;instrument
<br />Kr bfYh<rf.{Kfruntary x t and died, and the voluntary ac~ nd`d u•` the .mid Corporation.
<br />'y DCS' ?fO i;rPS
<br />:^ ~Z1r6S>'my h~g'aad offiu~; sea' a[ rn sand Cvur. ty, .^.h= dat(o~a.`oresaid ,Q
<br />>trv : v^~;.e:ion expire; y - ~ _- ,~~ Noivey Public,..
<br />~`1:,', Lc3tru~a.3t v: ,a: :rat^.d b,; _Yi ri ,.~_ _, rro '1[. s~ -
<br />