ASSIGNMENT OF MORTGAGE - Corporrtien 8G~~ r};`~, ~ A:L.~
<br />:;c1MA 47802 UG f V `t L'
<br />1 parry of dre first pa,°r, in conSderanon of the sum cf Thirty: Eight Thousand and no~100 COI?'pis
<br />!aw/u! money of dre United Sates of America, ro it in han~p~id 80.00)
<br />~'ESTF.RN SECURITIES CO~AN1 P.0. BOr 14455' Omaha, Nebraska 6$124
<br />a Corporation, the parry of dre second part, at or before the ensealing and delivery of. these presen iS;'rec eipt wh erenf is
<br />hereby acknowaedgrd, has wanted, bwpained, said, ass.~~red, transferred, andsetover,.and, by~thesepresenrs does grant,
<br />bargain, sdl, assiyr, transfer, and se[ over unto dae ;aid party ofthe seadnd part, itssuccessoraand assigns, a certain
<br />INDENTURE OF MORTGAGE, bearing dare. 9th of October - 1981
<br />Entered as Document No. 87-005234
<br />RacoaicdlaRmt , P~_ , of the Mortgage Records of Hall." County, .debraska
<br />and made by Patrick 0. O'Neill and; Christine C. O'veilly husband' and wife tO
<br />BI ~fORTGaGL CO`iP.~:"_ I'~C, and al! its right, title and. interest to the premises therein described, as foll0 w5,
<br />to- wi r.
<br />Lot Fifty One (Slj, Potash Subdivision, Hall`County;:Nebraska.
<br />Toyerher w~th the note therein described, and the maney due or [o become due ;Hereunder, including interest
<br />thereon, 70 NAVE AND'.TD HOLD'me sameunto. die said partyof the se!!~~.d parq its successors and assignr forever,
<br />subrect unit' ro o4e provisos ofisaid fNDE,^JTURE OF N,ORTGAGf therein contained
<br />And the parry of Uie first Garr does hereby r.:ake, canstituteand appainS the said party o/the second part, its true-
<br />and %awfu/ attorney, irrevoca~fy, in its name, or otherwae, bur at.Sreir own proper costs andcharges, tohave, use, .and
<br />rake a!i ?awful ways and rea.ns rot tine recv.~ary vI ±he said money:and interest; and,'~h case of payment, to discharge the
<br />same as the parry of the first part mi¢~C or co;~,'d ou, ;,` these presents were::hot made.
<br />i.NW1TNESSWHERE0F,the BI "OSTG3GE :,T~PP.`7F,I,1'Cacorporatonof Iowa has caused.
<br />this Ass+gnmenr of Mor[gage ro be executed by its TrcasuLer attested by in Ch IrmaP. sf and its
<br />tie Aoard
<br />CorQoratr Seal to be hereunto affixeo this 19th day °f +*`id5` .n the year J9 42
<br />_ By-~.~~~~~ ~ _
<br />. 4~': ~ T
<br />Tokfc~ F Hoe censurer
<br />r ~ ~ ~ ot~nes Poster ~hairm~,z of the Beard
<br />ST,4T,E.'QF, . IOrA j
<br />COUNTY OF PO"i.}: J(l ~
<br />On this 19th Coy of ?tap T9 n2 before me, a Notary Putrfic dWy commissroned
<br />and Guali(ied :b and for said Cnvnty and State, personally came tie shove named John E, Ganoe
<br />>. ~_~ a; d Ho,yes foster, Chairman c t the Beard of the E1 '.•fORTGAGE
<br />OO<~A.~ L;>. F+,G. "~'?A~,re pe.:sona'ly known rv me to be the ;dentica(persons .tindse caches are affixad to the above assrynment
<br />af-rSl~oT1¢pr'rs. ttie ireasuret ant Chaix:,a ` h f said Co~po;anon, an o' Urey acknowledged the instrument.
<br />[O~ LY t~ly;r votuntarj( not and cfee~ and U,e vo?untary a~, i~~"~ed of the said Corpo: atian.,
<br />~.~' ~ ~'~...: ~ Des ytoines
<br />-. `-!V?TNESS my{~and and a'fcisr sea', a; in ,lid Caun Ci, the datE a`oree'aid,
<br />a
<br />~i~?nrisslan expirts 'g-•.,°~tJ:~-~cel, FJd Lary PuL•Ik.
<br />-+-=~ ~ i'*ru•,ar~ic -:as dratfted b} •,
<br />