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,y -- - _ - -- _ --- - <br />1 <br />ASSIGNMENT OF MORTGAGE -Corporation <br />82-= Do2463 <br />GNMA 47794 <br />KNOW ALL MEN 8Y THESE PRESENTS, Thar the BI MORTGAGE ;COMPANY, ;INC:B corporation, the <br />' ~ party of the first parr, in contiarntion of the vim of Thir[y eight thousand and no/100 Dollars <br />(38,0GO.OC) <br />lawful money o/ the Unifrd States of America, [o it in hand paid by <br />WESTER\ SECURITIES COMPA.`dY P,0. BOt 14495 Omaha, Nebraska 58124 <br />a Corporation, the party of the second par[, at or belore d?e ensealing and delivery of these presents, receipt whereof is <br />hereby acknowledged, has gran red, bargained, sold, assigned, transferred, and set over; and, bythese presents does gran r, <br />bargain, sell, assign, transfer,. and set over unto [he said party of the second part,'itr wccestdn and assigns, a terrain <br />INDENTURE OF MORTGAGE, bearing dart 22nd of May 19 81 , <br />filed May 22, 1981 as Document Vo. 8i-00265.6 <br />Recardei =?;~__________Pagt_ , bf tfie Mortgage Records of HaII County, 9ebraska <br />and made by Michael R. Schlachter and Priscilla A.-Schlachter, husband and wife ro <br />BI MORTGAGE COMPAh~ INC, and all its rigfrt, title and interest to the premises therein deuuribed, as follows, <br />to- wit <br />Lot Seventeen (1'), Jamson Subdivision, in the Cit}~ of Grand Island, <br />Hall County, Nebraska <br />Together with the note therein described, and the money.. due onto become due thereunder, including'interesr <br />thereon, TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the some unto the said parry el the -.9~:and part its successors and assigns forever, <br />wbject only to the provisos of said INDENTURE Of MORTG'AGf thereintonbined <br />And the party of the lust pxt does hn-eby make, constitute and appantdre said parryo! the secondpart its true <br />and faw4ul attorney, irrevocably, in its name, or oe5erwise, bu[ a[ their own proper costs ahdcharges, tohave, use, and <br />? Lke ail lawful owys and meant for the recovery Of tllesaid money and interesf, and, in case ofoayment, td d.~'srfiarge the <br />same as the pxry of [he first part mr~r, or could doff dtese presents .were not made. <br />!N WITNESS WHEREOf, the BI MORTGAGE COMPA!~Y,ISC a coporation or Iowa has causer <br />this Assignment of Mortprge to be executed by its Treasurer attested by its Chairnian f and its <br />the Boaz <br />Corporstr,Sial to be hereunto afliaed this 19th day of *tay in the year 19 82 <br />f BI st0?jT~~G`L~~iY~INC. <br />~ohb E. oe Treasurer <br />~~~~~ Attest -- <br />'' + , ~ ~~ stet airman O the- Board <br />STATE Of'"IOkA <br />ss <br />COUNTY Of POCK <br />~ ~`t i9th diy °f May 19 82 before me, a Nota.~y Pub%ic, duly cor,?.m;ssiohed <br />and oualilkd in and for said County and SUtr, personally tame the above named JOhn.E. Gaitee <br />~^ ~-. <br />Tte~s~Ytlr; -{,nd Holmes Foster, Chairma^ of the B':arc of the : BI `tORTG~GE <br />L Ca~L~~''Y:', -P.iCs wAe xr~perxonally known to me ro be the identical persons whose namasare sffrxedto the above assignment <br />iQF'Mg~tgage t-~IrrTreasuret and Chairma of th fsaidCorporatien,andtlttyacknowledrJedrheenstrumenr <br />n6 btr-lkgc i~lGrrpry~t.tand deed, and Mt voluntary actBan~~ed of the .v;d ~Corporatioq.. <br />~~~` ~ Des Moires <br />WI TNESS ~yfrard and olliciai seat, at n said C'ounry, the o'are aforesaf,dy. <br />.b..'r~ <br />Notary Public. <br />'h :nst.w.:c~nt .;is dr;;f_~c ~, "i~haea_ Crowlex® <br />