LJZ~ t)ti2 ~c~~ 43.695
<br />tion, [he parry of 'he first parr, in consideration of thr sum of Ten Dollars and other good
<br />and valuable considerations 7~ollars,
<br />roirin hand aidb WESTERN SECi3RIT3ES GOMPANY,;a Nebraska Corporation
<br />P Y-----
<br />- a Corporation, the parry of rhe'second part, ,receipt whtreof is hereby acknowledged, has g.anted, assigned and
<br />rransierred. and, by these presents does grant, assign and transfer unto its successors.'and assigns, a certain
<br />T: usr Deed wherein the said BI MORTGAGE COMPA.\TY, INC. is Bendciary, Howard C. Bunner_ and .
<br />__ Jud~r _Bunner, husband and wife.:: ___ ___ _
<br />Sames S. Reed
<br />is T: usror, and is Trustee, wtich Trust Deed was dates' the' 15th day of Au ust _
<br />Document'No.`80-004337
<br />19___0_, and recorded [he lith day o£ August 19 8lz __, r~ RXge ,
<br />of nc~_ Rez;ister. of -eeds Records of Half. _ _, County,,23eb. ,and al! it right,
<br />rule and interest ro thq property therein described, asfoJla:~s; io-wzt:
<br />Lot Six !5), in MeadowCLane Subdivision, Hall Connt~-, Nebraska.
<br />Together with the promissory note therein described, and the money due or to btc_re
<br />due thereunder, including interest thereon,, subject only to_"the provisions of said Trust
<br />Deed therein contained.
<br />Further that Tit1.e Insurance Company of :Minnesota, a iii^.nesota Corporation is hereb•:
<br />substituted as Trustee replacing the above referenced 'Trustee
<br />I:N W1TA'ESS ~:'HEkEOF: the Bi ..- ~I'GAG£ GJ*iPA.VY, iNG. a corporation, has caused this
<br />Assignmcrr of Trust Deed ;o be exeeufed by its Treasurer _ ~~ 'and a[rested by its Chairzaan of =he
<br />3oard ,and. is+cor~o:are .,eal to be hereunto affixed this 28th _day of MaY 19 82 .,
<br />BI HORTGAGE COMPANY. L"'::. a Gorpora[icn
<br />By John iE. G oc TL ec_crar
<br />STATE 4F IQ;:,, ~ Artcst• ~~~~~_~'
<br />ss mes Foster, Chairma,, of the Board
<br />COU.N-TY OF ?OLK
<br />On rhis_28th _ __day of__ 24aq ~, d9 &2 ., before me a notary public duly '
<br />cunrrissianed and quaiif;ed ir, and forsafd county and state, personally .came rhea6ove named~_~_ ._
<br />-3ohn °,__Gaaog ____ _ - _ ___ -_ Treasurer~__._~ and „Holmes Fostery;;hairmar. of the
<br />___ B^?_~___ . ____ ._-_-__ of r!:e B i '-'~4 yA~ti CO'~fPA.'s'Y, ~tiG. who are personally known so rze t%
<br />ke :he en.r~a p, c,e^= whose nan;es a:e a:."; icd to me abcve Assigrmear cf Trust Deed as rhe.._._7i ~asurerT
<br />:....: ~' .1.`-_.'t ~'- t[. e. °'.,~-r _,.r c~ r:'ic^ .,^d they acknowledge-the ,nsrruFnenr ro..be their'.
<br />'-~: ~ ,~ td "'erg ,. ! ,+e . r,.,.,. a ,r;d ".ee~ ai iard eorporation.
<br />:. 1. Fi~;jy ..y him or;,.,3r crs ,_ ., ., ,, r~,uaty, r/3e ate aforesaid
<br />Saara y Pu~,lic
<br />C' J- l
<br />.X' ~~
<br />