~~_: _ {~
<br />ASSIGNMEtQT.OF MOiRTGAGE -Corporation 82- (} ~} ~~... ~ cJ t?
<br />GPIDSA 47300
<br />;,arty of fie first parr,. in consideration.. of the wm of Thirty eight .Thousand Dollars
<br />$38,000.00
<br />lawful money of the United States of America; to it inhand paidby
<br />WESTERN SECURITIES COMPANY P.0. BOY'14495 Omaha, Nebraska 6.$124
<br />a Corporation, the party of the second part. aF or before the ehrealing and: delivery of these presznts, receipt'whereof is
<br />hereby acknowledged, has-granted, bargaineG sold, assigned, transferred, and serover; and, by these presents does grant
<br />bargain, sell, assign, transfer, andsetdverunio dre,said party of the second..parr, itswccessoaand assigns;'.a certain
<br />r,vDENTURE OF MORTGAGE, bearing dare 4th. of September 19 81
<br />as 7ocument"No.'$T'004604
<br />Recorded~~lflf , ~ , ofthe MorrgageRecor:dt o/ Hall County;..Nebraska
<br />and made by Mark D. Adams and Annette D. Adams, husband and wife ro
<br />BI`*fORTGAGE COMPANY INC, and all its right rifle and interest to the premises drerein described, as follows.
<br />ro-witi'
<br />Lot Four (4), Kallos Subdivision, in the City of Grand Island,; Hall_COunty,,
<br />Nebraska...
<br />Together vnth che_naro therein described, and the money due or zo become due thereunder, including interest
<br />d:erean, TO HAVE AND TO HOLD: tha same unto the said party of the second part, tssuccesson and assigns forever,
<br />su bjecr onty to the provisas of saidslNDENTURE DF MORTGAGEthereinconrar'hed:
<br />And the parry of the first parfdoes heretry make, constitute and appoihr he said party of die second part, its true
<br />and fawtul attorney, ,rre/ocably, in its name,. or othefwise; hur at their ownproper costsand charges, zo have; use,. and
<br />:are aU lawful ways and means for the recovery of the said money and interest, and, incase of payment, to discharge the
<br />s'rree st; the parryof the-first part might, or coofd do;.if dsesepresents iti~ere not made..
<br />..IN WLTNESS WflFREOF, the 3I MORTGAGE -COMPA.4'Y, INC .a corporation oI Iawa has caused
<br />tf7rs v4ssignmenr of Mprr¢ge zo be executed-by its .Treasurer arrested 6yits Ch irman f and its
<br />tie Board
<br />Corpptjte Seal;,tp yshereunro affixed this 19th dayof May inthe year- 19 82
<br />- BI `.O1jSGE~1? ~ INC.
<br />}I< n E. oe Treasurer
<br />alines Foster- Chairman o t~ he Board
<br />STATE OF IOTA _'
<br />... ~ ~
<br />ccui~tr'oF nci
<br />On :hit '-9th daY of ?Say. , 19 33 6efoie me, a Notary i'ubic; duty commrssioneo
<br />and Gua.'Ifed m and for said Coontyand Statr,.personal/y'came the above named .John E. Canoe
<br />~re.~snrer, a~~ Halmes Foster, Chairman o° the. Sward alrhe it ~SORTG~GE
<br />~~'^`A? -`"'~ _\T , v.:hp are pusanally known fO me io betbe ; Jen Deal persons wfiose na,^,tes are afhzed tp iheahore. css,grrner,t
<br />~~~_~ ~u+ A4o-zyayA as the Treasurer and Chairman ~ ~: ~I ~rdCarporariari, and theyacknowledged the iratrumant
<br />r.a be the,r vofu.^.:ary act and deed, and rfre volun vary acfaorri+'det•s of the said Cerporan'on.
<br />Des Moines
<br />/.~'Tr~ tSS ~-: y (sand arrd offeC.a/ seal, at rn raidCouny, the date aforesaid.
<br />.i
<br />rv ~:~' ~ ,
<br />rJO,`.~ri G:, t~;:C
<br />_ ,_~ .~„ PR., --~ ~ -.3v - ~ 3
<br />:.is 5_r,_....,i was dzafte>a b•,. "Sl rat.: C ^,•:~ie'^
<br />