<br />52-A-F2EAL £$T/~TE MORTGAGE-(Wi4h TaxCla uae) (Reviaedt962) 1Le H,iirtonnr:c,urel Supnty Hou,n:L:ncoln, Nebr.
<br />' ~ of Hall County, and State of Nebraska ----in consadezation of£be sum nt
<br />I( QNE MILLION AND NO/100--- -------------- - ----- -- ----t --- DOLLARS
<br />i in hnnrl raid, do hc~rehy SELI, and CONVEY unto S•!..., ,vAi;Oti::L BAtdrt, GriA.~.J i5..,-v:'u, .rF.,'nA$Kq
<br />i
<br />l,p Hall -. County, State of Nebraska :the follovvingdescribed premises situate~r] ~.
<br />1, i^ Hall Cou,Gty;.and State of NebTaSka , to-wit:
<br />Townhome Numbers: 2503, 2505, 2507,'2509; 251T, 2513, 2515 and 2517
<br />in Brentwood Townhome Condominium Property Regime .III, City of
<br />~ Cry Grand Island, Ha11 County,-Nebraska.
<br />I
<br />Qt Lots-One (I) through Six (6) inclusive. and Lots Ten (10) through
<br />C11 Twelve (12) inclusive, all is Block Three (3) in'Brentwood Second
<br />:~ Subdivision in the City of Grand Island, Ha11 County, Nebraska.
<br />-,
<br />'' ~ r
<br />I~
<br />QO
<br />The intentiorrbeing to convey hereby am absolute titlein feesi mple, including sil therightsof homesiead.'and dower:.
<br />TO HAVE.AVDTO HOLD.the premises above describe<},:with alltheappurtenances thrreuntobelonging, imtoihc, said ~~
<br />mortgagee(sJ:and to his;'her on their heirs .and assignsforeve r,, providedal.ways,and'these: Presen is are`;upon the~.PrE SS i
<br />' cYrndition thatif thesaid mortgagor(s), his, her or thef heirs: executors,. admrrristrators or assigns shall'.pay or cause to he
<br />Paid to the said mortgagee(s), tiis,her or their heirs, executors,: administrators or assigns, the principal sumof ~ 1 000, 000.00
<br />payable as follows, to wit:
<br />As per note dated April 1,-1982.
<br />i
<br />wiei, a tree., [. uccv, piing to the cenorand effect, of the rriortgagors, wr,tEen promissory. note beanngeven date with tbeeeprescnh
<br />and shall pay all tax _-. and assessments levied"upon. said real es£ate, andail other taxes, levies. anclassessments leviedupon tai=. ~~,
<br />n:ortgat~c or the pole. which thic-mortgage is-given to sewre,before the same tx~comesdelinquent, andkeep the'huildmfs ,:.a
<br />said pre m,xs ipso, c.i for the .;unr of 5 1,000,000:-Ofl ,fuss, if anv, uayabie fo the saidmortgagee; then these presellhs
<br />' to t>z vu,d, oth<;rwise to be andremasn in foil force._
<br />~ ,
<br />IT I5 FGRT'HER AGREEIIil)That if the >nid mortgH gur shall (ail +o Pav such taxes be prtrcuresuch insurance, ihi-. '~
<br />said n ortgagae may pay such taxes and .procure such 'insurance; anti tF.e sum so advanced, with~inieres£ st per';
<br />cenk shall br repaid 67 said mortgagoq and this mortgageshall sterna a tic~u rity For the same: (2) That asfailure to ~payax,y
<br />of said money. eitber. prineipal or`interest;.when thesame becomes dur~ ~~r a failureto c~mlily with any: of the foregoins
<br />erg rcemen L~, shall causethe whole sum a€money .herein secured_tobecome dse andcolleetibleat once attheoption oflhe ',
<br />mortgagee_
<br />Signed this 1St `daY of Aplll , 19 $2
<br />Inpresence :bf
<br />... ... .. ..::. ... ..:._ _:...:.. :.:.. s~D
<br />_ .
<br />__ ,. _._ ..... ........ Joh` A."'Wo'Y'f, 'Pr~siderie
<br />~- ~~ ~ --
<br />~~ ~ STATE ~1..,~Ek~_ .. .:,. County of Ha11
<br />5 .. ._.. ...._.. ....
<br />Bel ' ~notary~li h ahSed for said couaty, personally came John A.~ Wolf , President of
<br />'! i
<br />~ NpTAR1r Brentwood Development Company of Crand Island
<br />~. known ~r, -r~or, or persons whir signed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged the execution
<br />i thereof. his, the vo terry act and deed.
<br />i Wi sal n April 1 ,_ 7:19 82 --
<br />i. hiy crinm,s Q~~--~,.. .. :..., .. 19.~~ ..~. .r-..J~ /
<br />! ..._ .. _~.~,_..( ."...,. ~..t'wtix:3~otary 1°uhlt,
<br />i .:- -
<br />-STATEOF_._._ Nebraska E.crere' o,: numcnc~aL index and fitwl for .~
<br />.~ C w^ty ....__.._ ktal.~. _ . ........:... ~ ~. :n the FLe°ister of Diseds Office of said.(:ou~ .y tse
<br />__._ _. __.__.day ..(. _. _ ..:.... ... 19 ... .. _.... al .. .. ......: .. ..: ... o'elcekal:u.... ._.: _.... .... minutes .._...~i .. , ~L..
<br />and rsa>rdKi ih LAw~ _._:.._._oi. ...:..:. _, ._:.a£ page:...... ___. .. ..;,.....r
<br />.,..:.... ,.. ...:... _,. 12rt;. of 1"lecdaj
<br />13y. __... 12epu ty
<br />