__ .._ _
<br /> 82e,~y~;~451
<br /> and, without demand; Shell be immediately due and Paya41> Dy Trwlor and'snail la. DutIN and ODibadoM'al T.ystaa. (al Tnn duties and obllgatlons d1 Trustee'
<br /> Deer 4nlaroat al. the ms%tmUm dilaxpDle legal late; prCVldad, Rowever., Lhet at trig snail DodeterminedsOlety Dy tna 9xpraas provislona of the Trust Deed and Trusirre
<br /> OPllori at@aneffclery di T>ustee SUCK sum>.maYM eddedto 9heprln0}pei balance snail not i>B liable a%capt for tna parformanGg of each du1193 Sno oDilpetl0ns asaro
<br /> Of artyIMaDDSdM.ys secured hereby antl anyli Dyer IM Same interest as such spedl}ICally sal forth herein, and no Implied ca ant9.o oDlipallons shell be
<br /> IndeDteOnesa and9MUDe payable ratably over tna remaining term thereof. Impoaerd upon Trustea;j0)Na provision o'tnis Trust DeW>hall require Trusteato
<br /> expentl of riskhfs Own lands, or Otherwise 1Rcur @ny Ilnanc1810611patlOn intM '..
<br /> i0.'AU1gnmMl of Rants. Benefimary obeli have therighL Power antl aathorlty Per/prmenceof any of 115 dutleg Mreuntlar, Dr ib#he ekarclsa Of:any pt Ito fight or
<br /> 6uryng that ntinuance Jof Ihia Trust Deed t oltact the i I s a tl p ofds of pb a if Il sR II h prounp f ballevlnp ?hat to spay and of such 4 d or
<br /> the RoPefty Rrtd of anX per9onat property I .e0 tnar ith ar wittro t taklnq
<br />posaeeaiM of IM pfoperty alt%tad neroDy era Trustw. MreAYabs Iu1BN anC eq ate Inds Ity a8 MSS 3 n Igk r IlaDlllly 1 t asap ably eawrotl to It; (c)
<br />Tystee may consult wlth'co a.'of hlaown ChOOSknp antl the advice of such
<br /> uri0onditionalN asatgn9 a%t such rents, ISSUea: andprofits t0 Baneffclaly. counsel snail M Puliantl complete edlhorixatlon:and protection In tM respect of
<br /> BeMRCIery, however; MreDyi»naante to 1Ra Trusto(s collection an0 retehtlortol any action takenoi'suffpred bylt neraunCar In good FEI1h and rellanpa tMreon; (tl)
<br /> aucn rei+te;.ia3uea and profits as IMy accrue and become payable so Ibrp. as .Trustee shell not DO liable lorany action taken Dy nlm Jn good tel!h and
<br /> Truala is not; ai seen times, in tletedl with respect to payment of any believed 6y nlm to be autnorizadoc within 1M tliscratlOn or: rights of powers
<br /> tndeDtetlneea secutetl:herobyor lnIM PvMormance of anyagreement.hereunder. cOnferredupon if by this Tru St Dead:
<br /> uponany aucn deltult BeMfklary meY at any lime, ehRer m Person DY agent, or by
<br />
<br />a'fpC-NeftO M:eppOlni9tl by 9pWR whROVf nOnCO ARC wnnout regard to the 77. Iltldltlonal Sawd I
<br />ty. mtrvmanta. Truswr; at its expense;win a#acute and deriver
<br /> a0epuacy d any seCUdty for the IMeDtetlMgs nere0y 3eCuretl, lei enter upon and l0 1M Truatea; prom¢tly upon: demenq auto seGUrITy 7naWmehtsa may M
<br /> take poaaesalOn of tM Property or any Pert thereoi,ara (n its own name sue for w roqulr¢d by Trnstee;ln form and suDetanC.O 9811ataCtory td Trustee: covering any of '
<br /> otMnrha collect aucn roma, is ueaeM prohts, IncluCiny tnpsy past tlya'an0
<br />' tRa Property Ganv9yed byNl6.Trus1 Deetl., wRlch exurity: ie9trumanls shall M
<br /> COSta antl a#pen399 0l OPafabOn and GOIteChOp,
<br />anpa; eM 1DON SM aam8. 198E a0diflOnel EaCUri[y tbf TN910Y9 ieltn}UI par}Orman08 O}all OP tRe terms, <OrenMfa
<br /> tMiuding r D atlo hey tees. upon Prry 1n0aDtedn cad lereby, antl In and condltloM of tN9Trusd Deetl; Na womisa0rynotae aeeurM Mrrnsy, sod any
<br /> euChwtlrir aE Benetklsry may set«mirie;' (DlpeatDi s iti acts. t sp rr Or ih 'security I trumenis executed M connechon. wltRihls.IraMeCllon. Such.
<br /> prplsatlM aamayG neceaaary Or Proper ro conserve the value ollM Property; (c): Inatrumentaanauba recorded or Hled; an0re.ecordadantl r¢tlled, et TruetoYa
<br /> baaa lM same pr any part inareol fw auchrenNt.. term,aMVPOrt such COntllllon4 o%Panse.
<br /> tl Itsludpemanl may dic}ats:: Unless Trusts and Benetkfary agree nEnerwlse In
<br /> wdt'.ng, arty sppllGatinc of ems, Is or arolits to any IntlMtedMS> secUmtl
<br />a
<br /> Mfeby sMnnOt. esteM or poatpone
<br />ine tlue tlateaf MP 1 tallmenf payments as
<br /> provaed in said promissory ride w change the amount i cR ieataliments The 18. MIaeNlaMOUa.
<br /> sn[arihp upM:and taking possession OI IM ProPOrty, ine colbptlon of s~cn mots,. (ej In Ineevent anyone or more Of the prOalsiOne contained In Ihla Trust Deed or:
<br /> fa1uH andptotita, and IM apDUCationttwaeot as atoresaitl, sMlt not walve'or lure tnepmmisaory note or any other security Inatroment p1vM in coenachon with
<br /> 'My dehylt or notice of defau!f Rereunder; cr invalMete any agt:done Oumuant to tRis Ironssctlon shall Iw arty rea n De told to De Invalid; Illepei o
<br /> sucR'tiolke Tmator:also assigns to Bersllciary,"as fanner securiryto; fns enforceable In any reapeptsucn Inva1101N. tllagplity;Or urron7orcosDlllty
<br /> pMOrmalae of [M' Opllpetions secured hereby/ au prape+tl rents a.mt an mnnles shalt, at lba apllan of Bynentlary, not affect any biner prdvlalpn Pf Shia Trust
<br /> wnkltmay.Irare been or may hereafter be dBOOgtted with sakt T!uSiw DY any lessee DeM: but tors Trust Oaetl Shan IM.conatrtrod ea'll ouch Imilld. Illegal, di
<br /> OI ?M: Property, to Secure IMpayment o any lent antl upon delautl in the u enfcmaeDle provlelon tied never Deers corttalnW Mreln prtMroln.
<br /> parfomunts Ofany 01 the prgvlsiong Re sot Trustor ag
<br />rae3 t~Mnvar SuCR rants (DI TMs mist fJeetl SMII be constauetl according to the lawn. of the State o1
<br /> o
<br />era Uapoalis to Me Benafl Iery. Danvery 01 written UGe } tRe BPMticiary s
<br />axaroieeo! the rights 9rontetl nerairt,to y tenon; oCCUPV+ng 5aitl premises snail NaDrBSka.
<br /> M euftlclenl torertutr¢ said tenant 10 pay saM rent to the Benetiaiary un;li ivrtner (C) TRls Trust Dead shell lours to era .bind 1M. heirs, legatees; tlevlaeaE,
<br /> rwtlde; admmiEtmtars exerutors,.succeaeors antl asaigna of the panbs Mrsto..
<br /> (tli Tmaloi shall pay all la%es IaviadupOn Info That Deed or inetlebt Eecuretl-
<br /> il. LaaaM ~tarrllaaa. Wttmn tOdaysaMrdemand.TNatwaMll fumlah to7N3fee hereby; IOgelMr with enY OtMr tBkee waaaaasmsntewniCR maYMlevle6
<br /> 'a scMduN CeftlBedtpM tore. sattlnpforcRell ISaaea of apsM.in lneTruat againattM Trustee or eeroefidary OrtM.legal ndtler olaak promleaory note
<br /> PtopMyiMetn effect, IrtcIu011tg,.ineacn cane; tM narM of tM IMMts and un alxbunt ottM indebtedness avltlenced.Inereby:..
<br /> occupants, a tlNCnpikn of the apace OdcUPiad by.gucn tenantaM occupant, ?M
<br /> :ran4lpayaWa to fuch apace end .aucn otM+ InMmutlonand tlocumentE with te) Wheneve aetlhereln Y :Ingdor umber Mall I ciude.Ina: Dlurai, iM
<br /> 'raalsaclt0 aucn lMaM MtlbMnUSsla the Tmatae may request singular. the use of anyp der shall Deappllcameto. npenden; and the term'
<br />'
<br /> : Wlttiout iM pdwvwlitan consent of Tmatsa. TrUalOr. Shall rim. tlliwhY w "Raneflclery' Mall Include. any payee t the IndeOtetlneaa hereby secured or
<br />any lranel merool; wR tM_r Oy.Operetknaf law Dr otMrwtx
<br /> IndltadtN: witr. MDact lO any leaeeot apace In tM tlascnbs0 premfaee: wneMer
<br /> igCR INN1-nOW whNNttpr in a%letanGa;.(al aPCePt orpermli any. PrePBYmen1.
<br /> tl1aCWntd atlYMG tam Payapia ItbrounMr; (DI Garigl.Or. terrniMln the aame,:pr '
<br /> alxpt arty ganullslion, iarmlMtlon or..auneMer tMrsm, or permit any event to 78, aaao..w TrvaM. Benetlel8rymay Irom rime eo time substitute s suceeasor or-
<br /> ' PCCUf wRlcR would M111N7M letaaa therwnMrtd lsrmlMtewrAnCeitM acme;{cl. 9VCCeaawa[O any TNalee nBmw hMelnwaCilrb herwntlerlOe%BCUle lnle TlUat
<br /> Amara w rrwdFN tMaama eoaa io:retluU iM tMm thete0}.tM ran41 WYable Ceetl.Upon aucn appointment apd without ennreyanceto inewcceaaoa Trustee,,
<br /> tRarwtMM;w tO Cnanpasny. rfrrNwllP(OVIeIOM tnarem cMCalnetl; ttl)wales any CRe latteranallba vested wlihall htle,DOweIS. MO tluttea confarrad upon. any'
<br /> Mwl[ tlwrauMar Or'treachtMrrot.(N.Qlva. arty OoMMt, walveror approval Trustee heroic named w:actinq' Mraunder: Each such. appalntmenf. grid
<br /> tllarwaldM: or. takaMY OIINr actfonin conMCtioniMrwrlM;:or wnn a lasaea sirbatliutlon atoll ba made: by written IRatrumsnl DYBenefklary, cantalning
<br /> lnMwrrldM. wnkll wd,td RaYa.IM eR.at Of ImpaMnq fMvaiue of lesaw's inlereet rsfNMtce t0'tmE Trust Deed ]rid Its place Oi recdr0, wnlan when rscwtlstl IniM :.
<br /> Illafsurldar, on IM P(oparlY aubfacltMralo; oral itn0alring 1M posilbn pr Interest oNlu OI the Repistar of Oeede of lRe cOVmy Or cbuntlsa in whlcti Bald property la :
<br /> ditto Tnuar of BaMllclary,d(!)ealt,wkpn,:pkdpa, mortpaps or od»rrise altna[W aRail De cgnciuslve proof or proper appdntrtroncOllM auccasaw Trustee..
<br /> dtaaPM Ot,wnaumbsr,lialnlsrwtin any aucMleass Or any tenla, i5auea orprohta 'TM torspdrp power. of 9ubstftution antl iMProceduro thereloreanallnot Deg
<br /> IaaulnpwanNlb tMrsuntlar. ' excluaiw of the power and Procedure provaed lot by law. IOr the wbe0tuhbn OP a -.
<br /> TryatM Oi Trualew lntM PlacemtM Truatea.:
<br /> 12 Caf16rIIMYaw. if tiM tP any part oftM Property ahalioa tekM )n condsmnatkn:
<br /> proeaaNlrpe, by rbR/ol.amfmnt dtmu#n walmtlar actlM;dr,aMiF DesokE Under 2S ForaaefMw aY eanNklary or TnnW Nola Wataar. Any forsMannce by
<br /> liNNt Of COndMllMtlOn, alt cards, damapae ahd pfoceadeiro hereby aaalpnad ' BSna/lelary Or Tmatle (n exerGaln9MY. rbhl or remedy h0tsun0er; or O(Mrwlea :
<br /> ar1d atoll W. paab BMaflClary wM atoll apply such arards,.damagea and... aflwdadby ap9liRpie faw,:shailnot M e waiver of or prePlude the 9urclae 01 any'
<br /> prouada to iM aunn eecarw bytM Trwt OsYd;wlthlMaacess:7f a+y~, pale to tM ripM Or iem.ey Mreurroer.. Ukewlae,thewa7ver by BenallOla7.Or Trusles oi. any
<br /> ' Trualw: TN-Iw win promptly. anowith tlw QIISpMCe. iepalr. ai[erand restore tM pstault G: ":,„:tw Under iRle Trust Deetl eRali not M dtlemed t0 M a waiver OI any
<br /> ruMinlnp. part of tM Trwt PyDpsrcy to its 1Demar Wndltlon ey0atsmlatlytolM. olMrwelmlisr Oblautta.wbaequently ogourrlnp.::
<br /> etlanttMtttia soma m~YafwNDN Mtlap as to toMinuiea complete era uaatM.
<br /> uMl. 2t. Trvataf NOl RaMasadEktenalon of the time for. peymsnt Or mOdHicallOn or
<br /> amortixanon ai IM gums eacui.,tl try tMe Trust Deed scented: by Beneticlaryto any
<br /> to isMaAaNSSN.UpM.raques[of Trustw, BanNlclary, at earisfkiaryboption, caaaor In lnisraat bf Trus[orsMlthot operateto:ralNw,:lnanym nner; the.
<br /> WIOI Ili faWnvayanca of tM Property t0 tM Trva[m, may make fulury aC+attcee to 11aDlllty or iM OrbinalTNBtor or Truelci s succesaorIn:intereal: eeneflclary shall
<br /> tM TrWiw. Such futon advMCaa,:whh Imsrosl iMraon;aMll bs aacuretl by this rmt be; required 10 commence proceadinga againal sucheudceseor or refuse to
<br /> Trval DNdwItMwaan(wtl.DY.PrpmlMarY.notesEtatniplnalaelO nOiae are: exMnd Ume for. payment pr Otherwlee mOdlSy emortlzetlono?Ihe sums aecuisd by-
<br /> aacurad. ttarabq; provided tMt st h0 ttma Mall 1M sawrad pnnclpal, future tRis Trust Geed by reaaOn of any demendmatle by Ina Orlpina) Trostof and Truetor'a
<br /> irdvMCNr n01 1fMAytllRp aVma adYanCed.. 10 .protect IM EeGUtJty, tlxpeed OM DVGCaDeOro In {Rlereat. .
<br /> Mndfad t>•roent it00%IoltM.wbleal prlnGlp-I.amounta securetl Aarsby:
<br /> 22 Dalaalt. 11 there Mallbaa Oeisuli antler ihla Deed o/ Treat or under any prior
<br /> 11.IlaalalOai CwuMtlnw; All comedies p~oe4 minis Trust Deadem dlatiraf era mortpaps,lhe Beneflcl6ry may Cute 6uch default, and IM amPUnta advMCed by,
<br /> CumulatM laanY OlMrtlgnt aratMOyuMVtNa Treat DSetl Oraftordadbytaw or and rotnercoata Mtlezpenaea of tM banellclary In curing suchdefaul[,wttM
<br /> : aRWly, antl mayMa%arciaatl eoneumnlN; IntlaParaan2Nw wceeaalvsN. Intareat at the Aefadl rate contained In the Nole aecuretl net.ey from 1M tlrM of
<br /> #na atlvances or.paymeniasneli be added t0 the m0ebtednesa secured by Enl9 Trust
<br /> 1S AMalwaYaq' MaraalM: tats: Upon detwlY M: Trusts In tM payment. of eM DeaO and may be calieeted Rereunder at any rime after the time of aucn apvancea
<br /> kidaElfgrlaaa. aacurW MraDy rx in.IM parlornlaiwy of any aprlrament Mrwiasr, Or paymah7a anp anaH Oe tleemW to M secured Mrony. ".
<br /> lartalkMq@naY lfacia[s all Gums eacwad MreM ImmediafaN duo antlpapabla by:
<br /> CaltaarY to Trua{M of wttttNtdaclanUM of tlafWit TMTruatsa stall Mve iM 23.Oy1kr1 M FaaclWa. UPUn Iha xcuranca of My dalault nereundor;Benaliclary
<br /> t7o~M ofYM ditM Propartyarltl tt eanafJC/ary daaIrestM-Properly to W 1pW,lt shall Mie 1M dpflOn to roraCtoae this. Treat Deed Inlhe manner provided DY law fore
<br /> atWldajt0all wMn TrvatM tnlsTroa3DNCata:N?promiasory rrotaa era tlgcumsnn metorxlaeuea of mortgagas on raefprcparty,
<br /> arWarlcirtg a%psndllurae.:MCUrW Mnby, and aMh dNIvM !o Tngtae, a`:wdttM
<br /> igttp oldatwltara aiaciwn io cauas tM PraPa+1Y t6 izs add, era tM Trvatas .n 21.Trvatafa Rlphb.:AbNnt DMau{t. Until any default In the paYmeht ar
<br /> Wm aMtl I>faparoa slmltarNOUCS in PM twmrequlrad by taw; wntcti Enall b 6uN Intleb[ednesa hereby secured Or untfi 1Re wflacn o! any covenant Rareln contained,
<br /> tllad for raGwd:DY Tn:stae. ine Truslw;it s rsand asslyns,shall pOsabae arW enlPY the Property, and
<br /> (aj Attar tM IaPN of aycn time as msY M regains dY law tpllDw#nq iMfecOrp~ receive tMre trld Drmlts Iharetram. Upon paymMl of ail Bums secured M this
<br /> ABM O(.aa nptke Or d t alt, sndnMice Of detautt and notke of xla MYmg Tru t Deed BenetlciaN shah feq tTruetee to reconvey tM property end snarl.
<br /> bMn gluon N rpuitatl ay taw; Truatea, witnOUtdamand on Truator, Mall sail avrrentler this Teat. Deetl and all noted endenelnp IraeDtadMasseeured Dy this
<br /> IhsProparty rin iM Seta and attM bore antl glace tlsa/pnated in ultl holies of Tmat Dead to Truslee.7fueles melt reconvaytna Property without warranty and'
<br /> saN,at publk faction to the hbMEt b1dMr, Itro purchase price payable fn ithoul n p ,O YM Pa+sons legally Infed SM 8[O. TM Grantee In any
<br /> 4MUi InoMy01 iM Un7Fetl5te5va e[ PM lima Ot sale TM person caa0uctlnp w +e.Yam:e v Da ~ c~ bed .'Iha Pa or pa<so tined m etc, and
<br /> AM ash may, fwalry Gauss Mdaams axpaOlent; poa[pone iM tots from time Ih lists thmern al any. t.ers w tac.s anal) be c Waive. praoi of the
<br /> lofNM Uni111tsMlt:W Ppv'npletMam7, in aYery such CSae, iiOtk'9 of pOStpMe trutnlNttsss ihsrwi.. Such person pr 9eraona Shall payancPets of reGOrdlnq, It any.
<br /> mMf atoll M plvsebY punik dada ikn thereof by wcn Mfeon at [M time
<br />
<br />sM p4ca ta3t appdntad Fw tM oat ; prpvideQ it (M Sale is postponed tw. 15, ACCaktatlOtt In tM Event d T MiH. In the BrenttM IIiN to said tgal ea[ate Js
<br />
<br />::anger tnM fA day bayono Ins YleY deabMted In tM nptke of sak; notice Imnsterred;ar Ganima6d tb Da tranafarred, boor CM uMersl e0 for an isason or
<br />q 1 Y
<br />"
<br /> ttNfaOiaMd Wgivsn lntM acme. manner aaiM OnpJnal notice pi Sete. Many r^rerhpd wnatsoever,tM ti. p
<br />n p 1sum. and accruedirttereat shall at
<br />
<br />TMtM ahNi exeWta and tlallrfrr f0 tM purcRaEer hta DoedcOnveyinp the a become n3 Payab the k,jc "ton Of tM Benaiki ry. F II re Io ezercl69
<br />tnig option Dacauas o! :ranafe o. [:tls as abovo slated In P ¢ .RatflnCa Shan. not
<br /> Property sob, bu4 wRMut atrycpvYnanl Or wsrrMlY. a%pyes9. uImpasC. The t'uta a waiver of Iha rigor 20 e%wclsa.IM.asme In Iha avant of any au0soquent
<br /> ncitata in tM Dasd 6f lrly matt!(! Or fiLY3 atoll M GOrrG1V91Ye pf00tOt IM Iron916r.
<br /> irvthruln.as rr.ersOf. AnY pMEOn,lnctydlnp BeMrcfery. meY Purcnaae e; ?ns
<br /> ~ r'/A
<br />
<br />na WM*-Tr stae aslla pu:~uanr tO tM mbar In tM Tr stae anon tM 20. This daso of irVal laluni0r lo0Mdated _
<br />. _,_-___.___._~
<br />L tM rte I Dra• p ltlsla'par fbprs alsibd
<br />. (G) Af!a: .AYI..p `p'uma ..+ ra, ~autspaapra9Rtb}Il the wk4E Dy 'u>lee,m
<br />.M pra4 and,t•rr Opata al iPaVre and Sale iitM Si: pursuant
<br />to iu^ t « P..~~s w~xaeda Of sass antl! Ga AttPtled:;n tM order atatee
<br />ec,ne,ta_+r ..,_
<br />P> ' eruler,h ni tti:eP+GGUrbd (n CpMge130n wdn aUGn aa56 htl at
<br />v .v..a _: krnpik , ,.
<br />dN}~r.,.l.r :nii+e:tw~aan ac3altY9!rr,S:P+itMre?O
<br />Po+t'a e ~ apply
<br />prOfµJs al lM as Nr tc pay:~nant of 7M Corte. aM1 eXpablea of a%erclsiPg-#M
<br />powa. b snc o r . a;o, In^tlrtlin~IRa..paymertl:W the Truntee'aFaea
<br />actua r. u-res as t yd:_'11 ~~//ao~Yeof tM 5a£a P+ke. and than o
<br />axvrcutea M T valor. fU .___. .:.___..____ ..__...__.~. .:_L._.._... TNetx,
<br />pCUrirtp - prlRGlpai rtgla /pr _ ___, _„ ,.. .
<br />DOi68re end Ines Iu. facard with 4Rb Rgplatgr of Deeds eras IdentlPyd ea fdfOwa:
<br />