<br />DEED ®F TRUST 82-i)C~2450
<br />r GRANTOR(S): c~ ;n,~ ~
<br />f ...,..,. .,.,, ...., ,..,..... .,,.. ~..,.,.~ ~ i re,~3Ti- -
<br />II i
<br />ward ilaY'r': ~ ~'d c rr. oJ, 1212 ties ~~•ccr 1 -
<br />„~ i25 vts`ect ui; Gr x ~ s1 ~^d •,•,• ; i`,:;`;^ G.ra.-sd Isiatic~. F
<br />_. N_F3 P,ASKA
<br />on the uinpaid principal balances.
<br />rSi
<br />'11115 DEED OF TRtiST, Made this - day of ''riP _ l9 "' ,between T'-____ One = '- ~ _
<br />c ,-.
<br />hereutaNet called 'TRUSTOR. whnst add ass s 11 ~. • e5L ~~f-c_ uranc _TS' R^,. C,-, a - _ and - ~` ~ __ 1..~' : ~ P- ^-
<br />--____- ,hereinafter atlled TRUSTEE,: whn.ie address rs 1G?'>G ~~~. Y~~rl. •r'~`~'!~y,_ _'«-7,,,`,~; ~._j",~ ,~~1'i !:.
<br />and AYCO FINANCIAL SERVICES 1NTICRNATIONA L,: INC., a Ne6 lea corporatioc. hereinafter tailed BENEFICIARY, rsiu-~se address ~s
<br />1'1c ~Jes~ ~cccrd reef u~aztd island, ivrs ~J1
<br />property, situated in_I~~=~ _ County;. Nebraska:
<br />Low ? of Island' Ac*es, :~>zbe~^ 4, Subdiciwion a' Gra.^.d Island,'
<br />i:a1_ Catant; , t'T~bra ,Ica.
<br />~~~ `Iec~
<br />also known as
<br />/ (Number andSVeet)
<br />together with all buildings and improvements now o[ hersafter etectedtherepn and.all screens;-awnings;shades, storm. sssh and blinds, and heating; 5gh ung,
<br />plumbinlt, gas, electric, ven[da[irts,.refrigeratingand air-eonditioningegtiipment used m connection therewith, allnf'whieh;for:.the purpose of this Deedot
<br />Trust, shall be dcemtd fixtures arA-sulsject toihe lirn: hereof, and thehereditamertts and :appurtenances. per[xmingtothe property. strove: described, andail
<br />streets, lanes, alleys, passages; waysswaters.water couraes;rights, liberties and privileges, whatsoever thereun[o belonging or in anywise appertaining anA the
<br />reveniorts and remamdns, aU ofwhich is referredtn hereinafter as the "premises".
<br />TO HAYE AND TO HOLU the above-deseribsdgremises, with ilia apputtenances;artd fixtures, onto the said Reneflciaiy, its successors and assigns, forever,.{cr
<br />the purpoxs and uses heron s -ben fits under and. by virtue'oC any Homestead Exemption Laws: of the State of Nebraska
<br />which may be enacted, wAicls sa' oc ors hereby txprrsaly r~l,~sr andwaives.
<br />T[us[or also assigns to BeneC ' ~ tt~i miser, granting the rigittto culled and use [he same, with o[ without taking possession of
<br />the premises, durirtt continuance d ti once of such default authoriaingBenct7ciary..tn enter upon said' premisesand~or. to. collect
<br />and rnforce the same without re a indetitetlness hereby recurtd by anylawful means includingappointmrnt of a rtceiyerm
<br />the mine oC any party hereto, and to apply dte'Same leta'costs seed-expenses ofopsration and cpllectlon including reasonable attorney's Pets; upon,any indebred-
<br />rca soured hereby, in such order as Bercficury may determizte:
<br />FOR THE PURPOSE OF SECIi RING: ill Performance of each agl ~emrni of Tmstor contained hermn; (2)Payment of the pnncipad um with
<br />N[ercst, as provided in a -o[dance with the terms and prosisiurs of a Promissory Note; ( Loan Agreement (hereinafter referred to as promts,wry
<br />note'9 dat<al _.=TUS:e 1~[, '~~)t`< __ herewith executed 6y Trustor and. payable r. the
<br />order of BercCv:iuy, in the principal sum of S_ _~'Csr~~ arsd`ha~ing :he daze of its Cmal: .payment due on~-'17-3rl _
<br />or as extended, de€eaied or reseheduledby renews[ orrefinance; (3) Paymtne of any additional advances, with. irztetest
<br />thereon, ss tiny hereafter be loaned by Berctxiary'to Trvs[or in a maximum stunof 57,000.00 within 30 Yeatsfrom thedate of this Dcedof Trust;.howeJeq this
<br />ParaQaPh does not constitute a commitmen[ by Benefxiary zn toaksi fuzrue demands; (4) The payment of any. money :thatmny beadvanced by she BEntficiazy to
<br />Tttutsx for any reason or to thud pubes, with interest thereon, whoa the amounts are advanecd'[o prottdt the secutity'in accordancewi[h thecovenants of this
<br />Deed of Trust; (5) My rerxwal, refir[ancing or eztersapn of saidpromiuory note,ar any other agreement to,pay whick:may be substituted ihertfor.-
<br />All payments made by Trustor on the obligation. secured by-this Detd of.Tr[~t shalt bt apptiedin. the following order: -
<br />FIRST= 7b the paynxnt of taxes and assessments that may be levied and assessed against said premists,msurancepreminm a. re pare, ,md:all other ~-sargcs
<br />and ex ses agreed ±o be ptid b} the Trustor
<br />SECOND: To the prym<ni of in tere~t due o~ <atd epos '.
<br />THIRU: To the payment of pnncipnl.
<br />i0 PROTECT THE SECURITI' HEREOF, TRUSI,OR(S) COVENANTS AND AGREES: f 1) To keep said pram-;es in umd aeainat ;ors )ry. fire end otircr
<br />hazuds, casualty and contingencies up to ~h< lull v.tlue. of all-.improvements for `[he proteetioA.o£Benetlciarv in such n hoer, ~n .ouch amounh. and in such
<br />~omppaannuus as Beneficiary may (ram tune to time approve and that ipssproceedsLktss expense"oC oUectioni shall, at Bc eel warv'a optr, n,-be applied,on veld
<br />itdebt<dness, rherher due or not er in flit restoration of said improvements. [ntvent of fossTrustcr will ¢be i,mn~,edi to once br• mail to the Beneficiary.
<br />who may make proof of toss,( not nu dr promptly b; Trasior, and: euh insurance :company concurred is hereby aumur¢ d nd Airrzt •d to make payment for
<br />inch loos direc Uy w the B-. feisty m_te~d >f w he Tcustar (21 To pa} aU taxes and special, nti t trod t ~- ~<ui or may be I v':d zr
<br />assessed upon ivd prem~ , and ;o delrv a Beneficiary; upon req uesz o[ the ci3eneGciary_ .he n final upl ho mg pay.n ant .=t aifau h to ev and
<br />assessments. i3) In the cveni of defavL b- T ono under: Paragraphs 7 or 2 above,iBeneYiciary, at b option ray ial place. and keep such insurmce ~•
<br />rose
<br />p[ovided(nr in force throughout the 1 t of [his De.-d of Tru t undpay zhe rtasonah3e premiums end chazgts [he Prot; ~h) pay ail said taxesand arse... menu
<br />aithotit dei<rmanirla the valydit ~ :here f ~ d icy P v :.n hens and all. such dubursemen [s shallbe deemed a part ,af rtie. rndcbtedn«s secured. by thrx U i ui
<br />Trust and shall be immediatrty due and payable h Tr stor tr ltenciiciary. (4):.To keep the bnildmgaaud ofnerimprovtments:now reintfnf - h afire
<br />fretted in d~,od ond9tion and mpair, not .o :om..ut u. wtfer any waste or anyusC of said prem[sescon[i'ery to: restrictions of record ur contra7) _ . nd
<br />Eo pefrrilt BencfGvry :o enter nt all r asp able ~i cs for the pis: pose of mspeaiing the premises; not to remove ar demolish any burldrng [lies- t.
<br />eaorc
<br />promptly and in a good sn4 wotkmanhk° nrannet any 6mldmgs which rttay be damaged or dutroyed fihereon, and tp pay, wficn dot, all eta .nslot labor
<br />pefurmed and matetialt furnished therefor; i,5) That, if a signer of the Promissory Note, ht v>,llpay, prompd} the zredebredness secured hereby, and perform all
<br />other aNiptions in full c=ampiixnce with the terms of said Promissory. Npte and this Deed of Trust. (6) That the tithe of payment of the indebtednessl~. r: eb}
<br />secured, or of any' portico therooi, may be crt<nded or renewed and anyportions ot".tht premises hereindescribed may; without notice, he released from the lien
<br />hereof, without r<{easisys or >i fee ring tnc perk oat liabsltty ~.f soy person or ilia priority of this: Deed of Trust. (?). That he does hereby forever warranrahdwul
<br />fo[ever defend the tide sod lwsseaion ?h<te•,; against the IawfW claims o.` any and aU.perwrts wiratsotver:
<br />il) ShoWd.Truuor Ia6 to make any payment or do any act as herein Piovid<d or rl any -von or proceeding, is epmmenetd whielt :mate .aLl~ aflerts
<br />&nrCic iary's in [ate-..t io rh< Premas~, then Benz t4aian• or 7nisze<, but without o5ligatio , to do so, r urhuut nu;tce Yoor d~andupon Trustor.-nd Wahout
<br />rcieasirg TrcRCrRom say oWipairoa hcr<nndet, may matt or do the skint, and may pay punluc. c t t sl cr oamprozyrise any tncumbranct~ churgc . h ~ir, •a'itich
<br />n Che 1 dipnea n1 et her sppe~ r' to setter said property: and i crnnng . uch po c ~rr_u; n1 li~ 6 in n~ . p nd wha[everamounts Ilia rwl
<br />err n .F Derref Sa , ar T. tic ei4icr roe; deem ncccssuy Lh tr AB s ms o m•vr d. r expende Dv yet. r ~r. Trustee shah bt without do ~erti:
<br />duiu du€ .md payable try , rusto:, .bald btu ir•Ierest at :he htyh est n'e parr„red by lain and .hall F ,.,, ,. erebr ,r
<br />i~1 SCnrNd ch_ Pxntscx. w ar P- orttr: ~ rc r-t by nose t ,I aU '-nd n c ,.:rc:l R, Nr ..:.< <.r,il lt~ ~nteited .u+ ~nstx-n s.. ;~,LS
<br />and o[ha yayr., nt treacfar, x.d rr at pl, me aan+_ ',n the lead _btcdnezs ~.cur~d l+rrc s. ~ - e' ~~~
<br />,3} Y u;:eyt nµ lay-nr ;f r ) ar -ear-.by s< r r. mr its duvu af~a ~ r t:.u
<br />nc/
<br />wsH p,Tit ~ P ayn n bar. d f ,lu v u o f ~ r- I Et i
<br />r ire
<br />~.t I wrlG
<br />arty u, f "; nt <3.,.r n II ! 2~ d L ~-< u 1 _ be t rr u
<br />.. ,..
<br />~~_ rrl r.~rrti. ,a~ ,rr..i a pt.,. _,it>. r t„~,. ...md,..ta .~.ii r..t, ~ ,. ~ ~r,a ~.
<br />Ia40 rx!aa~;n't.Ixs3rA4l,M.:nt ,G!sy CAVl bz^r:iiM~At. FATr.
<br />