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<br />- ~ ~ 52-A-REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE-(With Tax Clauae) }rev .Huffman antl Felton d WOth Wslton: Me. 68451
<br />! ~ F4~a~U2441
<br />-.--r- -
<br />- ~ xNOw .aI,I, MEN iaY TIrESi; rII>sFrrrs That Bison Investors, Ltd:, a Nebraska Partnersfiip
<br />~~ ~ of Hal I Covnfy, and State of ~ Nebrd5 kd in consideration of the stun of
<br />r ~ Two Hundred Forty Thousand and 00/10U-------------------------------------------~-,1,L"ars
<br />;n hang paid, do hereby sEf,l. ana coN~~rY r~nt~ Thee First .National Bank of Grand Island,
<br />Grand Island, Nebraska
<br />~ r
<br />{ of Hdll County. State of Nebraska the following described premisessituateK3 !
<br />in Hall County, and State of NebrdSkd , to-wit:
<br />Lot Six (6), Block Nine (9), Continental Garden's, an Rddition'to the City
<br />of Grand Island, Hal' County, Nebraska.
<br />1
<br />i
<br />I
<br />i
<br />';~
<br />- #
<br />~ The intention being toconvey het-:by anabsolute titlein fee:-simple, including allthe rightsof homestead ;md dower. - '
<br />TO HA.'E .aND TO HOLDthe premises abovedescribed,'wiih all 'the appurtenances`thereuntobelonging,unto the-said
<br />mortgagee(si and u. his, her oriheir heiraand assigns forever; providedalways,-arid theserpresent; _ire upon-.theexpress
<br />rnndition that if the said mortgagor(s), hie;.her orYheir heirs; exc~9rtors,'administratora oraseigns shall"pay or causi to be '.
<br />j paid to the said mortgagee(s). his, her or their heirs, executors; administrators or ensigns, theprincrpal sum of $ 240,000 • 00 ;
<br />payable as [ollows, to wit:
<br />I1 Thirty-Five monthly installments of principal and interest of $3,357.60 com-
<br />I mencing July I8, 1982 .and one final balloon payment of $240;697;62 due and.
<br />payable June ?9, 2785. Ginal installment is a balloon payment and'this lender ~
<br />may consider refinance.
<br />j
<br />i
<br />i
<br />j wiU, intcrc3t according to tlu tenor and e8ect of themortgagorswrittenpzoaussorynote bearing even date with these presents ~
<br />j and shall pay all taxca an3assessments ievied upon-said realistate, and all other taxes, leviesand assessments levied upon this
<br />f mortgage or dre note 'which this mortgage is given to secure, hefore the same bernmes delinquent, and keep the buildings ~n
<br />II said Frremisc-e ~nsu re<! for th,~ sum. of $ 240 ,Q~~ • 00 ,:.Loan. if any payable to the .;ard mortgagee, then these preaent~+
<br />to be void, otherwise to M~ and remain in full force.
<br />i 7'P 1.S FURTHER AGREED. (1} Thati. if the said mortgagor shall fail to pay such taxes: or procure such uisurancc. chc '~
<br />~- i said mortgagee may pay such taxes and procure suchinsurance: and thesum so advanced, wthinterest-at eighteen per
<br />i ceof, shall be repaid by ,aid mortgagor, and,this mortgage shalt starrd as security for the same:.(2} 'That afailure-to pay any
<br />of said money either principal or interest, when the Game becomes due,.. or a failure to comply with any of the foregourg ;
<br />agreementF, shall reuse the whole sum of money herein secured~to become dve and coilectible.~at nice ~t the option of the
<br />' mortgagee.
<br />9;gned infix 28 day of June 19 82 .
<br />- ' ~ m preaence of Bison ;nvest~ors,ad A iiebra.s a Partnership
<br />/~ ~ _
<br />.. _._ _ .__..__.... _ __ _ _ _ ~~ ~~ r
<br />B
<br />_. _.
<br />_. __ _____ ... _ i
<br />Mid-Continent Enterprise Tnc.,
<br />J ___ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ :;eneral e.artnar
<br />j i4>•lien, ar ~F'recidoat _ -
<br />STATE OF .....Neb1' ~ T, ,`, . ^`..... ,County of ...Na 1 1" _n .
<br />...
<br />0 c:
<br />1
<br />The foregoin S~r ~ 11~'tlpg~ wledged before me _ . ... _ •JUne; . , .... [ 18
<br />. .. ..:19.~~..
<br />by...Cil£f3R.R.~. `l~sc~y~~s~,Pr!P~lent of Mid-Continent Entetc'i-5ses, inc., General '
<br />Partner on be lf;of~l~6~ Ig've ors, Ltd.,A NebraskaP~rt~ershio,-^~ Aartnersh,i.p"
<br />a i
<br />i i ~r Ji" ~E3~•'~ S.gnatvre of Perspn Taking~Acknawledgment
<br />i My Ccmrt;ission Expires: 7/2!84 Notary Public
<br />'Pitle ..... .. .. .
<br />' STATE OF.._
<br />- s -"'~-- ~-~~~~~- - "`-' '° t ~ .Entered on numezicsl index and Sled.. £or recazd
<br />County ____.___. _,...... tin the El~giater at Deeds Office of saidCouutyti~e
<br />... ... .____._dayoL........ __.___. ._.,.._.29,..._.:;at, ._...c.. .......!.o`ctockar~tl ...:.._... _.,miitutes ......::...... .M.,!
<br />and recorded in T3vok..... _.. _....._._ .....:....of .... ,...... ....:.,.,...at page.: _._ ... .. .: ..:.. .. ..
<br />........_. ..~.:.:: .._.,,_.. .:,:_....."Reg: nt l~ccd~
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