<br />82~-t)u24'26
<br />:...: r.un, ~,, ~ i. ,c~ ~-r,:~r. nrn,H -. ltaa..ml rrt ru`
<br />;OT~~r^. OF LIS PENLENS
<br />'voice _ hereby gi•/en that a petition was been _'i1er.
<br />in the Gistricc Lour= of Hall Co~int:~; Ne~raska, ~.~hereir.
<br />Cor;u^ercia- .aderal ~av±nqs and :,oan ASSaca_ior, ~r~o_atr», _s
<br />plaintiff= and Donald-A. Dennhardt and others _
<br />are dersr.da- c_,, =:ze ob ect and aray~r of w;hic,". :s h -
<br />7 _ aia ~_, accoaa_
<br />_ Ong from ~ha dezendants, Donald A.Dennha~xdt'and Cathy S. Dennhardt.
<br />of the an~unt u~ the n~, nti__ .,. thr
<br />certain r,.ait:age 'gated the 3rd cay of October ,^ly S0
<br />_.nd Filed _.. r_he office "of the Register of Deeds, _ Hall _
<br />Coun*_•y, Nebras~a, on the 3rd ctaY of `October c -.? 80 ,
<br />at Doc. No. 80-005664 - where'i,~ ,Donald ~.
<br />De-nnharr~t an~3 Cathy S D nnha d :fl0rtg2CjeC ar.d ~On':*eyed _..
<br />~!:e sa,d - _a ;tart tne =oliow~ag-describes reaY estate ,_tuat=d _-.
<br />FTaI l '" - _ ~+ebra5Kar t0-Wlt:
<br />Lot Fart,-five (45), in'Fonnervew Ssbdivrson,°
<br />City of Grand islans, Hall County, Nebraska''
<br />to obtain ~ Porecios>>.re of maid nortgage •_ have tse sane delcared
<br />_:.~. .o
<br />a lien anon the ..serest o~ Donald A. Dennhardt and others
<br />In Sd'_d recd °_Sta Lc' and -: ~1r to Pa::CCS tn'=rC tG; t:J r:n`;e Sa'_d _eal ._St<1"_
<br />and appurtenanc=; sal ~ to sans=_ __'~e _=:aci,:-,t so _our~d due, tntiether
<br />with the cost of ~.._~~and _„ ~or.eclose the said ca=endants cf al1
<br />right, _.tla, _..te
<br />whatever __. ar.d _
<br />toget~aer .v_, _ac~
<br />]US's and ~t3LJ :. c:
<br />=esr, __ _ cii~, remand ai:c. ea'--.city of rede:rptio-
<br />tine ~~_~ reai _s~«~~ and -_uc„-penances thereto.
<br />_r_'ner snd =crt:~:er re~_~e= s ra .he Coot ma'•; sc--,_~.
<br />'!'.'dMERCZ'_"~.L : ~G~R.iL sA.vlr.GS .aNn
<br />_"*J ASSOC.I :~Ja, .. -orporatior.
<br />cL ~fG ~'~ \~/~K.,~ r
<br />3y 6 l
<br />r z~.•.,~G~:Z-l~.^ 3:U`Wi7 iE~'-IY, --.,::_?,
<br />Sl_ :1- x..17: 21~t: ~-+'1`T+L t~
<br />