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<br />52-A-REAL ESTATE`MORTGAGE-{With TaxClairse) Rev.. 7& Huffman. and.Feltan &Wolt, Walton. Ne, 6N4E'. <br />KNO~~' ahL ~fEN E~ THESE PRESENTS: That Michael J. Marscilek and Amalie G. : <br />^lp~u~s~e~P ,~~ ~ t~ ~e~ard severally e'a~ h in his ahd her o>-sn eight and' as <br />j of ° - Coun y~and $1.ate of ~ P b r i ~ k>a in consideration of tike sum of <br />Fifteen Thousand D~llare nl'_ ;i~.,,;;)---~-°---------------------~OT:L~+RS <br />in nand paid, do hereby SELL snit CONVEY solo Thomas J. M'arsolek and Ann' C. Marsolek, <br />S 3S jOiC:t t.@C: d:i ?;5 - <br />of Caunty, $tatc of C01 Ora d O the following desczibetl'pTemises situated <br />i n H = 1 1 County, and State` of Nebraska , to-wit: <br />Lot Ten (10) in Block Thirty-seven (37J <br />rq ussel Whee'ler's' Addition to the City of <br />•! ~ ~ Grand Island, Ha11 County, Nebraska. <br />~ ' <br />ni <br />j N ;1 <br />ia0 ~ <br />I The mtentionbeing toconvey hereby anabsolute titlein (ee simple,: including all she rightsofhomestead and dow er. <br />TO FFAVE A;vFD. Z'O AOLDthe pramises atwvedeseribed; unth alh-the appurtenances tnereunLo helonein R, unto the said <br />~' martgagee(sj?and to his: her ar'their heirs and assigris forever, provided afways, and these`,ptrenUS see upon the express <br />mndition'that'if the said mort~agor(s}, his; her artheir hairs; csecutors; administrators orassigrti shad hay nr cause to Se <br />peal to the said mortgagee/sj, hay. her arthetr heirs, executors; 'administrators or assigns, tho principal suro of $ 1 ~ , ~ Li.. 0 (, ~. <br />payabla as follows, b~wa: _Gq equal monthly amortized payments o t=Oc ac'n, <br />including _ncpai andinterestr_atl5hper annumand Vita 1-_ ..=.uch <br />payment °=ra~. ap?'_ied<to pay the :accrued inters a!,~i to~_ ,•_nce <br />~, ~ applied in aduct ~rioP the principal; the Fir~t~ scc't ,1,;y~~ent <br />_~, payable a~gcst ', ~1982'and the.. finalpayment 's pas~abie Jal;; 1, <br />'9g7. <br />'. with interest acNrding ko the tenor and eiTw,-t cif the-martgagiirswrittenpromissorynote bearing even date with tFiesepresenis <br />' and shall pay all taxes and assessmento-lrYVied uhunssid real ,•aate .u.i ell other fazes, Leviesand assessments leviedupon this <br />~. mortgage or the m~te`which this: mortgage i+ a'ivan to'securr, tx:fac22r~che sitmaehecame delinquent, and keep the buildings on <br />' sad pren,isex ,nsu re,i for the sum. t Sa r7 ~ of -tl7 e t7lJ floss; t2`Bny; DDpayJlable. to the said. mortgagee, then thew. Prreents <br />G> be void, otherwise to. be-and remain in fuL' force. <br />', ~ 1`P IS FUR1'IiERAGREED(11 That rf the said martga gor shall fail to pay such taxesor procure such in3urance, the <br />said mortgagee may pay such taxes and pnrwurr ,uch insuranc a and the sum so advanced, with interest at lc, per <br />cent, shall lxx repaid by said rnortg~ E- -and thin mortgage shaft `stared as sacutity for the same~~~.(2} That afailure to pay any <br />j of said niooey, either principal or interest, when the same becomes due; or a. failurg to ;comply.. with. any. of the foregoing ' <br />agree,nen r8, shall cau~ the whole sum of monr•v harem secured to became due.and collectible -at .once at the _option of the <br />mor!gagee. <br />.> :' / <br />Signed this ~ ~ da ( J l' i, c' 1 S <br />ichae~ J ar ~ ,~ <br />smalls G. ;1ar,clel: <br />STATE OF ....N E 3 P.4 ~ K., ............. ~ County of ,:..H A•L I•,:.:.......:......... <br />!~- <br />The foregoing instrument wa=. acknowledged before me .. _ ...J u:n e ~. ?..-....... -_ _ ....:.19 :g ~ . <br />by ... N,z~'r,a~l ~. Mar~sciek and Amalie G. Mar,o'~ int. anc. severalr~-, <br />each in cis arc tter own right and'asILL]sjpo~Llut~,r~j$+~'e~ f r~t t/n•ar <br />~ i ~~•~~ ~~ Siguatureof P son Taking Acl+nOwl~dgrzient <br />rq canes, ~. ~ a ,~ <br />'T'itle <br />_~ <br />L I STATE pF... ......_ __.. _ -. j Enteredan numerical index arn3 filed i~r r-cord <br />i. <br />County ._ _. __.. _ I in the Reg:ater of Deeds Office of said County thr• <br />_.da,• nf.___, 7~.:...,... at. ......'. ........:.o'clockasid_.....:._..... ntinates....,.._..._.:._Pa., <br />send rc-carded in i3r*oic_ __:._lof .... ....... .... -.... ai page.._....... ,. <br />......:...... __...:. .. _..:.,.. _.. ........ _.. Rag.. of Decais <br />