<br />..,_;_4,~~;}-:Cerk+Cicatpot-County Court Proceedi.,g'lnvolvi,~s~j`ReapptrrE~~s~~tatt~1ofr~1r]gqL[++OOA.. C. Mayer '
<br />Daic-_.Tune 11 _1982 QG'~JV2OCi0
<br />!:~' Tf1E COU:VT]~ CUUR'f' OF._:.._ ._;.,-_._ Hall ". ~GOU.VT}'. ,VEBIt~1S1[el
<br />`~ ~ This is to certify thai ihen is pending in tlrr ~ouniy.Gourt oj_ __ _.~ Hamel l -.County,
<br />.`ebraska, a pruceedirzg eniiifeu:
<br />' ---__--~ri~he.~iar Qr n the_E~tate___of Arthnr H`_ _RnPhl.~_.:_. _
<br />.\'n _ P82-78 Dacr P82 Pacye----78 -----
<br />which is a procet°~'irEg uwotvng Formal~Frobate~of PJill, ,I)etermir:anon oz Heirs and.
<br />(oroLufe of u~ill,adrnrr~srrrtr~.a ufasfatr, dale: rn!rtafior, cr,hairs, de[ermination
<br />A ointment of Personal R~ tativ r
<br />P~-___ °E_ _ ~ A~ which proceeding the fo.luair~y aescnbed real
<br />' o,I tn'~u,'anc. (u. ~•rtardiaraship; or coriserucforship
<br />esialr is iavotced, to-wii: '
<br />1. An undivided one-half interest in Lot Five (5) in Block One ?~undred
<br />One (10.U , Foenig and Wiebes Addition to the City_`of Grand Is and,
<br />Nebraska, commonly known a 622:West Koeng'Street, Grand Island,
<br />Nebraska.
<br />2. An undivided one-half;interest in the Southerly Seventy-one and
<br />Sixty-five Hundredths Feet (S 71.65'') of 'Lot Five'(5) Block Eighty-three I
<br />(83), Original Town, now City of Grand fisland, Nebraska, commonly known
<br />as 522 West"1st Street, Grand: Is land,.: Nebraska.'
<br />3. Easterly 23' of the Westerly 46' of Lot Six.(6) in Block'Fi£ty-.nine
<br />(59), in the Origna Town, now City 'of Grand Island,. Nebraska, commonly
<br />known as 516:F'est 3rd'Str~et, Grand Island,`Nebraska.
<br />4. Let T'wa (2) in West Heights Addtian to the City of Grand: Is land,
<br />Nebraska, commonly knoevn 'as 419 West Avenue, Grand Island, Nebraska.
<br />5. Southerly 1/3 of the Northerly 1/2 of Lot Five (5) 'in Block Sixty-
<br />five l65) in the Original-Town,'now City of Grand Island, Nebraska',
<br />commonly known as 2A7 North Wheeler`:Street, Grand.Island, Nebraska.,
<br />6. The Center 1%3 {fronting on Wheeler Street) of the Northerly 1/7 oz
<br />Lot Five (5} in Block Sixty-five {65):in the Original 'Town, now City ~f
<br />Grand Island, Nebraska, commonly known as .209 North°Wheeler Stri=et;
<br />Grand Island, Nebraska.
<br />_:_~AR_~4.hHrd-~. Weavp~ ---------- _.
<br />turtq Jrrdy~e of sar'it ,cauniy
<br />pJt17Y cO
<br />G ..~.,,,_~9~ ~ .,
<br />' (~~ - ---
<br />_ ;. Clerk of '?~e Cr,u„iy Court
<br />f`~' ~..'M,r,f rye
<br />.Sc tan I ~- J ~la~,~'r•, 4e .;rnta l . ~ ,q 'r o{ w 'is under 'he ~ro ,rams of Y.'h¢pfer 3U, ar •da
<br />J t ar l , ~rt r ~ f ~..tt3 flic i cr s ~`Ct r t; fha cfrlo m ral,a:, ,;rl eux ur, irr fhe prraisiona aJ
<br />1 r'n< rr >~ onc~ ! err u , ~ , r :•-,_ , r , ,~sm rs a G7upler ','7,. ¢7frr7 ~0 ~ij yu~rdiarrahips
<br />L ,n. .nc prrr. ~r f~ r s3, r,ltur . '_ 1 : ,ar, av wcatotts of (:ncr~ttr 38„r.tdt 9, 'era
<br />`;e~t<:u'r tr (: lrfi~(~ _, - r ,,. ..,<, y, l.c'. .,, ~,`! t.~~..., -.,sCar:I1n
<br />_ ~ -" ~ - ~..a der uttrxy iv~if !>'>~~c~
<br />.. .. ~ ,
<br />cr,'l.;~t:, lfc w'•t < r~: °- , -.h N. .. -. i„ tql;. r~ ::~ c5. e ~_. lor,;tfe+t wrEtrtnl:r dais irflar the
<br />,...c ,. . , ,.--:r,e,.
<br />