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S2~ii 1, ~ 3 E, `l 82--x} ~ 2 Q{) 0 <br />t <br />Buyer shall have the privilege of paying, at any time, <br />any sum or sums in addition to the mcnthly payments herein <br />required, without penalty, except that if` Buyer intends to <br />prepay the entire balance, Buyeri_s togive Seller thirty <br />days' notice of such intention: <br />Should Buyer fail to payany installment due under <br />this agreement at its maturity, then the unpaid principal <br />balance shall bear interest at the maximum legal rate <br />during the period of deiinquencv. <br />All payments due hereunder shall be made at such place <br />as Seller may designate, ,.finless pavrnents are to b~ *r.ade to <br />the escrow agent. <br />TAXES: Taxes shall be prorated to date of possession, <br />with ~eT~r Co pay all taxes before that date, and Buyer to <br />pay all taxes thereafter. <br />Parties agree that "taxes" also includes all assess- <br />men a and special taxes for municipal. and other public im- <br />provements of record,or cahi_ch ma^ come into existence <br />after the date of this-:,agreement. <br />INSURANCE: Buyer agrees to keep any improvements on <br />said property insuredlunder _*ire and extended coverage <br />policies, and to pay the premiums on such insurance <br />policies as they become due.. ..Such policies shall be <br />carried in an amount nut Less than the unpaid ba'lance.of <br />the purchase price due hereunder.. Such policy or policies <br />shall be issued in the names of Seller and Buyer,'as their <br />respective interests ;r:a~~ appear; and shall be delivered to <br />and retained by Seller during !-hc continuance of this con- <br />tract. <br />TITLE: Seller bas furnished Buyer with an abstrac of <br />title to any real estate involved herein, extended'to date, <br />which abstract will show marketable title in Seller at t:he <br />date thereof. Said ahstract is to be"retained by ;Seller <br />during the cont'nuence of this agreement, unless provision <br />is made herein for an escrow agent, i_n which case the ab- <br />stract shall be. retained by the escrow agent. <br />SELLER'S REMEDIES ON BUYEP'S DEFAULT:. Time is-~f the <br />essence o t is contract- <br />Buyer further agrees that cf he shall fail Go pay any <br />taxes or assessments levied or assessed'against'the zeal <br />estate, or fails today the premium of~insurance„ Seller <br />may pay said taxes', assessments or premiums,l;and the amount <br />so paid shall become due and payable forthwith by Buyer to <br />Seller without notice or demand, anc'shall became a part of <br />the principal balance due under this contract. <br />Ii Buyer fails to pay an~~ amount due under the terms <br />of this contract, ar if Buyer fails to'perform any of the <br />other terms, covenants or agreements of this contract, or <br />if Buyer shall abandon the real estate., the whole of the <br />indebtedness dui under this con tact, ogether. with any " <br />advances made tsv Seiler as ttierein provde~3, snail. ibecome' <br />and be immediately due and payahle at `the, option cf SelLlier <br />without notice or demand, the same beflg e.:xpressly waived, <br />and Seller may proceed tc Y.- eclose Chits contract in the <br />manner provided by l aw. Lr. ~h~ event rhaBuyer should ;fie indeEaulz <br />of any covenants hereunder. tiie ~e1~~r w71] give t~h2}s~,ver 17 da~swri[r.E:n <br />notice [a cure ~ ~<} defzuilr. Iz Yiy.,r failsco cure same -aichinsaid perzcad <br />~{ brae, Seller ~5ay axe:r.C ~ any ler;ttl, r€.tn<uies avaiaanle ~w hira iciclixdi.ctg <br />