<br />2tla h-RELEASE of MORTGAGE-Caxporaiioa g2--~} ~~;2 3 gS Tha xafrman araprat : „nnrr.~b~,+a. i3naotr. xebr.
<br />Ile` CptVSIDERATIpN of'tke payment of the debt named thereix, tAe FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF
<br />GRAND ISLAND, GRAND TSLAND, NEBRASKA herel+y tedeiuzs ke rrsortgag~ nuede .o'
<br />on thr folloct~ing described real estate, to-wit:
<br />Lot (One) 1, in Black Forty-Nine (49) in'Packer and uarr's Second
<br />Addition co the City of.Crand 1sla~id, Ha1T CUUnty, Nebraska, and'the Westerly One-hlalf
<br />(LJ'+~),i of that portion of Logan: Street which was vacated by Grand Island C i.ty Ordinance
<br />No. 4880 which vacated;partion of i;ogan SCreet-as-described in the Ordinance as l~~llow•s:
<br />A portion of platted-Logan Street, be ng Eighty {$0) Pee[ :in width, lying, between-Block
<br />.Forty-Nine (49) and Block Fifty (50)"in Packer 5: Barn's Second Addition to the`City of
<br />Crand Island, Hail County, Nebraska, from=the northerly line of Third Street in said City
<br />to-a Line joining the Nor[heasterly corner of said 131ock Forty-Ni_ne (4I') and the North-
<br />westerly corner of said Block fiYty,(50): Subsequent to N[ay 18, 1973 at 8c00 o'clock A. M.
<br />Lot Two (2) in Block Forty-Nine (44) in Packer and 6arr.'s Second Addition to the-City of
<br />.Grand Island, Ha11 County, Nebraska; Subsequent to_iiay 18, 1473 at 8:00'o'c ock A.I.
<br />- wt Three'(3) in Block Forty-Nine (49} in Packer and 6arr's Second Addition to he City of
<br />Grand Island, HaI1 County, ;Icbraska. Subsequent co;~L-ir~h 9th, 1.9.73 at 8:00 o'clockc ±..'•;.
<br />Let '.'our (4), in Block Forty-Nine {49)° in Packer aril Barr°s'Second Addition to :the :;ity ~~_
<br />Gra~.~l Island, Haii County, Nebraska: Subsequent to .}uae 25th; 1973 at 8100 o'clock i;.M. 4
<br />F'ra~tional Lot Qne (1);:in Fractianal'B1ockFifty..(50), <in PackcrandBarr's.-Second
<br />~dditi.on, and its complement,. to-wi[': Fractional Lot Eight (8),,in Fractional B1ac1:
<br />Four {v?, in tiernohan and Decker's Addition, both beint; additions to the. City of Gran::
<br />Island:, Hall County,. Nebraska;
<br />And Lots Two (2), Three-(3) and Four (4},'in Block Fifty (SO), in Packer and'Barr'~ Cecond
<br />Addition to the City of Grand Island, Ha11 County,- `ebraslca;
<br />And the Easterl One-Half ar F•.asterly,Forty(40) poet art that portion of'roacated':Logsn
<br />Street lying between Block Forty-Rune.{49) and'Block I'if.ty-{50)°of Yacker and'Bazr's Second'
<br />Addition extending from the Northerly line of Third Streat:to a lzne joining the North-
<br />. easterly .:corner of said Block 49; and .the Northwesterly corner of said Block 50; the
<br />vacation of which was accomplashed by'Ordinance No; 488U.,,And vacated Harrison Street
<br />lying between .Facker and Barn's Second Addition and'rCernohan and Decker's'Addition-tom
<br />Grand Island, Ha1.1 Comity, Nebraska, the vacation of which was accomplished by;Ordinarice
<br />No. 4$92:_..
<br />Lots 'three (3), Four ((i), Five j5) and Six (6), in B;1ac;c Pipe {5),,, in Kez~nohan and
<br />Decker`s Addition to the City of'Cranci island., Hall^.ounty, ;dcbraska.
<br />of Section ,'in Township ,Range of tAe 1 . :lf., Hall
<br />i'ountti. Mate of Nebraska whuh is recorded in Book lE~Si of'1e43u1.:~i~tair.'s'V3vrtggyes, page 20~
<br />cf the records. of said`County.
<br />L4~ TF:STItYf+7NY LFFIERJ;OF, the said THE FIRST NA')rIQNAL BANK' t7F GtL9N,D ZSLAND kas causeu+
<br />' lhe.r poasznts to be executed~q~~~Q~ie>Yit and itsi;orporaBeSza1%to b~c~t~-r7~5ar'eln,t$is i5th
<br />da_y of June x9.. 82_ THE',FIRST N~Ti.02dAL BANK OF GRAND ISLAND
<br />t{~itr. .: GR~±,~DS 1Fy~}`~GStW'f .._. ,- .......:_
<br />...: By.~~/J~'- i~Senior Bice -
<br />_- __._- _ ......... ... ... _.-.. __..... President
<br />_---. __..___ _... _~ttest -. - ._ . __ Cashier Ser eta v
<br />~ NEBRASKA
<br />tiT~?iL- OF --. .-- ---.. -. 15tH Jane
<br />..- _.j
<br />~2
<br />t pn this .. d¢ a .. . ._,. , .. ....; 7
<br />~ , ss. y f .... g
<br />~>~. ... ...County f beforz rrie, the undersigned, ¢ Not¢ry PxibJsc in and fnr s i,;
<br />-- . _ _. ~ .
<br />ourt OB_ ERT, J, -. h14$E&_--:....... ..:.:..:.._SENIIlR SIGE_..... President of rke
<br />_. - ... ~nYa v31~~ -..- -_..
<br />so s ' T >: ~ e the ~ressaent and id ntuel pzrsnn etrhose Harz 's a~ixcd tv 'he cFinue r-eleuse c> ~i
<br />„c tt~~c, on tlxereaJ to bs har volunteuy act. and deed as such. oj~icer, and tha .~olsintxry aet¢nd dead
<br />of s ~ G rporc on. ~
<br />r ~ ::anal Sral ¢t :rit1ND ISLAtaDr YEBRPS Jn.said ~'aufti, Uie day urtd dear;
<br />1'I^.:crn.nu~ s.. ~~~%~ _t2..~.L..:..'~..,._._., r9~'~ ~``.~_~~. .~--fs;e~ ~L.. e.-Z~-:'~"rfi,;rY+'~F03ar~t Fub'i..~;.
<br />L _ -
<br />e _, ~.
<br />
<br />