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<br />j¢; Tn°C ir> th° event t,2re Mortgagucs fali-tc pay amen due any t.a+ce ~, liens, ~udrgneats, or as >es sments, or fail to <br />-~na it'=trr 1:nsurance as 'herelnbefore ..provided; cr fall to pay. rents, tees; or i;hargesunder toe-termsofanyl.ease; '~. <br />permit. '1 ^ense;orprlvLlege; or'MOrtgagee is rec~.[ired*a Shcur expenses for abstracaiees--,: atto*ney-lees; cast.^„ <br />isle + _. , other charges in connection wi th 11 ti AaCl w:, MorSgage_ may tt~a;ce such. payment orprovi de such insurance, I <br />~ rt ~ur sudh tallgatlon, and the emoints pa'1 f7 thet`efor shallDecome a part of'the lndebtedhess secured hereby du? <br />;~i1 F~Yat1 ~rur~^f stely, a2id "snail bear int=i'es*, from the date^'.oS payment at Lhe. same rate asprov?fed . ~r Sof ~. ~,:I c i <br />t-~ ~~ note. <br />^_~at !n theev ant aiiyaivards are made to r ~ ,o tgagbrs t~rtiheir sticcessors Sn lntereSt 4or tak ing ur ¢arr.~=g1'- <br />_ ~te ~~rclse'ef emknent domalnthe'whole or ~ partaL the..mar+gagedpremises or any easement, there' , trie sa.t ', <br />,,.i.e. hereby assigned'.*.o. CheMCrtgagee;.tt' '-+ort7c3ee`1s herebyautttorizedtc.collect:'-.receive,': :.+d-rerepir <br />n _. <br />erg.*or and, to appiyLiie sstra in~ay+aen:..of ar,J Lndebtedness;matimed or unmatured; securedDy th1Amortgage.. <br />""oat in the event Mortgagors .default 1n the ;,ayment o^ said principal sum, or of any `installment thereot,'ar <br />- r~'.r.':erest bherean, attT.e time.wh. nthes~;meshall De due, 'or ,with resbect to apy povenan t. or condition here- <br />:?ien,at chenptSanaf-MOrLgagee; theeritire indebtedness secured Hereby shall forthwith':Decomedueandpayable. , <br />~ shall Dear interest aC thedefaulU:rate-descrtbed Insaid Here, and theMortgageemay;immediately..ior'eclosethis <br />: mortgage or pursuearty!: oGh zr available 12ga1 remedy.` - <br />{7) 'Phatla the ev?nL actlor. is brought to Yorerlorett!1, .^~ortgage, the-MO tgageeehall be 'ent~tledTO 1;nmedf aL~ <br />possession of Ctle. mortgagedpremises;_nd Checourt may'appcirt srecelverto takepossesslon of saki pi-e•nis?s. wl to <br />I -the usualpc ~arsot r2ceSvers in ake: .aces. ~ '. <br />!( {8) That Li11n.e:or de_ayo_ Mortgagee Le exercise any of Stsrlghts or privileges shall-aoL De construedas i <br />i waiver trier a ri2at aiivact Mar~,ge?ee waiving any spec^ So def aul of Mortgagors shall^oC be construed ~as a <br />~ walvzr of any future d faults that 1. a.e o da 3niL in ne -yme a"'any amortlzatian Snstallments: or interest <br />or _n case ... payme*.L „y Mertg gee o4'~ayy _i.en; uud~,nent, Cax, lrsur u.ce, cost or eicp2nse, or rert.~. fee; or .charges, <br />said,.Martga¢ae .shah hav°'.che pr2vilege,. witheud Glaring the r;tiole Sndeb Cednessdiie a~ndpayaDle, ~. for ~losa •. <br />accounC-ofs;irh spec_t1c d~isul2_*or su^hsuas ss:areindeiault. ~a3vuet?foreclosureproc2eding.. .;a, t° 7a] ~i <br />P tha land described harein may b° said, suD?ecr, t^ the unpaid indebtedness hereby sacured, and this mar gaga 'h.-'_ <br />! ~~ontinue-as a laea: : ^. ar;,r arpal:G Daiance.. <br />'~ <br />~ .5} ,friar th>_ Mart3ag e :nay xr n~+ an de*e tre tu~ity oT a:nd ne++and reamortl~=_ said':lnd ~'. e~:;e i l.a. <br />trom llablli Ly any parry I1aDle .he, eon, ind .^e.ense ~r m tkie lien h. reof pdreions o. the property cove. . <br />without :atfeating. the pr1o.^Sty h_*.'egt .he 1,;V ofMertaagnr s. or .any ctheroarcyfor :the payre r ~t ., ~1. ,' <br />Sndelitedress, arl'atichertens d _,`dafernents_. renewals, 'and reama t~aations: tabesecured ?;ei'eby. <br />(,~) Tr~.ns?er of ~ecu.l~y::L ., _~}ae_ v_v,v_e;i the p:-z•G12s'here b.~, thelrhei^d,'legalcen, esentatlvee ` ~,_tr s. <br />' What theintegrity 3rd re ions b 11 tg rf laMOr gagdrs co~.,tl tutes apart of theconslderat idn for the ~ °~~: ~~ <br />hereby ,.-and that in ,.he _v._n. *_re. MOr.esgors shall se1i.,transfer..orconvey the propertydescribed: ~~~. r. <br />' ~ Mortgagee'nay-atats cp *. Lori •d Laret;+?er.t Sre SndeDLecness .immediately-due andpayable and.'nay pru~'eeC i~ ~,... -r~- <br />( torcemenL of SSS-rights as:aa sy •other datault-ln. c*teterms of`ttie notoand mortgage. ~ ~, <br />( '~. <br />t ,Aords an3 phrases roe e n zn_Lu3in .he Hereof s~~itLeconscruei es in. the sir.2uiaT ~r ,lu*-: ~'~. <br />1 nwxber, end as :mast tone,. fem.mnv_.. ~ neuSer ppn,?e+', accord ing. ~c `he con*ex~.1 <br />(£EAli) ~ (S3ALl <br />Larry K.-Frost <br />' (SEAL) _~-.-=~~G ~~~_~-S•i,4~_..f -~ (SEAL; <br />;~ Vicky L. Frost <br />~,! (.,.:Ail (°EA.'. '. <br />,_, <br />( '. <br />On t;?is ~ day bf -~GzN~ .ill .v'1LL~. .. .~ m.,, : ,,ata°y 6>ubllc in .and far sai~ „o'unty e[?d <br />i ,~...>, per°enal_y appeared- Larry K. 'Frost and Vicky-L. Fros[ husband and: wife <br />.. <br />L . _. .. ~; be ~v ._ Sens _ ... vh!' ,. .. _ ~, es,i..c Soo::. ~JI'I..n~. ?nd a K..dw~.e dP.,ed that' th..y _rec:i'te.; <br />;?yazor p.i t ~ and siGnai.~re1 <br />I .!:y. 1:JD1 ~ u 't["' a0 i' ..^.3 C. r:Cy [. (: .. LE <br />i _. _ _ ._- [....__ t ._._._......_~._ <br />~ ~ r. _ ti <br />o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~"~ <br />e <br />+ <br />a ~ .~ o ., x <br />~, ~ ~~ m ~ ,~ I ~ <br />~, ; ,~ a <br />• o ~ a ~ + ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ; <br />v ~ 1 <br />~i ! ~ tY i o~ o. z 1 ~ <br />,., ~ ~ 111 ~ ~ _ <br />~- i E a ~ {{ ~.' ~ ~: ~ ~ 1. ~ r ~ <br />° _ oI ~ ~j '~' c tt ~; ~ ~ <br />E ~ ~ i S <br />,' <br />4 <br />