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E <br />$2~--t~0~358 <br />MORTGAGE <br />This Mortgage is entered into be ween DOS-LIEN, INC., A- <br />Nebraska Corporation, herein called "Mortgagor", and FRED MEHRING <br />and BILL PETERSON,: herein called "Mortgagee". <br />Mortgagor is ndebted_to Mortgagee-in the principal sum of, <br />' $377,500100 evidenced by Mortgagor`s note dated June 15„ 1982, <br />herein!callsd "Note", providing-for payments-of principal and <br />interest, with the balance of the indebtedness, if not sooner <br />paid, due. and payable on'NOVember 1, 1989. <br />To secure the payment of the Note,;with interest as pro- <br />vded therein the payment of all other sums,.with interest, <br />advanced_by.Mortgagee to protect the security o£ this Mortgage., <br />and the performances of the covenants and agreements of the <br />Mortgagor contained herein, Mortgagor does hereby mortgage and <br />convey to Mortgagee the-following described: property located' <br />s.Hal1"Caunty, Nebraska:- <br />Lots One (1), Two (2), Three (3) and Four (4) <br />in Block-'Four (4}, in Lakeview, an add'i ion to the <br />City ©£ Grand Island, Nebraska, .except'-a tract <br />of land deeded to thee: City of Grand Island, more <br />particularly described in ~Iarranty Deed recorded <br />in Book ..164 Paqe 661. <br />Together. with all buildings, improvements, `fixtures, streets,' <br />alleys, passagewags; easements, rights, privileges and appurtenances' <br />located thereon or in anywise :pertaining thereto, and the rents, <br />issues and profits, reversions-and remainders thereof; including, <br />but not-limited to,_ heating and cooling equipment 'and such per- <br />sonal property-that is attached to the improvements so as to <br />constitute a fixture; all of which,-including replacements and <br />additAns thereto, is hereby ,declared, to be,a part of the real <br />estate'secured by ,the lien of this Mortgage ;and a:~l of the fore- <br />. going :being referred to herein as the "Property". <br />Mortgagor further convenants and agrees, with Mortgagee, as <br />fo lows: <br />1. Payment. To pay the indebtedness-and the interest <br />thereon. as provided in this Mortgage, and the Note.. <br />2: Title. Mortgagor as the owner of` the Property, has the <br />right and autharity;to mortgage the Property, and warrants that <br />the lien:. created hereby is a first and prior lien on the ,Property.:: <br />3, Taxes, Assessments. -To pay when due all taxes, special <br />assessments: and all other charges against the Property and,'-upon <br />written demand by,MOrtgagee, to add to the payments required under- <br />the Note secured hereby, such amount `as may be sufficient to <br />enable the Mq~tgagee to pay such taxes, assessments or other <br />charges as they become-due. <br />4. Insurance. To keep ne improvements now or hereafter <br />located on t~-¢ real<estate described herein insured against <br />damage by fire and such other hazards as Mortgagee may 'require, <br />is amounts and with--companies acceptable to the Mortgagee, and <br />with loss pa,-able-to the Mortgagee.; Zn case of loss under such <br />poiicies the ~~artgagee is'authorized to adjust, collect and, <br />compromise, is its. discretion, all claims thereunder a its sole <br />ap*_ior:, authorized to either apply the proceeds to the restoration <br />o` the Property ar upon-the indebtedness secured-here6y,.but <br />payments heL under shall continue until the sums secured hereby <br />are paid in `ull. <br />- 5. F.epair, Maintenance and Use: To promptly repair, restore <br />ar :ebuiid any buildings'or improvements now or hereattPr on the <br />Property; to keep the Property i? good condition and repair,wit.haut <br />