<br />THIS DEED ~s madeb WAYNE R.: MORRIS - ras
<br />y ....:..................:.............................
<br />Pe r:onal Representative of the Estate of ... , _ HERMAN` H. KRUSE
<br />'y7AYNE R. MORRIS, as Trustee under the Last Will
<br />Deceased, Grantor (whether oneor morel, td ::.. , , ....: .:......................:...... . . . ............. . ... .
<br />and Testament 'of Herman H. Kruse
<br />Grantee (whether one or morel.
<br />WHEREAS, the Iast Will of'...: HERMAN..H .:-KRUSE ..... . .....................:..:........Deceased;
<br />was duly admitted to probate in dteCouMy:.CourLof ....... Fidll . , , ~. , _ , , _ , . ,County, Nebraska]
<br />1NMEREAS; GrHttorw~s duiyappannd:PsrwnM-flWrwntatiwots~id-e~tateandia..rrow. gwlifisd artdecting in ssid cap~ci2y;
<br />and.
<br />WHEREAS, the Grantee irdetermined tote theperson entitledaodisvibutianofYheherenatter•describedreat:properiy. and
<br />Grantor is authorized to distribute the same to Grantee,'
<br />NOW, THEREFORE;Grantor conveys, assigns; transfarrand releases to Grantee., tFie foliowim}described7eal property:
<br />The Southeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter {SESW~),
<br />::the West Half of the Southeast Quarter {tA~SE;}, and the
<br />Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter {NEdSE'~), al
<br />in Section'Thirty-Five {35), Township Twelve {12) North
<br />Range Eleven'(11), West of trio 6tn P. M,, Hall County,
<br />Nebraska, subject to highway, .road and easements of STATEMENT AnAC(iE~
<br />record-
<br />STAMP 1"AX
<br />JUN 15 1982
<br />(Legal Description) g~,'~~~'
<br />together with ail: tenements, hereditamenu and appurtehances thereto belonging, but subject m easements and: restrictions of record.
<br />Executed .June, . ~ ~~... ..1982
<br />Estate of . HER_'~lAid H .. KRUSE...: , .. , peceased
<br />.~., GIs- -~'~" ~r'+~'-a"~c':.~
<br />By:......~ ...................:.......
<br />Scgnature ofPersonal Representative
<br />) SS.
<br />COUNTY OF ..... Ht1LI,, .. .....:....: , .: }
<br />On Jllile ( 1.982: be{ore.`me, theundersigned, a Notary°Public,.duly commissioned and
<br />qua3ified for and res;dmg in :a:C co::ntY end state. personally appeared . h?ayn~ .R,: ..~QOZT IS ............:.. . ........:.,
<br />as Persoaai Representative of ~~e Estate of. ReztdtaA .H.. K~u$@....:..:: .. . . . . . ..........:......:Deceased, to
<br />¢i,!(ro~:~n to be trio ider~[ical Gerson who executed iheforegoing Deed of Distribution anrla~know(edged the same to be.:......, ,, ;
<br />~~~~ °1
<br />hiS ........ voluntary aci antl:.deed. ~'f ,(. ji
<br />~ A WIMIr1~IK11.1A. r ~
<br />~,...._. ~ ~ f
<br />3uf't:c`!u *h;.s;=v CSEEC~1f}F!31.o+iFiPF3I.iTiC#!VSY
<br />f~i:s;SUttiaL REPs'~E~E_ivTA"`iVE t7~..~fia(h"t`~ r.StTfkTl:^~tY+
<br />y,y ':'t ;,.~ta~., ij; ~: .,, ~- _.;.: ~ :„~:: .'. i.'.Ft~i.:l ~.. ~ c,1{ i i'Fk to t'.',S
<br />