<br />~~=-~~Q2347 This form is used in connec-
<br />**,,~~ ~y rrr [ion with mortgai~es ansurec
<br />IYI~RTV~GE under the one- to four famii~~
<br />provisions° of the National
<br />`Housing Act. ~
<br />THIS MORTGAGE. grade and e~reuted rhis 14th dayaf Sune` A-D.
<br />tv g? . he a~,d i~etwcMCt Debra L. Itother, a single' person
<br />of the C~,nnty of Halt , andState of ?debraska,party ufihe firsfpart. hareinafter called
<br />ihr >loncagu~ un•1 superior Mortgage, Inc." ,
<br />a a~rpnr cuoo or ;ini~ed and r ~.isting underthe laws of Tye}ay aSka
<br />park n? the secnmi p;~rf. hereiraftr; called the Mnrt~gee,
<br />~~IfKESS[ tFi (h,u he ~~,id b1 ~t¢aeor.lu .~ndin~onsiderakion••tthesumnf Thirty Eight Thousand and
<br />tk~; ' 90ths-- ----- - _-_ __~~ _ Dollars ($ 39 ~ 600.00 ~. Paid h}• the Mort-
<br />-- -
<br />eage he receip of s-hi-h ;, herehp -~ckn<<.edged, has (~rante~ andSold ar.4.4q ihes? prastnt does C~ram_ Bar-
<br />Bair, tit(7. Csncc~~ sral Confirm unrn-thr Mnrt~gee, its ~ue',tcc"vs artd asti~ns. rorever. the GalFowirg-descriFd
<br />real ,ta siw ta~;intheC~nunt<o( Aall :mdSiate
<br />of \ebr.iE4,a t~ wfr. .
<br />Lot Three (3), Damson Subdivision, in the City of Grand Island, Hall Cotmty, Nebraska.
<br />~d;hrtiiarhth:nap,,t~leridsan,tuniaartingenaE2` acresacenrdingtoGhvern-
<br />mer.t ~.,~r.eo~
<br />Ct7 H~wr ',tiL TO HntU the r ni~~,.t4 ~ ~ Jr,r , ti,"th i nr ~urte,rrc, thereuntubetsangtngend including
<br />Jl h~ sting. plw ~huey en,i'.iFhur~ }i~twc , cJ cyuir..a<a, ,. ~ hc:r,,i .a -.i.,,t,c i i., or i,~d ~n.pnne~teon with'satd real estate
<br />urlu d*e titong: ~,u. ,id .~. r u 'e~ -nJ .,~„pn., f r, r f he bl f g~,r re(`rc.<o1, lU and covenants wtth, the Alortga-
<br />gtt. ~hnt the ~! xty.gor h-. kxr.l ri} i , ._,1 .,nd .,~n~ey ~.,,~ rrenz e chit Ntc ~:. n- ire ,romertcutnbranae, and. [haY`Ute
<br />M,rti,-;gor wdt w rr nt and dt~crd ih n, gau t ~hr faw I,r P. in . t i ,Yr., r. n m~+: ~e~er; and the satd~MaftgagOrhete-
<br />by rrlouynrtihc, kl nehts ~•( tn>nie,±e.~d .~na a;l m rtisl nth• ut, , ;r, ~r ~r. cyu ~, sad alt other contiogent~interesis~afthe
<br />Mortg,:gor in:fna t 'heahos~.~ilt.cnlx3 premi.~ rire:mrnu r. he,ng n~e,• herohxyan abw(plmtitle, tnfees'tmpie,:inalud-
<br />ittg,iti rig}q, oS he;u~..:(end, .,nd ai Aer richi, ..nd itt .,,.. ,. ;,?sc..,,J
<br />PROV(E~FD_~LU~,YY~.sudihr~.pre,ans.,reeic~ute:ardarn:.reJup..r,thefrsliow;ingcundii~~ni.fowit
<br />"fhr ltnrtgagur agrc.., ,t rrh t ~r ~,a~ec.,x order the rinc n urstof ThiZ'ty Eight~.Thousand and
<br />y7a%100ths---•-°---- ----------- _r,-_~_ rA,liar;,~
<br />- - 38;,000.40 )•
<br />~sit1, nr rctr•ungate.¢ ,e ,ateui Sixteen and,4ne-haY.£ ewr,etrtumt 16.50, %}Feranntiman
<br />th~~ unP:,.d h,.an,e ~nti~ p~a,d f he >.iid , ; ~n..~p:,t a:rt1 interetiC sh:~E3 t+c payable ai the afftce of Superior Mortgage, .InC.
<br />in Grand Island ;ibraska ord€.uch<stherpiaceasChehokleruf
<br />t:xv:alrnurt lei n,;t~ n~.~ sting, inm-,uhiyina;a.;:neutabf Flve'Htinc'redTwentg Sex and 35/I00t1?5-------
<br />------°- ikrGsi tS 526.36. ;, commencing un he first day. of
<br />4zrgi_ t - w-- -~~ '+82 an+ n •ftzfir [ f a .,' rueh+ndnththereafier until the principal and an-
<br />°e~t r i i~ r,d c~~cF.I .hat ~fte frnzl ~ .r~c..t ,s p.inCipaS uui interest, tf not svcroer-pasd_ shah be dueand
<br />F .. ;{t 1 ~ th firs[ 3 , .! Jzly, 201_ alf accurdingto the terms of a certain prumia-
<br />i~r~ n~.< <., c~u, dc,.~ hrre~. ith e~ecutrd-hs tip. ~i l .i origs,~.
<br />ihr -~tortg::gr; ~n i,rur~ rnor G:11 ~~ ~,, ~ini<ri iha ,cnlr, ty of ftti,4 itil cart~tg~,. ngrcc5s
<br />a h ;x i~t Pik ~h r b ~ herein fc•r~- f r ~tded, Prrvile~: Ss a~~rved w pay the debt i,t whore, urin an
<br />,a ne,a ll cyu ~ n c;r m~ r r r nt ~ n znt: c~ ie par sp~ I P ii s .ezt due c•u lifenu4„ un the hr,t stay of :wy mptith. ,
<br />..; n,r c n- urt~ t?~n.lrt! ,~,,~: ,,;. h,., «r~tic :. !n' , ~: .9 t~•.ltl~,.t ,,._ - ,.,~`: ps,.,.,,gt .5>~.t
<br />J,r,* rr~,.. to prtp, F ,ict,,.
<br />' I t. a>a ,ft -r u',ih n 1 in d [ n i 'hz i r FIS f r,er.t ,yin ipLl , ~ in ci t ~ ~;hlo ~n i<.r he I , ` th:•
<br />n_ tc, ar J hrt r}-. :he ',t .~,;g~,r :nil t. ,. l„ It: 4n,(taztu, n i»~° tint tea, ..f rack uon.h unt•1 the s,a.. n a, S. is ., f ..id, fhc
<br />i~.~uxn~, rr~,.
<br />_7;;,...,ia~r ~ pa~.v .c ,tom ~.,~ ht:,~,I v.i'. ~ao~,~,~ ~ti •_ U~_ !.u,ira,~~. pi H.;u, it !his.
<br />~ ~. i
<br />..~r t ~..~ _ r.u'~~ , v rc • • ,:. ui, r : u , i~,:~ t a .-,:~n,•rterge. itzsevattccpre"
<br />„t.r ,;oc; :, h '_, Lt, `cta~ !I:~i su ,nu 1:.~. ~ fy •,•i;,.- i.rnm~
<br />:I. i, .r. s' ~ nz ., .i<,ic l •.i:;.:G dn~ ?t oc ~ ~, tG•,ni ,.w, , - =etnsufe~3, vtieler tUc ~~ik-
<br />,.,.-, :: 'sa ~ ii 1,-a: ~, ?yet, a .: ne.. -,N. ~,. its:[ ~. ,eke,. ~,a1. la: hansi:.. c>,` rase d~vldet <.ztt~
<br />