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<br />iiEAL PROPERTY MORTGAGE ~'Z-~.1~~12e341 <br />f A~ MES AND ADCR E55 ES pF ALL MORTGAGORS: MORTGAGEE' C.I.T. FINANC,AISERVICES, 1'[3CX Cprnor <br />t.qr._ _ ?Oti ? .`3~ ~ y Ob <br />r. <br />?u. I~=_ r az,rl ?_ ADDRESS• 1501 F <br />321' Lir.DO?nt ';abr. '3~Ci1 <br />., l r - <br />~~ic <br />LOAN NUMBER OATEN °att r avaaaw NUMBER-OF DATE-DUE EACH UNIT CHARGE.- ~ <br />ei.°a oa rew.°arnoe. I <br />PAYMENTS MONTH <br />1,,8?', .Tune; 112 1:32 Sure 172 3n~~ 1£?~? 20Th § ~ <br />I~`FIgST AMOUNT OF Ff RST AMOUNT OFOTHER 'DATE FINAL TOTALOF AMOUNT FINAN CEO , <br />i RAYMENT DUE PAYMENT PAYMENTS :PAYMENT.DUE. PAYMENTS <br />~,y~. -~, c?. s«'~•~'3 s2c?5.00 Sane %'C2 1cC.'7 s~41^2.93 s13°!~.~` <br />THIS MORTGAGE SECURES FUTURE ADVANCES MAXIMUM OUTSTANDING - $50,000 <br />THE WORDS "7:" "ME" AND'"MV"AE FER'TO ALLMORTGAGORS INDEBTED ON:.THE.NOTESECU REO~Iay THIS MO RTGAG E. <br />TNE'WORt')S "YOU"AND"YOUR" REFERTOMOATGAGEE: <br />To secure payment of anbte whichisigned todaypromising topayyou the above amoum financed together. with accrued finance charge and to .ecr: r. <br />other and future obfigavonsao you,ttie Maximum Outstanding atany given time not to exceed the amount Yatedabove, each. of she undersigned grants, im y ~n,, <br />seals and rnnveys to you the 'teatestate describedbelow; and all:present andfuture improvamants.on-the teat estate;which isaocatetl ih Nebraska,.Counry ~~ <br />'got '~Thr~e (j) r ~'t_oc__ `i'"_res (?; , i.. .?e,::,__ha> to 5econ,~ ,i.a5:ivi~ion 'in ~~ e <br />C~':~. of ^r~. ~ 1;-i".1'Su2 =a11 !;c:;: t.r t 2e~arae?.-~. Prc~eri,, _.iv ~'=~r ?~o~r;n : „ <br />32s~ ''h2 .:sL~ i~l~n''2 `ebr 4~. <br />I wIP pay the nop taeured tr! this mortgage according to its terms; and if I do, ihenih ismertgagewill becomenuH and void: <br />I will pay a)1 texas, liens; asaaements,aWigations, encumbrances andany other charges againstthe real estateand maintain insurance onahe real estate in <br />your favor w a form:andamounYsatistactoryao you.'Vou may payany suchtax, lien, assassment,obliga[ion, encumbrance or other charga,orpurcnase suer, im <br />surance in your oym.:nama, it -f fail to do w. The amounFyou pay will bearinterest ax the highestaawful raterw:EP:be an'additional. hen odthe. real estate and may <br />be egforced and calected in. the same manner as any other obligation secured bythismortgage- - ' <br />I1 I ,m .a[e In rnekmg any. part of any paVmatst cr if i do not comply vwth :any other rCgmremenisot the ;oansecu tad byth sagreemem, t to `~a r. n~n:cunt I <br />owe, ;ass re'und of any chargeswhich ypu have not yet earned that ssiould be g;ven:,f I R+epaitlmV Ipah in full; will becomedue,. ii you desire;. without. YRUr advi sing <br />~ .e. l win o fur. r. the cecunty Yo.:YOU at youtrequezi, or permii youto:antertheprert,+ses wharethe security siocated and takeit:Aftec giving me t0. davsnotice ut <br />your .ntenr .o sell the seeunty,.you maydo so ut any: reasonable manner Tne Rraceeds dithe sale, wiH be. credited tomy unpaidbalance: Ifany moose is left o <br />after you have aoplieti the proceeds to my loan obiryation::~t wlll: bepaid to me, but .f any money is stiitowing. I agreeto paY Yobthe balance, in addition, yrru r avc <br />au of the ~~ahn Ufa secured party under the UniformComrtretdel Code. ~. <br />If you er< as»sse6 any tax ansmg taomthe reef estate, 1 agree to pay thatassessma....maddrtion to any othecassessmsnt whieh I am required [o pay. <br />If I am late ~r, any part of any payment.i am m default: In that case, you may sand me a notice g+ving me 20 days to elemrnate the detauh, except <br />Nat rf You almaW Nava sent mea'notice for apravsous default; you. need noz sentlme souther nonce. tt.I elimina:athe defauit,a have the rightto continue maklnq <br />Hymens- tt 1 Uo net elim~nete the defaufttfsan the fui! amouncT owaj lessthe pomoo of ins FlnanceCharge which::you havenot yetearned; willbecame due ii <br />you denrn, without your adv~s~ng me. Tha: proceeds: of the sale wilt tx: credits:! to my unpaitl balance. ItanV money is isti over after you have applied tht prx eedr <br />to mY loan oWigauon, it will Ix pa U torrx; but rf snV;money ss stilt owing,'S agree:to pay yosthe balanceowinq; if perm ittedby NnbraakaLaw.. <br />This mortgage ll eaned. corrsulidatr and renew anti existing mortgage between dsonthe abovereal estate:' - <br />Each of ,he undertignerJ agrees rnat no extension otvme or other vanatiod of any obifgat+on secured by this mortgage wilt affect any other obligations under <br />this mortgage. <br />Earn of the unMrsignad wanes alFinaritai rights, hornasteatl examptign and all other extlmptions relating to the,above real estate. <br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF the unduvgned:(has-have) sat this-tier-their3hand Ss) andseal fsl this .. _. ~.~.t h. day. of ..., .vSdP .. ._.:.:. .. .:.. , 19 _. <br />~ d~ . .. _ _ <br />.... :. <br />STATE Of NEBRASKA <br />//~~~ <br />COUNTY OF .. rW.. Ci~~l'_. - ~ta. <br />The f r~oing Instrument was acxnuwledged before ma also _ .. .: . 1 rj f ~/ ~F <br />s ~ ,~ <br />NII-wr~+• Mw ~ <br />r,N® 92-.'.:75 .2-fi. i NE34:,SKFt lutist §ZQU'oj ~~iT~ ~~ ~. il~tary PubI~C. <br />fiERV:CES <br />