<br />This form is used in connee-
<br />- *~ D ! tion with mortgages insured
<br />1rl~AT~AGE under the one- to fnnr-family
<br />provisions of the National
<br />82 -'fi U 2 3 3 8 H~uS,n~ act.
<br />r
<br />T}'.IS ~10RTG.~GF., made and executed this 1'4th,, day of Jtute ,A. D.
<br />19 82 .by andhetween Dennis A. Korgel'and Marilyn A. Korgel, Husband and 13i£e
<br />of the County of Hall - ,and State of Nebraska.; party of Che first part, hereinafter called
<br />the blongager, and Superior Mortgage, Iac.
<br />re corporation Organized and exnti ~;~ under tt,e laet~s pf Nebra Ska
<br />-.parry of the second part, hrreirrtftercallyd.lheMortgagee;-
<br />~4`fi NESSETH: That the said Mortgagor, forand in consideration of thesum of Forty Seven Thousand Five
<br />Hundred and No/100ths-------------------------Dollars(S`47,500:00 I.paidbytfieMort>
<br />gagee, the recei, .~f which is hzrehy acknowledged, has Granted and' Sold and by These presents does Grant. Bar-
<br />. ~gaid. Sell. Cone. nd Confirm unto the INortRagee. 'its successors' and assigns. forever, the following-described
<br />"real estnre, situated in the County of Hall ,and State
<br />of Nebraska. to wit:
<br />Lot Fifty-Three (53), Castle Estates 'Subdivision, Ha11 County, Nebraska.
<br />~f the Sixth Priricipni'4leridian. containingin alt acres according to Govrrn-
<br />mrnt survcv:
<br />1"tl HA1 E_ AN1? TO H(7Li7 the premises abov$ 3e~cribed. with all theappurtrnznces thereunto belonging and including
<br />all heating, plumping and iightingfixtures'end equipment now or hereatter attached toor used in connection with said real estate
<br />unto the btortgagre. and to ire successors and a~sigm. fote'•~er. Thr Mortgagur represents to, and covenants with, the Mortga-
<br />gee- that thr Mortgagor hasgood~righi to sell andconvey paid prernices; that they. are free from encumbrance; and'that the
<br />Mortgagor will w;,rrant .tnd defend thesame agamstihe lawful claimsnf all persons whomscever,.and thesaid Mortgagor here-
<br />by rzlinyuishes all rights of homestead, and a!! mania! rights, either iniaw or in equity, and all other contingent interests of the
<br />Mortgagor in and w the ahove-described premises, the intention being:o convey hereby an absolute title. in fee simple'; includ-
<br />ing all righu of home,tead. and other rights-and interestsa.S af<lresaid.
<br />PRQVIDE D A1.~1'AYS, and these presentsareexecuted and delivered upon the following coniiitions, rc w it
<br />hhz Mortgagor agrezs to pay to the Mex[gager, ororder, the :principal sum of Forty Seven Thousand Five Hundred
<br />and No/100ths-------- -~_____.~~_~.~ DoilarsfS 97,500.00 i-
<br />,vi[h utterest true, date at the ra,z of Fifteen and One-half prr centum( 1` .50 qo) per annum on
<br />the unpaid hatance unLl paid. The said principa~ and interest.hall be payable a[ the ofRCeof "Superior Mortgage,' InC.
<br />in Grand Island, Nebraska , or at such other place as the holder of
<br />the note may i~cignxte in writing: in monthly in>rJ?menh of Six .hundred nineteen and 65/1l)Oths----•----
<br />-----~-----~----~---~~ fh i'ar.:5 619-.65 1: cvmnaencing on the firstday of
<br />August t9 82 . and on Che first day of rash month thereafter tiotil the principafand ir.-
<br />tere,t are folly paid; exceptahat the tine! payment of prncipa! and interest: if not sooner.. paid, shallbe..due and
<br />par:ahle on the hrstday of July, 2012 c a!! accordingto the terms of acertain promis-
<br />wry note of even date herewith executrd by the said Mortgagor.
<br />The Mongagor invrdtr morefuily to protect thrsecuriryvf this Mortgage, agrees:
<br />I That t~ wilt ply the indebtedness; as hereinbefure provided Privilege is resen•rd to pay the debt in whole., or in an
<br />amount eyu:d to un< or more monthly.payments onalieprincipal that are..riextdur cin rhr notr, on the firstday of any month
<br />nnor to n:aturiu~: Pre:idrd. ha?wevrr.That writden notice at-an intennvnto aeereisr cueh pri.Wilrge iti give~natfeastthirty(301
<br />days prii,r to prep:,ymrnt
<br />3. ~rha: togcthn ,x ith andin :+ddiuun t ., tFe monthly payments e;f principal and interestpayahlc under the trrms ofthe
<br />not4- stcured hereby, the M.~rtgagor will pay to thr Mo~egec. on the first day of each month until the sai2ingte i5 fully pain; the
<br />tallirw mg ,wm.
<br />- (gj Ainoun[ sufPr*acruloprtrvidCahr holder hereuE`with !-mtds topay the next mor~tgagcrnsurancc. prenilumifhiw
<br />nstnrrMnt and xh,> note scru€ed hrrrby` are rnsuted, or a 4nnnthly clza:ge tirr Ileu t?f a nttrrr34Se irtvarmree pre-
<br />~. r•:/df They art hold 6y thr-.$ecretaey ~:' 1loustng and Urtiao ileveirapt:}rnt, xs follows:
<br />6`e (find sa !on>i sv said nc,~ of r~vc^ dntcxnd then tnstrua,ent srr fnstucti ~x ase reinsurrdunderthe pro-
<br />xis; gay of ~!;c yr tie+n:,; }rwz?ng at;t, an -.imount sufBcienr t©nccuanulaitt in thr handsof'tier-isatdrr riate
<br />ass.amcaretA2ia3~r,we=rr:~rrrt~. ~,..~wris,+sr+tarv~mnr•:.aaai~.a *T,i`CE4)F\I5E3KAS3ia
<br />NUD-92FR~M l~x~T:3k
<br />