-- -
<br />
<br />MORTGAGE 82UG232~
<br />'PHfS 7NDENT(JRE, mad! this .-_. _. _.9tk~ __._-____dny of__JU'iE-_----_.. ,9 ___"_~ by and hecw2eu
<br />DONNA F. SYDO'v~, a single person
<br />of _H8 ~ t _ Couu[y, Nebnska, as martgagar __, and Home Ftderai Savings and Loan Association o(Grand Island, a corporation
<br />organized and e>risting coder the laws of the Gni[!d hares of America with it_s t;rincipal office and pent of business et Grand Island. Nebraska, as
<br />toper{tact:
<br />W ITN£SSETHr That said morigaaor _,fLn and in consideration cf,ha sum of ~It1E IH~~iSP,N~'i THIP.TY __
<br />-- f],71iARS AN, Ojl(1D~----------_-_____------ Dolltrs(4 5,830.00..
<br />the receipt of rhich d haeCy ackswwledasd, dp ~___ by these presents mortgage and warramunto saidmortgagee, its successors and assigns,
<br />forever,all;hc folbwin~akscrihed'.reai state, situatedin the C.:ounty of -H~11 ..
<br />-_-
<br />ard S[at<of Vebruka, fo-~i[:
<br />Together with all hwtin(f,. air rnnditiorung, ligh[urg, and plumbing equipment end•firtures; including screens, awnings; Storm window. nn<i
<br />doors, tad window ahldea or blinds, usrd on or in connection with said proplrty.whether the same are now.lorsted on saivt l: rojvny c~r herva ~trr
<br />ptacad thereon.
<br />'CD H.4YEAND 'PO HOLD THE SAME; together with all area si~guler t~:~ ;engnln[a, hereditnments and appurtetu noes t.hereunco be-
<br />iongng, or in anywise appertaining, forever, and warrant chx title Co the carne. Said morgagor.,~__ hereby covenant 5... ~wilh ~:;Sid
<br />--mortgagee that __. She __tS _. .., at crte delivery hereof, the lawful owner ,T- ofthe premises above conveyed-.and n<.scribo-d.
<br />--: and_ ~ S ~-sevud of !good and i[uiafeasibie scare of inheritance therein, tear and clew ~of all encumbrances, and thnt_.._? he. _w-iL
<br />warrant sod defaod the tire! tlwretn forever against the claims and ciemanda of all persons whomsoever..
<br />_ ~ ~ PkOV IDED ALWAYS, a>d this ituirumant is [u[eeuc^_d and delivered w srtvtetkie payment of the sum. of ~~ _. _ _ _
<br />FtVE THOUSAND TriIRiY DOL~AR, ,~,~D 00/I00 5,030.00 ~?
<br />------.__._ - ___.. - __.._ _._ - ----- --_..._._.~. Dollars (s _.__,_...~...~__ ._ i,
<br />with urtereatthe eon, 4~rgather wt:h .rush charges and acvnnces as may be due aria pryeble to said mortgage« under theterms and condrtron-
<br />of the pmmiaeorv rrofc of eves date herewith and secur-.1 hereby. erecutxd by said rnortgagor..__.... !o acid mortgngee. payable as express:~d
<br />is arid note, !rid to secure tkse r~iormanc,e of all ckte terms and condicioru cmta(ncd therein- The arms of said noise ara hereby iaeorpora[ecl
<br />herein by chic reference.
<br />It is the intention red agreement of the parties herea~ ckut thin mortgage shall also secure any future edvences made co paid mortgsgor_._
<br />by said mortgagee, nrd any and ail utdebusdaess in addition ce the amomtt shore slated •,vhir}~ sad mortgego rs, nr any of them, mny owe t~~
<br />mid mortgagee, however evdeottrl, whether by note. ?xxk account or nthervrise. "Chic rsxtrtgage shall tamale, in full force sad efface Letwrr,•n
<br />the partres hereto and t}a:ir heirs, persona: repres~Latives. successors and assigns, until all amounts ser_uxd hueander. in c(ng ia;.u~.-<~
<br />advances, are pad in (u L' with interest ,u
<br />Tie; tnortgagor__- irtreby avsign - _ . 'e s ~ mortgagee all rents and iccome ar slag at an}.a ad a;l ~ s from F ope. d
<br />hereby authorirx said mo; tgagxe cu its ngeot. at its oyc~or., upon default. co cake charge of said property and _ollect a 1 r~ncs and co,r e
<br />therefrom and apply the saint W the payment of interest, pracipal .nsurarke pro mums, taxes, as~esem ts, repair - imprcvs~mrn...,
<br />uetaeaarY toksepaaid profieN.vin teoan4bk mndition, nr t., other charges or paymenL•s providxl (or herein or mtha note hereby =ecurrd. "Phi=
<br />rent rssignment shall continue io fon until the unpri¢ balwee of Said note is fti:Lfy paid. The taking: ofpowssion hereunder <irall in no munn~r
<br />preheat or relrrd said rnurtg¢g62 in the collection of said sums ny fo: edosu:e or otherwise.
<br />The fuluie of tkre mortgagee [o asvert any of ifs right hereunder at any time shell not ix coast: uer.' as a waiver of 3L right to ae=art t;ie
<br />same. aL nny later time, and to insLst upon end cnfo - -,a compliance wictn all Lhe osr~ and pct •--_ons of said rote ant f this rnurt,gahe.
<br />!f said mortgagor shJl ca;>ye to be prid :a ssid rco'krafCce the entire amonnT due it }wroc d rid u dNS the ce - d ,, c , s
<br />of said rote Starchy secrrrea, including future advanca.o aau mmy ex Len3iGnL or cYnea~ei thertrof in acru -trier w'Ch ,he terns uad pre .. ~c ~u
<br />tbeieoL ems S wid moaY,gagnr __-- skull comply with rill the proviaioav of se id noee and of this mortga}:-, then iheu: pnaeents Shull be vo,d;
<br />cst6rneisc to :r~ais i>: fuE fo.-ca end eSaet, sad said mo:..ga<mu s:,n!: tx caiitvd m L'crc possession of ,r! of slid oropcrcv, er,d rr - at its op;.inr..
<br />detLra rbe r!>ol! of wtid note uui all indabtedma represented thereby to iR ictmcdulely due and payable. and map forsitir. e this mur;,k,egr
<br />ur sake any other. tarsi action rn protect its eight- App: aiaemert waived.
<br />This au~rr{itKn shall be bicdin~ upon ~ shalt enure to the t?enefit of the heirs, exc -awes, edmirustratu~..uct~aors and v„gib:> ,x t6~-
<br />reepcctfve-parties hcreta.
<br />tti K7FB'r F.ES K~HF.ftS9F, srtid 's9otlgagor _ ha _2~_-- hemunto ~et r. h~ ___..-- head _ the: dny- ..n -year fv~c un~.,
<br />watun.
<br />/~ ~ ,
<br />j
<br />aJ.?K:~t..`:t"~cY`C.x>~.'+`GS'^CC.:.^a~cxt.~x:c'.+:-'a~Y.`:~`~eC3:. ~ _. ~..,a~+u...n- - .........,......~_v.........~...,.,.
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