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;. r-- <br /> g2P- u0231~ <br /> arW,'wlihaut dert,aM; eheifM lmnfadlat9lY doe artd payabld oy T'r4st« and snail t& ButlN am70D11gatiMa or Truman. ea)TRe tlutlea and obiipatlona of iru9[ee <br />' Mar Intmeat et LMmazigjum: allbwsDle Tepai "rate;. provitlad, hpwavm, tMt at. ire sMli DB tletarminM solely by tM axpr9as pra•ISlon9 of too Tryst Deetl and Truste9 <br /> ': optbnoft»neM1O»rY Or Truatsaeuch'suma may Deatlded fo the principal M»itCe : eMiinot bellflDl9 azcaDttor th0 performance of ouch dunes ardoDiegmlons as are <br /> Of any.IndoDtadnasa secured Rmeby antl snail Dear the sameintarbsl fls sutra apeclllully sat forth Mrein, and no Implied covananb orobilpations 9ha11 M' <br /> indabtetltyN sndshell MpayeDle ratably Aver Me remalninp term tneraot. Imposed upon T(usteB; (bl No provision ut this Trust Deatl shall require TrueteB to <br /> expend OrNSk his own lands, or otRerwisa Incur any Ilnanclatobllpatlon In Me' <br /> 1QAeeyrlmmtl M RNb. BeMRCiary stied havetne right; power antl eulhorny peAorm a CI Bny 61 Its dutlas heraUnd Br,, Or in the akerdaept any of Its tight « <br /> duMgtM COntlnuanM jtlf xnba Trust Deed to ccllett iha BMS, inau99 r'd proms of powers, If It shalt bars g ounda Nr Mllaving foal too repaymMt of such funds or <br /> PNe Property artrl W .any perooMY. property bcafea ttce n with « wrtRqut taking edequalB IMemnlty apaln9t such risk o UepUlty la npl rea9MeDlynaauretl to It; (c}, <br /> paaseaylon DI tM Droptxty atlMted haroDy, and T usl« Rarelry ppaOlutelgand TmstN may consultwllh cpunser of n19 awn <nooaing end Ihe'atlvlca of such <br /> unbonditlOMily aNlgna ell 9e<tl'.. (ants, tssuea acrd profile-: to'. 84nefitiery counsel ahellM tali end <gmpleta •utnortzflfion antlprolMtibn In [M rflapect of <br /> BaMflb»ry; nDwever, narsDy eonserlu to tne:TrtAators colleettonandre[sntional amY action taken or auneratl by It hereunder in gopd'feltR and:rellance ihereon;(tl) <br /> suchranta, iaaeros arM pott» as'iMY accrue. and. Mcoma payable so loop as TruatN snail not M IIaDIB for any s<tion taken by Mmin good }allh and <br /> Truator la opt,: et- avcn'tlmea;. In defwlt wttn' respect to paymen/ of any. MIIeyBd Dy. nlm to M eutnbdxtW or witRin IM dleCretiOn « rlpht9 of pgwere <br /> OndeDteidne9a aewrod M»GY Or in:iM pertarmance Dt any agteament hercunoet. confened Upon Ifby tRta Truitt Deed: <br /> .Upon any avcndeAwlt, BaMhdiary mayat any lime. alto `n pit .,bit Mapenl. or by <br /> arenwer tq DeapDOmted Dy:acourt.w/tnout npUCe antl wlmoul regartl ¢oMe. 17. AeGNbnal Samrdy lMirumen».7ruator, at ha ezpMBe; wiN execute and dallver. <br /> :adsqua<y ofanyseturityfor rite lndeatednessnereby secured, (al ~enl Br upon and to tM Trya[ee,pmmprly upon Oemantl, au Cn securlry Ib9trument3 as may;M <br /> take poxNaalon of tM:Propsrty «any part :Mreof; eretl In its owhname sue tot« required M 7ntstee,, in farm and autmtsnce eatlatabtory taTruatee, <ovedng enYOf <br /> OAMrtatN Nlle<N auto cart», leauea and. Drolit9, ibcluding. those pest tlueand. tM Property conveyed by this Trust Deed, wMCh aecurlty.IMtrumentsaMII:M <br />- .unpaid, atM apph ill Nrne;.IDEe Coats end'akpMSes DI tipe+aCron and dalleclla, additipnat Becurlty for TrUa[oYS felthfuf pertormartCe Of all Of tM refine; covenants <br /> :IneludmprseaonaDle altomeYlNa; Upon airy indeatednes8 seCUrad.ROreDY, and In and candhbne olYNS TrustDeed,iM:ptomfeaOry notes. NCUred MLeDY;aM.sny <br /> aucn .order aaeeneuttary:. +oay ,aatermine;(b} Dariprm auto acts bF repair or other aeburbty lMlrumants executed fn cannectlon whh'tnls tbnaactlon: Bubo <br /> prdectton aamayr.M necessary or properto conserve tM.value oitheProperiy: tc} Matrumenb.Mah M:recorded«t;letl, andro-rnborded. alto »Illed, mTruator'a <br /> IMM IM Nme orMypart thereat f« Guth rentat,iefm, arW .upon aubh bonOitlons ezpMN. <br /> N Rajudgemenl may dICMb: Vnlesa. TnraYtlr and BenBh<idryegree pEherw{ae M <br /> : writing, MY:apPfiCationgf reMa, issues « Prohts to any iMeDlednass SeturBd <br /> tweDYaMll trot aatMtd.«poetpoMiM SUe date g2iM:1 t Ilment paymantsas <br /> provlOM m NklPrombseo7 noMor change: tMamountof su<h insiapments. TM t& NlspNen~~rre. <br /> erifafnp upon antl takhp pCasseaa>on attRe Property; the collection of such rents: {a} In the event erry One or more oflM pro'vlslOna con»Ined In.IMe Trust DeN or <br /> <beNMS and lxofl»;m+dtM applieetbn tneregtaa aloreseld,sMlf not waive Jr ture tM promissory note«any otMr aaeudty instrument given lit. conrtectlon who <br /> arty Mwtt «nmlbeof detach hmevn0ar; ar invalidate any act dgna purswnlto [his traneectbon 'sMlt t0[, any -rNeai De held to M InNlld, :IIMpa c <br />r <br /> aucknofka. Tnafgr also Na' <br />ryna to.BerbhUary ao further:'secudtY for:tM anent«ceaeM In any rNpabt; such Imalld:ty;Illapallty,-or:unenf«bsaDility <br /> par/prmanCe of IM oDpgatiM9-secured Mrepy, aN prepartl rents and ell. monfea sMll, at iMopllon of BeMRCiary, not iffeC. My otMr provision of toba.TNat <br /> -!a1licR rrtaY.tteva LeenWmaY.MreafterMdappslted wuRCald Truator by anYlesaee. <br />' Deed, put Pals Trual Deedhatl:M Ctlnatruse as ifauen:lnvalitl;:lllepa, <br />+ <br /> of tM tsrCperty; <br />to: aecurotne payment of any rent, and. upon tlefault 4n IRe anent«<NDM provl9lon red nevbrDMnCarttalned Reraln Or thmeln. : <br /> pMOtman<e Ot any O} IM provlsigns Mreof, Tntsro agreaetq del s is <br />and deposits to tM BeMtblary_ Debrrery at writtbn ratite. of iha Be~neltctary's' (bt TMa Trust Dae0 anaH: M. construed accoMib to the laws of tM Stale of <br />g <br /> uMClee of thelgMS QrsMedMrem. zq anytenantxupyingaaio premisessMn NaDntuta. <br /> " :M nuffk»nt Itleequfro saki SeiuM to paY said rent ;o rite 9aneflclary:4ritil funMi. (el. Thb 7rysf'.Deed anal) inure [6 arM DIM: tM helre, legalese; OBVIaeN, <br /> notice: adml to»tbra; exMU?ore, succesaon and ustgna of fns par[ISa Mrefa <br /> (d) Tmstrn Malt. pay au t s levied upon this.Trvm Daed ortM debt aecurstl <br /> 11. LaaeM Rareteaa. Whfun z0 <br />rteyaadu demand. Trust«eMll}umih to Tnea»e Hereby, topetner with any ether. taxN or aeNNmenb wMCnmaY M Mvbtl <br /> •'.sCMeuMtwrtlfMd ro Mints, Ntting torte ap :!Naas of apace ihtne Trwt egainatiM Trua[Ndr.Beneryclary or the legN holder of Bald Oromlaaorynote <br /> Pfeperly tftM In attept; frtciuding In eaenuN: tM name of the »nsnb. antl on atCOUm..ol tM Inoea:Mneaa evitlencedlne»by <br /> opqupMtb, • daeoription of tM spew accupeatl DY aucR terant antl upanl, tM <br /> rer1W WyaEla :tor weft.pace-andsuM otttM.In}armmton all documen»with lei WhMewr used herein, thB slnpular numbu. shall Include tRe plursl, tM <br /> raapect[o wcKlaaaea arW tMancieau fM TrtrstN may npuest. alnpuMC, theuN aieny pander shallM.appficable to all gendare..end ill term <br />" <br /> <br />Pncr-. Y <br />WIIIqu1 tM WrlttM consent ofTruatN, Trtul« sRali not,:tliroctl or. "Benetkla7 <br />:ahalilnclude anY PeYN o! ins intleD4Nneaa nareDY axuretlor <br />arty trxna»rtMreoi, wrtether by opebtlon of law or otMrwlN: <br /> 1tldlrabtly, WlM reapac(to arryiMMolapapin ill EexrlDedprsmleea, whet Mr <br /> ebrbh tYN b. fMW or: IIMNiter In satetenG: (a)-.a.:tspt a pnrmll anY prepaYrrtent... <br /> dYgount Or arNaribe rentpaYaE» zMraunder, (D) Cartcai «termlMte iha Nme: ar <br /> aataplany urwWlatbn,termlMtlonurNrraMariMreot, or.:permit any: evam to tg:SxaeNaar Ttwfw. eenshuary maylromtime totlme auostituteasucceseor or <br /> Omar leniM rrotrld antis»tM lessee tMrwMer to tens{Nte«uncebiMNme; tc} auxsNO»to any TruatN named Mrein or acting Mbunder to eascute tole T!uat <br /> teuerq ormodfytMNxrw w u td reduu tM team thereof: tM rental payaDM DeeC. UpMaucn aDPOlntment antl without conveyance to tMeuccsaeor Truman, <br /> IItMWItrIFr,ptoenatge anY.fetlxrat proYlslone tMMM OOrt»Irted:{d}waiee anY tM loiter-eMIIDe veetM with alitftle,paweb, and tlutles conferred. upon~ny <br /> da1wRlMrwndu:«DrNCntMno1; (sl g~anyconaent,waiver:«atwrovab TruetN heret~nametloracting Mraundar. Eaeh: auch'appolntmant end <br /> t11MMel0M.Or. taaaaey.DlMr'adMd In COnMCtIOn AnMMWItn}«41tn.L leeaee euMUtUDM atoll: M:.made. DY-wdtlM InatNmullDY BeMNOIary;:COn»Ining <br /> tlwaurtOM, wMCn)aotriO MwtM ottmpabrtng tM rmw of Masora lntere.t 'referenpto th» OM ltaplaCSolrec«d;:whicn wnanre<arded In M <br /> RtNwnday on tlMPropafry au4)eG1IftarMO, «otImpairfnptM pwllion ar lrtrareat offiM of tiq Rplstuot Deada of tM county orcounlMa In whb<hNld Droparty M <br /> q/tM TrwfNarMtrfkbry;oriflsmi, assign; piadpa,mortgpaor"oUtewiN aitLatedsMilM<ortobusive proof of properappolnirr»nt Ditto SUCCNa«Trua1N: <br /> dlailoae M,:«Mdutttbar, IbIMerHtln arty such lNN praltyrmtls,iNWS Orprohts TM toragoing: yowu. ot:wWtllullonerM IM.procWubtnsrefon atoll: rtot~: Ds <br /> IaWingaarlelrtg tMrwttder eeCklslwottM powr.aM procMure provldedlor by law for [ne aubmhuilOn of <br /> Truatwrn Truslsse In IM pleas of IM TrumN. <br /> 12 GRMRIMrM. ii UtM to anyp.rt a} tM PropsrtY shell M taken In <aMemMtIM <br /> pfooaWNga,: Dy rlpAt of~eminMtdomaln otsltfalar acibn;Mena11 Oa:NM:urWer 20. FarONbrtN byMUeReMryaTtwMe Nq •WaNer. ArrytoreDeuaMe.. DY <br /> lRrNt of corrdrnnalbrt, alt awattla,tlamagN arM pocNda an: MreDYaNIgnW Bq;,«fklary or Tnrates ln. ekerolaing any right or ternMY..hmeunEer;.or. otMrwlae <br /> and -aMlt W pW to iamfb<IarywM.slafF..appty such. awartlsdamepN arM appflcabM lew;aMllnMM•wirer of«prscludeIM eaaClN 0f~ny <br /> DfgNade loth sumesscuM DytMTcvat De W, witntM:sa.<eas; ll Ny; paW ltlfM right«temMynereUndef.t.IkeWIN,IM wiivmbY.BaMflCiary of Trueieeal:My. <br /> Truator. Trumor.Mll plOmptry, and edtR sus dinganCS, repmr, alter arq restore lM tleiwn Di Trusl« under iMe ^ualDeaG aMbl not M.deamed to Ma walrsr of. any <br /> rrfrtyinlllp part o1.1MTrwt ProprttY to:lta tomes <onOitkM supabnWliy zO.tM outer of similar defaui»aubaeauentlY OCCUnfnp. <br /> tl»ntiMltM eama maYMteaebDM all aoNto oonaHtutee cOmpMte arW risae» <br /> uMt. Tt;Trtrasor Not Raleaaea. Eatsnelon: of lM (lino 1« pwtnentgrmotllllcetloaor <br /> artronlzatbn bl iMSums aecufetl try' IoM Trust OBed prantsd by BenellClary IoanY <br /> to FeftRa npaFSaa: Upon rquN[ OI TNm«, BeMtlObfy, at BarNRClary'a tlpibn; aucusaor In Iniergt 01 Tryalor atoll Hal Operab t0 rNaaN, In any manMr, ill <br /> prlgf tG n<gnNYance of tM Property to tM Tnletar, maym.ka ftrtun advanCeaio baDiilty of iMonglnal.Trustof «TrUetor'a Puccesa« Id Intsreat. Beneficiary sMil <br /> dM TNma. Suett future adratttN,: wltn Interest ihereDn, snail: M secured t>Y th» not:Mrequlrad to ComrRan<e proceetllnpe agalMi au<n auteWe« «.,IeluN 10 <br /> T(Wl: Bead wtwt. erIWllcedlYY PtomMegry. nobeetetbrptMi amd. rMiN.ife ealen0(Ime f«paymeM Ol piMlWie0 modify amgrtlL11Or10fiM BUma 6eCUPedby <br /> aataxad tlar~Dy: 'prpr Wade tMt at rto tkM abort: ill. aecureo pnnOlpal, futuro toll TNet Deed by relxM of any datnand made 6y tM Originm 7ruator and TruelOr's <br /> aMances,rlM:ktbludtrpaumaNVancM:to.: D+g1eCt tM aecudty, exCMd one wC<papn in to»rest. <br /> twnGradprunt lt00%)gftM MglnatprinctpalamoUntsawured rterany:: <br /> 3 tMeult. If. tt»re atoll M 6 fault under InIB Deed of tryst. or under any prior <br /> z1, 11ewYN Ctaarfaww. Aft ramedMe prov4detl In this 7ryat. Deed are dtsilnet antl nwrtpege,iM'BenatfeMry may cur0 such tlmaul4and eho em0unl6 atlvanea0. by, <br /> <wwtatneto altY:OtltYdgM.or retrtadY Urwer [MaTrNl Daetl«alfordw DY»w«. end 61Ml coeCsan0: ekpsnaNOt tM MMHOMiy. in tudnpeutn Oehult;with <br /> equity; ntdma.D.,aargl.wo«wunenib, Andaperidently orautbenbwty. Intwsetel tM delwlt rate tontmMdin tM Note secured neretiy from theiime of <br /> fMSpuenCes«.paymM»snaliMSdtlsd totM lrtdaotsdMNaecurad 6Y ihfeTrusl <br /> ta, AyFbraRR.Raatarea~ 1eMs. Upon dawn Dy.Trvst« In tM paYnwM oterry Ord.vid may M colteclM Mreundermanydmesfter tM tfine of: auto advannRa <br /> iMaOWrtNa a,%trred MrebY«M:tM pMOrm~np:ofaM egraemMtnarwnov; «. paymsn»artdaMitMdeemaOtoGA BeCUreO Mret)Y. <br /> ~atNMCWy'ntq OKters aft soma aeCUtedtWebytmmedlelely MN <br /> Aeltrary (o Trueba of Written deClaRtMn of de»utt. TMTrusfae efteg.Mw tM 21. Cfption m Faeclaaa, Upon ill occurxnce of My defwlthereunGer, Bansflclary <br /> .laWer elf YN of tM AaDartY and IfOaneBClery..desirutM Propety 10 M NIa,-It aMI1.MVe the option to 1«eCtoae th» truer DNd in tM manner provitled Dy law:for <br /> atoll deyNil rIM TrwtN Nb 7Na[ pW and WI prom»aerynotp and do<arMt» ill f«spbeure a/ muripagea on rNl: property. <br /> er1OMlCitp.eaplMdlhrN aeCUrad Mreby, andaMlt tle!Ivsr to TrustM, •wdt»n <br /> ftafWaof rMlault a.W eNddorttouuN [M aftlp.fty to M aotd,lM tM Trustw In 1a. Tmtere RIgMa,':AMeatl. EYe1sWL Vnttf arty. <br />delwlt. In tM PaYmeni of <br /> WmaMR prepare •:mnUlar NOtbe In tM form required Dy bw,wi<n anal) M Outy . <br />indeDlMMN.Mrebyaec'urae cr un211IM Orucn of anY tarenantnerein contalMd; <br /> flledSdrrMatd by Trwtea. tM Truator;na euccesaora and sasipns, ahmiposaNSand enjoy the property;and <br /> (a1 A/br tM lapN <br />ol auto Urt» as. may M repulrM 61 Mw lolh>wirtp tM rs<or0~ rsulwiM rentaarA. Rronts lhaie}rom. Upon paYmen! of ml Bums seCUretlby: tnl9 <br /> . <br />anon of sold iwtkaof debutt.and noDG Oi 6mavlt and rtotlca of. saM tfavtrtg. Tout.Destl,Beneflclery aneb repuemTrust to reoomey the property andanali <br /> tlaMf gti«t urequlbd DY. Mw,:TmatN, wlthput Mmutd pit Tf4attf, anal! sell aurrander iota Trwt Deed end ail n~tN vltl nCingindeblBdneae:secUrgd bY. in18 <br /> tM PrppeRyon ill dab ahd a2 ill time and P»G dM9MtaG }n Nltl notlu of Trust Daed to Truste9. T atN anelt reconvey the Droparty without erianty en0 <br /> aaM al puWtp-auttbn io ill. hlgMSi bldGr,..tM PUrchaN pAte peYa»a in wtligUt cMrga to 1M persons bga1M entltbd 1Mreto. TM Grenlee "n any <br /> IeWhtl molly M LM Unitetl Stabs et 1M time of axle. TMparson'condu<tinp :ecgnveyance ma.Y De tzeautCBO '.1M person or pereons antltlad thereto' antl <br /> . <br />fM Ny meY, f« MY uuN MdNme expedtent,.poa[pone tM aa» trodt UtN 1M. re<itala therein 01 anY matter o! /ec». shall M concluabvtl progf 01 .Coe <br /> fo thtle untR ttsMlt bacompletad arra,in. ovary atuJt us&.notfce oF:ptmtDOne~ trutnfutnaDaiMreor, Such pars«:or persons anon paY a!t cos»atrebording,it any,' <br /> mMt aNll M (;NM by pUbik:decbrmMn tMrso! Dy subti pMfpxl at 1M [IrM <br /> <br />and DMt'-e Net appointed tot ill sale, prwlMQ 11 L`b sale In. postponed f« 71 AmMerattan Ile eta ErMt M Tbrotx. In tM Brent tM DMfo said real estate {s <br /> <br />anger :ton (~ Gay MYOrtd IM Bay dNigNted In !M r.Oau pt Nla, notice treMfefxM. rn<0ntratlA7 tall vanslmred, from try untlerai neA to! an ' <br />g Y reiaM « <br /> <br />tRereol sRal!MglvM fn tfm Nme manner sotto Orlginm ntltlpe ciNN. Dy arty dwlnodwRataoerer, tM enure prin lRel sum nd a<orued Int t anaha2 <br /> <br />Trustee atvY ~recu[r Md.detlvar to tRa piuucnaaer his. Deed con.eyeW tM on<n pacoma CUa arWpayaDlaatlM Nxtbn of the BeneilClarY: ~ail«eto ezBrtMa <br />ihMoption. twcauN of 1 n9br of«.rtia as eDOVS staled In one Inetartce aM71 ne[ <br /> Prtpa'tY told, D'i! Wttntll++t a0Y aOrenlrlt «. Waerirliy, eapreee, rn impf[eP""ha C0nsIt1U» • wx;ver o11M r1a+M (0 BxerGlN tMaame Cn ire anent Of'anY bUDaegilMC <br /> ~ectaM !n [tw. Goad of MY mahere « fet» sttm3 tzaptlMiualva proof of tM !rivrs!r <br /> <br />tM.nlulrwN tkuetlf. Any pmso;'f, InCtWlltg TasMfaury, may purcnaN xi 7M . <br /> axes. ~`:~tt <br />~ Tn4 deeG 4f [rust is iunbr to Ma detail _,..:..__ <br />_._ <br /> rot VYMn Trwrw o.:M p.+ 9uelfttp IM powere Mratn, irta Trualae Map. apply tM __., <br /> Proceeds of too gala to IfiYrfNid of tM ttteheM expenses of eaercietnq 1M <br /> a+er of ~ a~ o: ill aada,Mrhs.Dxyment oI SM TnutN'a Pees exe<utW Dy Trust« to , _ :_.._ _..___.~...~ ~._____._.._ True1N, <br /> <br />L art t y reJ pct tO excsed:__,_~.~.._ °k of ill N».prke, Md toll to <br />rM t awparapwpn (cY in the «arthere abtN <br />rcudngapnndpalnmet« __~ ..._ , <br />--. .__ _ . __._. <br /> ;cl AY / rag ,: .M> aper.U»e.rt aubparapraph jb)U IM NM DY T s1N, «. <br /> tM ,.Des ~ acid Ditpy Cqe» o[7«ettwgn into N:r.-if IM sob ibpr+nuant <br /> <br />w.,tr, x cr .Deers, rhapr,xNde d seb attaY! bpapp<bd In CM order stated Dpi»rsara toad far rtr.«a w„n;M 1 i i (>eade Hd ltlent1ltetl Ya toiaws: <br />-Hag s. ar o <br /> to rM DaYPM!ir M. <br /> .r. ~ca:,,!anra ~.o?nt?n KOC!vo FncMnactienwlifi suGR'xete artf or _......____. ..._,.., ...... _ .,...... ..._... _.,_.,. .___.. <br />....,. <br /> ...y fws~oe bean.;ra; <br /> ~i A',: a,.-a teen xeCUMd:aereDy,; .... <br /> }ill} 'AneMwrBye,,nirn SPIM {1Braan lega.`Ir anytNd tharefU. <br />