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<br />ter ~.~ ~ ~ r r ;, ,r~u~u i ni
<br />' rtr•,t =err ,a~F~rrii ,,ail entr~rv~,l irr Plumc~riCal T~ndex
<br />r,~~ __ __ __ at o'cl~ek_ h1.,
<br />!Ur! r-ecar ned in Dtreri Reeord _ ,~ Page
<br />_- - - ------ Ry
<br />County ~lerK ,~r Deputy County Cierk or
<br />~eg,s*~~ of Oeeds OeputyRegisterofDeeds<
<br />82-~taU~3~3$'
<br />_______Ed_~.Y~'a Hanousek ,Herein called the'grantor'wh they one or
<br />,,.are, in cnn~ideration of One Doliirr and OD/100-------------------------------~ 1.OQ
<br />._ `-__--
<br />rereived frr~n rirantee, does grant, hargan> sell, convey and confirm unto '
<br />Hall County -
<br />herein called the grantee whether one or more; the following rescribed real property in
<br />Ha11 County, Nebraskan
<br />A tract of land comprising a, part of the Southeast Quarter of S?coon 22, Township 11
<br />North, Range 12 West of the: 6th P.M., Hall County, Nebraska, described'as follows:'
<br />Commencing at the Southeast corner of Section 22; Township 11 North, Range 12 4lest,
<br />thence "forth SO :)0'00" West,:alono the South line of said: Section 22 ,one hundred '
<br />Thirty-two and ninety-eight hundredths (1.12.98}:feet to the paint of beginning; thence
<br />r'orth 90 OC'00" West,.'seven'hundred seventy-six and fifty.-two hundredths (776.52}:.feet;
<br />thence North 00 00'00" East, hirty- hree (3~.OOj feet; thence North 73:57'35" East,
<br />seventy-nine and sixty-two hundredths (79.62} feet; thence North'90 00'x00" East, three
<br />hundred (300.00) feet;: thence South 86 51'D?" East, four hundred and sixty hundredths...
<br />(400.50] feet; thence South 00 00'AO" East; thirty-three'(33. 00) feet tp the .:point of
<br />beginning.
<br />Containing 0,860 acre of land., less 0.588 acre existing right-of-way, 0.272 acre of
<br />right-of-way to be acquired.
<br />JUG ~. i .198?
<br />Try have and +_oh~ld theaboue described premises together with a11tenements, hereditan~erts
<br />and a,,pur*enances thEreto belonging unto the grantee and to cgrantee's heirs andassignsfore-~r~r-.
<br />snd cu' grantor does hereby covenant pith the grantee. and with grantee`s heirs and a;srrns
<br />that gr~n_ur =s ;au,t-ally seised of said premises; that they are freefrom enbumbranee.
<br />rha* grantor has good right and lawful authority toconvey the same; and that grantor
<br />warrant< ar.d will defend the title to said premises against the 3awfut-claims of all
<br />t~~er,o+r; wturnsoe~~er_
<br />__ _---- a~- ~..'.' .- ----
<br />i~ ~
<br />S`n7F Or ~ '~(=Si:A, C~!Ih~TY OF_~!~-----
<br />Fief~,re me, a rotary puhlir ,uai~fi~d for Said Count n
<br />4~~A MED~~ y, erona 11 ; came
<br />} rvY ~ tr. ;nr; t,~ bce the idflr;;ical person or persons who signs:d-thy
<br />~~ ~ r?[rtr~ ~n:,truzr,c•,Zt. ono .:~~rr>,~led,ed *_h., r~xecut.ion ?firr~af tt~ t?e his,
<br />t~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ r ~.oirntrar~ ,~~ arc 'tied.
<br />henrl ;n~' 7~;rt.i!ria' a~G' nn v'~~.. ~ ~~~-.----
<br />i~~~:.f Y.~{:_f~c;.£'4t .ir.ta3. Pi11~33C. _
<br />- - _ ._, _.
<br />...,,_
<br />,3~.Ca;~e~~ .ii.,n r .,;,•r s:.
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<br />