<br />52-A-FtEAt_ ESTATE MOft7GAGE-(With7'ax Clairsc) (Revtsedt962j '1'hc HeatananGenarnlSunmt~' Eiov l.ncoty. N<•}r.
<br />riNOy~' 4 LL DiFN F,Y THF_SE PRC ~F.?~IS: 'That 1?l ntwr H. Uhrich tgnd AIiCe D.UP1TiCh
<br />` of Nall Couniy zm3 Suite of N8112'94kfl , in consideregnn of the cnm of
<br />?bitty Bight Thousand Five Hundred and no/`100------------{$38,5()p.pp) Do[l,ax
<br />in hand paid, do hereby SF. LT, and t'ON~'El' unto Bthel uP9enwGOd, a Bingl9 persOII.
<br />of $dl1 Couniy. State o$ kebra8kfl Lhefollovvingdescribedpremisessituated
<br />in Hall County,. and StateaF Ne~b2'ask8 , twwit
<br />A11 that part of the M>~th hell of the southwest quarter (N-7~S ), Lying; South
<br />of tha Union pacific Railload right of way, of section Fifteea~l5) in township
<br />tea(10) porth, range Slevon {ll), r+est of 'the bth P.M.,HaI1 co~tq,Nebr.
<br />(Fioapting that portion in the NorthF.aat of corner shown on a recorded`"snrveq
<br />end conainting of 2 329 acres sore `or Iese).
<br />t`
<br />C
<br />c+r
<br />CV
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<br />The intention bring to convey hereby anat>•eotuta title inteesimpte, including all the rights ofhomesteadand dower:
<br />TO HAy%E AtiU Tip HUl.la the pramtsesubavr..described.: withadl theappurtenances thereunmbelonging, tinto'2hesaid
<br />mortt;agerls~ and to hrs, bar or. their beers and assigns-forever;, gmvided::always, and"thane presents are.: upon t}io. express
<br />cwtditiem that if they said mortgagor4s), his;. her ar their: helm, eaecutors, adurinistratort. ar assignsahall. pay ar. causo to be
<br />pad tc the said mortgagor{a). his, her or (heir heira,.exeeutars,administrators ar assigns, the principal sum tit $ 38,500.00
<br />payable ss follows, W wit:
<br />Nin.t..n thoasand tro Huodr.d Fifty add nofloo {x19,250.00) Dollars
<br />Plus SnteTSSt at the rate of I2 pareenL assent payable on or before Alarch
<br />1, 1983 sad th• final pa~wsnt of niaet~en thousand two Hundred Fifty and
<br />no/100 {=19,'Xl.pp} ~~ bus interest at the rate of 12 psrcant
<br />annul pa}ahla on yr bs!`ors ?(stab I, 1984.'
<br />with ;ntereat urn~rdiu;, to the tenor and effect at the tnortgagars written d~romtssorynota bearing evan dale with these presents '
<br />and shall pay a1E texrM1 and ;i..-_:nxmts levied udwn said;reairstate,and all other taxc~u;.lrwiesandasnesamenLs levicdujron this
<br />mortgage or thi• rwte ~whi.:h thi. mortgagei. ~ given ha solo re, before the same becwmes delinquent, and keep the.. buildfngs:an
<br />raid premivcc in::ured for tha >umaf $ gloss, if any, payable (tithe said mortgagee,thon thesepresenue
<br />u~ be void, otherwise to her and remain in fu;l farce
<br />TC f5 FL'li"ff1El{ .hCFtl-ED t1) Tha[ if the- saidmortgagor,shall.#ailfc3 paY such taxes oz~procure suctr insurapr~c, the
<br />said mortgagee nwy nay .uch t.cxesand. procure such ituwrnnc e. end the nom s., advanced, with interest at I2. per
<br />cent, sha'i Ix repaid by sad mortgagor, andtlr s mortgage. shall stand as s<tivnty forthe same, `(2) That afailure to, flay :..ny
<br />~, of said n~cne~y, either princpal or intcreat.when the 3aaie t.ecotnat due; nra faidurato cxrmply..with anyof the forcguing
<br />agreements, shall Cause the whole sum of money:herein secured W txxcrme. doe and. cvileciibde at once at the option of the
<br />mortgagee-
<br />signed thi., llth day ~ duns zs $2 / ,j~
<br />to presence of ::. .. ..~~~<~~.a.--l~- ~y(,~/.L..~3sC/.(,,...
<br />STATE OF.-. _._. Ii6b¢'aska-.._ ___ catu,ty of:.....g;s1.1..
<br />- Before me, a notary pchlic qua!ificd tar .c:ud ecunty pessonallY Came
<br />Slaar Uhrich sod Alice D. Uhrieh
<br />irrtewn to mE to he the ir3rntica! person or pc•r~ons wh<, sigaed:Yiie foregoing insinunent andacknowledged the exeCUt;ae
<br />_ thereof to bc. his, her nr their .~utuntary act :md deed.
<br />~.. Witnrs~s mg lxand :uxi t-~f+~~.. _ .... ........:~ ~.., I $Zjrr
<br />~1y cam.zrission expires: ~" ~ R ~~~
<br />a~se~a+~ad~iM _ ::. (.,-'ir ~'~S.rrf,G~>; ..._..Notary Pnblac
<br />L STATE Jf'_ _ __~ - _ __ _ ~~ Entececi on ntwzerical index and filed for r.•~~rd
<br />x^
<br />Cvaaty _.. _. _._ _::... _ in. ttrr $egiatsr of DeNds pffw~e of said. ~«,r,y the
<br />..,. .. r=ay eL .: ........ ... ....: 19 , ,. aY ....._ ... ... , ..o'clock and..:.. ,. __:_.. minutes . ..:..:..... dvt .
<br />and tae-~rd:d to f3cH:::. .... ....... .. vf... .. .,. ... J... ........:at page......,. .._...:... _.._.....
<br />........_.,.. ..._ ........... ... _.,..... , . _....._....fte~. of ITrecia
<br />