<br />.. ~ -- L 24,042 --
<br />tC*iUila ALL MFV sv TtIESEPRESENTS• That tennis H. Kruse and Lirlda-M. Kruse, each in his and' Yier
<br />C7Ydf]:Z'1C~'etr3Zld a5 5~3tISeof edCtlOthPSr. Mortgagor, whetAe~.one nz mare;.in oo»sidention of thestun of
<br />FOrt'Y thousand! aIId:' nQ/~-ti0°~°-----°--.-~----J _.~~.-._----'---.------------------=IJOLLARS
<br />toaraetii to said. ro»rtgagor by The Fquiabie Balding and t.aan Association of C.iarrd Island, Nebraska, Mortgagee; upon 400 shares of stork of
<br />said ASSOCIATION, t'trtit3nte No.-L 24,042 , do hereby grant, iamey and mortgage unto the said ASSO(;IATION the following
<br />detcribed rrgi estate, sititattd in FIaU Cotmiy. Nebraska:.
<br />Lot `1Weave (i23 in Heritage Acres Subdivision in the
<br />city-of Grand Island, Hall County, Nehzaska;
<br />tuitether wtttt aRttte tenrnents, lraredrumcats and apptutena»ces theteuntn Deh>tegfng, necludixtg at[adasd Moor coverings, all window screens,
<br />' window shadnbifmis;stmm wiretk7wa,:atviemrp,ixatargt. aircnnditisatr&eR,and pltuimmg and waurequipmaat~nd aocestones lhertto, pumps, stoves,.
<br />ufrgcratots,andulhrrYtxturtsatedeQaipmtniemwdrhereatinattx}redtocrcustdincannectsonwithsaidreaitstatt.
<br />::Arx$ wherpsebc xadmuriga{tnt hat aRsetxi a»ddacw:ltMeby aRrttehat the murtgagax xlialt and will pay all taws and assesantents levied:ar
<br />aaiemtd upo» saidptrmixs and upon.this: sranrttuyr and the Mlrati ri~rtreeu t.Raereby,ha{nre ttsc sankshablbecmntdelittquent; tofurnishapproved.:
<br />itpeuanauponliitbuddu~eracaittprtmi~smtuaYe.imctusam„t.5 ~?OrdOCi.0O {~ayaDktoraid..AS,SOCIATIQN andta..delivertosaid
<br />ASSOCIATIONihc-pnircies far saitiituwaator:arrd m.i t,, rrimmri ~„ irrm,t arty *+asiean or about: saidpzemixes;
<br />Ip cart ut xk{Holt Bathe peMoettutntt xaf arty of the t-rtm arai cnndnxxra of this: emxtgage orthe bond: tetaus~tl hereby, the mortgagce sha0,
<br />on detnand, tx ent~tkd is rtturtrxitata pwasexsarti rx{ the nxxtpyrged {Sretnt~~s and ehe rrxutgagur hetcisy assigrta,: traYYSfets and sets 9ver to the
<br />nwrtppec aU the ~arxti, xexttuez and irtcrsmt to bt dtxaved from the mwtgt~cd' prenuaes 4urirtg such tiYmt as i~r martp,~t indtbtcdness shalt utnain
<br />iitepaid; acrd th< nrtx tgrgce shall trove the t*ewer t,• n<lspemtt anyagtni or aitmu rY rnxy rlestre for the purpose of repairing: said pretaises and renting
<br />the sarnr a»d ~dkctutg the rents, revmtecs axwi vrCxame, acrd tt any pap<rtil cst' saw rruxnttt: all cxpensts of repairing sad: pre»tists arMl. necctsuy
<br />cngtatvaitx,.andcxpcswesYncutrrdmrrntmKa,:dnvnagitigtMsamt'andofrcdfectitegrentals'thrrafrom;thebalanoctentaining.:if'any,to..:be
<br />applied tx~wacd: the distiva+ge rd said.. irrnA~gta andabtedness, there rigtus,u{ the mcxtgagea map De. cxercy*_<d atany time durutgthe txislenoe of such
<br />tkftutit , urtapective nt anp te»tporary waives of the aaase.
<br />Thor Preaenes, Dn~aavay, ase upon: ihc. t'imditiun, That ifi the raid. Martgay,.ir style mpay aaailuart on or be$ure the matmitpof..saad shuesby
<br />paymaiti; pry ttiwttttly to said ASSOCIATIONof flea sum speaficd nr theBond sccuied htrehy as'irtitrtsY and prtnce}nton said roan, nn or befnre
<br />ttir Twenr,eYhdapaf each atutrvae'y rttamh, aerie sardhaaa ~fvity prod; PaY aU texts assn asaasurtents kwtd against. raid pretrtises end on thas Mortgage
<br />and tree &mU g2ured thereby, batore debnqutracy; turnuh appitncd ttt>nirana upon the brailduigs tlceteon tntetesum nC 540, 000.00 PaYalak
<br />to ,axi A.v(X:IA`f7ON; repay-ta raref AS5(YCtAT"f(~.upyw drmsnd a!8 »vrneY by it paid fox sum texts, uaeixmanta a~i. insuaanca with inures at
<br />tMmaurau:niega9ratcthereanfromdsirofpaympttallafwDu~tlWortp~ter..hecebyagcestupaY,perms[amwautnnsaidpremixes;.kecpandctimply
<br />sr-teh aU tiY ogre<natata uxyi c~rncirtwnsaf the $rm'wt fist S 40 ~D0.O0 thisday Krx'enbY the said Mort~ygor to Hai ASSUCIATION,arn! txamply
<br />wnh all th< rcyuuttnt[ats of th< t c.:,sirtution ared By-Vws ta~said ASfiC1ClATItJN: itaeia tlmte presents siaaD became Heel! and void, otherwise they
<br />sttaU .ctnain m fuF3 frnx ar,d .ru, 'bt foceeiawacc.i ar ehe uptKrn of the said A "" ' iATION a{i,~. torture far truce »togtles to ntakeany of said
<br />- pnymeoaaxubeahrremx,nths na.xears,nmaknxg.udmax:ihtypaymeats,ari~skeapandrntnplywiththeagtaeateaisanitcanditionsofsaidBond;
<br />and AlarttraR„s agm io }ux s :~c.r,rcx app.i.ntul fx.srhwxth in sxieia fcntckrsust peuasdinga.
<br />tt f here u any ctunKe ,n swesarslup of rite teat state aaori~td Dvtin, DI' sak oa nteservaita,. thCi the entire ternainRng indebtadaess tureby
<br />aoctuad rtvU, at the ~ptKm x+Y TZte tywtaialr RurldE~strd i,tzw.Jlsrucution of 4rand [s~indNebraska,bexaomcimmediatetydtte andpayablewifhout
<br />further n_>ticz, and tree aakau»t rtnueanyt ~~ ::cwier ssidband.,aada~yathaDxuul:totut3raddiiiortaladvaactszmdeifitreuarler...shaU,fzam':ihe
<br />date of cstruse „f sa,d nprr;+.,, Dttc ii:ttrasi at the R.._V~..«.~.. regal tart, and tern trwr[gagc may then be foti:c&rttd in:sstisCy thaaawtmi duton said
<br />D.snd., and any ntixt twnd for addrtirrnaladranms; together witb atf srwu paid try said Tite Egrdiabte Baildutg ana Loan Association of Grand [stand,
<br />~. ticDraska fc>r insurauuc, teats and assFSTmeats, amt atasirss:lrngtxttnvcxc tfitargts, with. iztTSrtsi. tlurtav, from:dau of paymeaY at the rztaximurn
<br />fait. -
<br />' As ~rv,rol<.i ;n tD< fSon.'. seivred hereby, whdtthis~ rrmrtgaSe remains -m effect t#ec nurr[gagee may tYereafur advani:e additi+~irai auras w ehe
<br />t~k=:rs ei s:+xt &.ac. [fete awg~s: ua sist in intsaast, wtictsse»rs'shall 6x wiLara iftt secariTy of tt'sisntunlu sa»u as Lhefunds origirtallY
<br />~curcd t!re cchy. t Ik ;ota3 nm:,urt .: f prn~i dtht mat Yv exceed aT any tuna the ax:girnl araaunY. of ihismortgage,
<br />ttatr,f t l0~YY dap of Jt}p{p A. D-: t4 a~
<br />D~r*iis~: ~~~....___. _:_ .:
<br />- Linria M, Knse
<br />- STAT'E' t?E~ .`:ERi?h~w:+1. ~
<br />v, fNr Letts 10th <lay of June l9 $2 , before mc,
<br />CC1L3Y't"'a' Of fSAi._
<br />- the ursd a N p~Dtic Err 'fen €aid County, pe sonaifi ran'M
<br />E>F~ru~:zs H, i<rs., an3 i~i.rrda M. I€xtarse, v=aCh in ..his anc~~erd'ownzight an~'d as spouse ~t~ eac~r
<br />•~t6T~ , arbu ~;-~ personally. knawota
<br />nx to ~ 'rc ,.yc n' i .. .. ,, ri^lw-r- ~orme.5 are: mffixtd ua YYA+: sDvre: ssv:tsura^ca-t a-s~n. *.sr'tgaitvr S and ~i]~y seve~ra37,y
<br />. ,z
<br />xc - t`..ged i br -,,. ... ,:, ire tl',E:~:T vcdmtacy aei acrd dee~ci. ,> "~~
<br />_ - ~
<br />. ~~~~
<br />itlPlaat T "Hid f RIMw _'b..,-.,r+' ~ , __ .. .. ' _r „v, ' ~ ~.,-
<br />~a?s2'+s ar i0~t~lEa ~UltOlk ~, .pry F ;', q;
<br />~Ir o~.~I- fro
<br />