<br />$2--U~23Q1
<br />9. Ca~demasdon: Theproceeds of any: award or claim for damages, direct. or consequentiah in connection with ang•.
<br />condemnation`or otlsertaking of the Property, or part thereof; or :for conveyance. rfr lieu of condemnation, are. hereby assigned
<br />and shall be'paid to-.iender;
<br />In the event of a total taking of the Property, the proceeds shali.be applied to the-sums secured by this Deed of Trust
<br />with the excess, if any,. paid to Borrower. In the event. of a partial taking of the Property, unless Borrower and Lender
<br />otherwise agree in writing, there shall be applied ro the sums secured by this Deed of Trust such proportion of the proceeds
<br />asis equal to::that proportion which the amount of'thesums secured bythisDeed of Trustirnmediately prior to the date-df
<br />taking bearsto'the-fair market value of the Property immediatetgpriorto the date of taking, with the balance of the proceeds
<br />patd to Borrower..
<br />If the Property is abandoned by Borrower, or if; afternotice by Lender to Horrowerihat the condemnor offers to make
<br />an award or settle a claim for damages, Borrower fails to respond to i:ender within 30:days after the date: such notice is
<br />mailed, Lender: is authorized to coltectand apply the proceeds, at Lender's option, either to .restoration nr repair of the
<br />Propccty ar to the sutns secured by this Deed of Trust:
<br />i7rtless Lender and Borrower otherwise agree in writing, any such application of proceeds to principal shall not extend
<br />~- or postponethe due`.date of themonthlyinstallments referred toimparagraphs,l aod:2hereofor change the amount of
<br />such irtstallrnents. -
<br />]0. borrower NobRekased. Extension oP the time for payment or modification of amortization of the: sums secured
<br />by this Deed of Trust graneedby Lender to any sua:essor in interest of Borrower shall not operate to release; in any manner,
<br />ahe liability of the' originaG Borrower and Borrower's successors in interest Lender shall not be: required 4d commence
<br />proceedings against such sttccessoc or refuse to extend time for payment or otherwise modify amortization of the sums
<br />secured by this Deed of Trust by reason of any demand made by the original. Borrower and Borrower's successors in interest:
<br />11 Forbearance: by Lender Not a Waiver. Any. forbearance by Lender. in exercisingany right or remedy-hereunder, or
<br />otherwise. afforded by applicable law,: shall notsbe°a waiver of or preclude. the exercise of any such right or remedy..
<br />Theprocurerttentofinsuranceor thepaymentottazes or other iiensorcharges by Lender shall notbe a waiverof Lender's
<br />right to avxelerate the maturity of the indebtedness secured by this Deed bf Trust.
<br />12.RemedlesCumulatlve. Allremediesprovidedia this lleed of Trust are distincrand cumulativelo am"other right
<br />or remedy urt~r this Deed of Trust or afforded. by taw or equity, and may be exercised concurrently, independently or
<br />'successively:
<br />13. Soeetysors and Assigm 1lonnd; Joint. and Several- Liabilih; Captions. The covenants and agreements herein
<br />con[ainedshal! bind; and 4he rights hereundershall inure io, she respective successors and assigns of Lender and Borrower;
<br />subject to the provisions of: paragraph 17 hereof AI! wvenams and agreements of Borrower shalt be joint and several.
<br />The captions and headings:of-the paragraphs of his_Deed of-Trusr'are for convenience only and. are not to be used to
<br />interpm or define thd;provisiom hereof.
<br />14. Noflee.` F~tceprfor any notice required under applicable law to be given in another manner, {a) any. notice to
<br />Borrower provided for in this Deed of Tntst shalt be given by mailing such notice by cenified mail. addressed to Borrowetae
<br />hc:Property Address. or afsuch other address as Borrower may designate'by notice to Lender as provided herein, and
<br />fb j any notice to Lender: shall be; given by cerri6cd trail, return receiprrequested, to Lendu's address stated herein or to
<br />such other address`es` Lcrtder may :designate by notice to Borrower as provided herein. Any notice provided: for in this
<br />Deed of Trust. sha1l'bE vleemed to havebcen given.. to-Borrower or Lender when given in the manner designated herein:
<br />15. 1Jtdferns Deed dfirsd; GorerninR Law;'Severa6pity. This form of deed of trusicomtiines uniform covenants for
<br />national use and. non-uniform covenanu with limited variations by jurisdiction to consttnte a' uniform security instrument
<br />covering real property. Thi Deed of Trust shall be governed byahe law-of the jurisdiction in which She Property is.located.
<br />to thetvent that any provision or clause of this Deed of Trust. or the Note conflicts with applicable taw, such conflict shall
<br />not affect other pprrovisions of this Deed oBTnnt or the Note which can lie given effect without the confScting provision,
<br />and. to this tnd the prwiseom of the Dad'oli "Trust and the Note are declared to be severable:
<br />li. lllorrower't:Copy. Borrower shal3'Gc fished a conformed copy oC the Notc hod of this Deed of?rust at the time
<br />of txecution or af[ei?'rsCprdation:6erosf)s'' n„t.
<br />17. Transfer oEtbe trrpetty; Aawmptloa. Tf all or any part of the Propery or an interesttherern is sold or transferred
<br />by'Borrowerwithout Lender's prior written consent, excluding (al the creation of a lien nr encumbrant:e subordinate to
<br />this Deed of Trttst, (b} tht creation of a purchasamoney security interest for household appliances; (c) a transferby devise,
<br />descent or by operation of law upon the deathof a joint tenam or Yd) thcgrantof any leasehold interest of three years or less
<br />notcantaining an option to purchase, Lender may; at Lender's option, dec b-re aU the sums secured by this Deed of Trust to be
<br />unmediatety due and payable, Ixnder shall have waived such pption to accelerate if, pricer to the sale or transfer,. Lender
<br />and the personYa whom the Property is to besoid or4ransferred reach agttement in writinn that the credit. of such person
<br />is satisfanoty to Lender arld that the interest payable on the sums secured by Phis Deed of Trust shall he at such. rate as
<br />[xndershall request. If Lander has waived the option to act:elerate provided'inahis`paragrapli t 7, and if Borrower's successor
<br />ininteresthas exectrteda writttn assumption agreement accepted ]n writing by.Lendcr, ]..ender shallrelease. Borrowerfrom
<br />.all obligations under this Deed of'Trust and the Note.
<br />If Lender exercises such option to accelerate. Lender shall' mail Borrower notice of acceleration in accordance with
<br />paragraph 14 hereof. Such notice shall providoa<period of not Tess than. 3O days from the date the notice- is mailed within
<br />which Borrower may:pay the sums declared due. if Borrowerfails to pay such sums prior to the expiration of such: period,
<br />Lendu may, without further notice or demattd on Borrower, invoke any. remedies permitted by paragraph 18 hereof.
<br />1VOH-lJNlFOart Covetv,vxrs: Borrower and Lender further covenant and agree as tol(ows:
<br />1g:Accekratioe;.Remedies.-Exceplac.providedinparapapb,l'7.hereof,upon,Borrowcs'sbreachnfany,cmenantor
<br />aRreeuettt of brrower in this Deed of Tryst, ioclnding the covenants to pay when due any sums secured by this.. Deed
<br />of Trm/, ].ender priotto accderNion shallmail nalicrto Borrower as providedin paragraph 14. hereof. specifying: (1) the
<br />breactsq (2} tax acliogregnired to cure snc6 breach; (Sy a date, ant less than' 30 days from the date the notice ~ matted to
<br />ibrrower,'bypwhich such breach mttsf be cured;: grad. f4) that-failure to care such: breach on or 6cfore the date specified
<br />to tit ootice_may result inaccdeMioa of the scents secured by;this DecdSof Trost-and sale of the Property. The notice
<br />'shall farrberinformsorrower. ofttte righttarciRState aftuaccekration-and:.tbe rigbt'lobrtrag a courtaclion to assert
<br />the'-aontadsteace oEa defanM'or any.other defeast ofBorrower[oaccetenfion 'and sak: ' If thebreach is notcurcd
<br />on or helorc the dolt pacified in the notice; tenderer E.eader's nptioo may dec}are alt oPthe sums secured by his. Deed
<br />of Trmt to be imaled'utely due and payable. wiflaout further demand and may. invoke the power. of sale and any other remedies
<br />permitted byapplkabklaw. [.eodet sha116eeati/kdto colkctall reasooabk coslsand expensesincurred'in pursuing the
<br />realedies provided is this paragtap6 18, incladirtg, but. not limited to, remtonabk aftoraey's fees.
<br />]f the power of sak is involved, Trustee stroll morel a notice: of dcfaultin each county in which the Property or some
<br />part thereof is located and shalt ma7 copies of sncb.nolice in themanntr prescribed 63 applicable taw to Borrower and to ibe
<br />other persons pmctibed by applicat6le lr~w. After the Fapse of such time u may be required: by apphcabte law, 1"rustec shall
<br />.hive pabYc notice of sale to lhepersoosand 'mibsmanner,.pre:sen'bedby..applicable law. Trustee,: withoutdemand on
<br />Eorrower, shall sail thr.Property'-at puN'tcauctiooto t6ehiglKStbidder at the time and place and under theferms:designated
<br />in,rbe noticeof sak in one or mare parcek atd in such. order a, Trustee may determiner Trustee may pospong sale of all
<br />otaayparct•Iaftbe.ProptRy'hy:pubficannounttmeM-attbetimeandplacenf any.previoosdyscheduledsale.l,enderor
<br />Lertder s tksi~aee may pnrchace the Property st any sak.
<br />: [Tpnnreceipt ofpaytaenfoffhapda bid, Trustee sf~all deliver to thepurchascr. Trustee'sdeed rnnveying the Property.
<br />sold. The recitals in the.Trasfee.'s:deedshatf6epdmafacnrevidenceof..thetruth>ofihe.:statementsmadttherein. Trustee
<br />shall apply. We proceedsof the sak in the folbwiaR order, (a?toaB rcasatgbk costs and ettpeuses of the sale, including, but
<br />nnflimitedfo,'llnrstee's fees of notmnrc than. %nofthe gross sale price, reuanable atloraey'sfeesand:rosts of
<br />fkk rvldence; fb) to all sums setnred by tl>is Eked of Trust; and (c) the excess, if avy, to the.person or persons legally entitled
<br />thereto.
<br />l9. 6urro~er's Ri6ht to Reinstate. Notwithstanding Lender's acccleralion of thesumssccured b}• thist?eed of Tntst.
<br />SUrrower shall ha~c the right tohave any proceedings begun 1>y tender to enforce this Decd oC Trust dtss;ontinitcd at
<br />ah7 time prior t.~ the canter to occur of Oahe fifth day before thesate <~f the Property pursuant to the power crf sale ~nntained
<br />:~ in this Decd of Tn~st or !ii'J cut ry of a jtrdgmemenforciag thislh-ed o(7 rcra if: fa) Borrower Days Lander all sumswhich would
<br />be then doe under this Ckee3 ofTrust. the Ngie and antes sectin'ng Futuru_Advanccs~ if any,. C4aii no arteleration: occuricd:
<br />fhi fan ewer i ~ ,f t,r > F rat any oiFur rc+vrnants or .agreements ~f Borrover coatainrd an this Tk.rd <~f:Tnut:
<br />(c; 6i mower pavs ail rcavcn.ib~e e<i+cnscs incurred byLcndccand Trustee ;n enforclnb the ct>vcnenzs and agwemcnt5 oC
<br />Bnrnra-cr contvinZ~ in ibis Deed of Trris[ and ;i enforcing Leader`s andTnxets~'s reittedies as p~iovidcd in paragraph ;t€
<br />hereof, inc?u~ r~.y, b~u u»t limited to, rrax~mahle attoCne,--'. fccr, and (d; Borrower takds s€mb action as I-cniior rra4' reasuttal?ts~
<br />req~ +c to ~ tf;nt .hc liar ut this Deed caf 'Fn.~t, Leader"s intercTctin the Prs}4err}' and Bur: e~wt; is ai;)sg Trion ro pus
<br />