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~2-=.0Q2~00 - <br />"UirtFOn.nt s^ovrnaxTS. Han~awer and"Lender covenant and;agreeas fgllows <br />1. Payttneot of Principal and lnter'se: Berrowershall promptly pay when due the principal of and interest. on the <br />indebtedness evidenced by the NMe; prepsyenent and late charges as provided in theNOic, and the principal of and' interest <br />onanv Future Ads^ance< sect~rcd by this. Deed of Trust. '. <br />~. Futds for Tugs and Irt-¢uraaee. Subject to applicable Taw ar to a written waiver by Lender. Borrower shalt pay <br />to Lenderon the deymon±hly installments of principal-and interest arc. payable under the Note; until the Note v paid in full, <br />a sum (herein "Fuad~"i equal tq ane-twelfth of .the yearly lazes and .assessments. which may attain priority overt this <br />Dexd of Trusq and ground rents on the Property, if any, p(us qne-twelfth of yearly premium installments for tiazard insurance; <br />plus one-twelfth of ytaNy premium installments-for mortgage insurance, if any, all as reasonably estimated initially and from <br />timato-time by Lender on hr basis of assessments and bills and reasonable estimates thereat. <br />"The Funds shall be field in alt' institution the deposits:ar accounts of which are insured oc guaranteed by .i Federal or <br />stateagency (including. Lender if Lender issuchan institution). Lender shah apply the Fundstopay~saidtaxes,assessments, <br />insuranct premiums and ground rents:Lender ma} no! charge far so holding and applying: the Funds,ana{yzing said account <br />or verifying-andcompitingsardassesstrtents andbills, tmless Lender paysBormwer to;frost on theFundsand applicable:law.- <br />permitsLender tomake such a:chacge. $ormwer and'.I:ender may agree in writing: at the time: of-cYecytion bf:this : <br />.Deed of 7Yustthat interest on iheFunds shall be paid ia$orrower, ard'unlrss such agreement is made or applicable law <br />requires stlch interest to Ee paid, Lander shall not br required to pay$orrower any interest or earnings an the Funds: Lender <br />shalt give to Borrower, withou6 charge, an annual accounting of the Funds cfiow~ing credits and debits 20 the Funds and the <br />purpose For which each debit to the Funds: was made, The: Funds are:. pledged: as additional security. for the sums secured <br />by this Dced'of Trust. <br />If [he amount of thefunds held by.Lender, together with the fuuire manthly ;astallmcn[s of:Funds payable prior to <br />the due dateso[ taxes: assessments; insurance premiums and ground rents,. shalle.¢recd the amaunt required to pay said. taxes. <br />assessments„insurance premiums and ground rents as they fati due. such excess shalt. 2>r, at Borrower's option;. either <br />promptly repaid to Borrower. or c,-edited to-Borrower on manthly installments of .Funds-.. if the amount of the Funds <br />had. by Lendef shall :not be sufficicm to pan taxes, assessments, insurance premiums and ground rents as .they :fall .due. <br />Bottower shall pay: to Lender any amount necessare to makc'np !!re deficiency within 30 dry: fromihe date notice-ismailed <br />hY Ltttder to Borrower requexting payment thereof. <br />Upon payment in full of alt sums. secured by this Aced of Trust, C.cndcr shah promptlyrcfund to Borrower anyFunds <br />held by Lender: If underparagralih Igicreof tht Properly is sold orthc Prcipeny is atherw~ice acquired byLcnder, Tender <br />shaltapply,'no aloe than. immedtateiy prier to the sale of the Property or its acquisnio+t t+} tender, any Funds held 'by <br />Lenderatthe time of applicationasacredit against the sums secured by thrs Deed of Trust. <br />3. AppllcalfosbRPaysrnts. Unless applicable law ptnvides otherwise: all pay~itents received be [:ender under the <br />Note; and puagraphs t and 2 hereof shall tie applied lay !..ender firn in payment of amounts payable to i.rnder by Harrower <br />uoderparagraph Z hereof, then tointeresi payable an thrNote..then to the principal ofthc Notc, and thentointerest and <br />principal un any Future Advancex. <br />1. Clt[fes; Lieas^ Horrgwei- cha11 pay all laves. assessments and ether charges. fines .md ~mposrtians attributable io <br />the Property which may attain a priority over this Deedof Trust, and lcasekold paymentsor ground rents, if any,io the <br />manner prgvided troller paragraph 2 hereof ar, i[ rtot paid in such manner, by Bormwcr making payment. when duel, directly. <br />[q tfte`payee thereof. Borrowershall promptly fuxntsh ra Lender ailnc~uces.itf amounts. direunder this paragraph, andin the <br />event Borernverahali;make paymentdirecily. Borrgwer shall prgmpaly furnish to Lender receipts evidenang such payments. <br />Borrower shall promptly discharge any lien which has praurity over this Ihcd of Trust: provrdrJ, that Barrcrwer shall not be <br />required (q discharge apy such !ten so long as Borrower shall agree fn writing ra the paymcni of the gbltgattstn secured b}• <br />such iii:n in a manner acceptable tc+ Lender, ar shall zn guod tank contest such lien 1,y; ar defend enfnrcement of such lien m. <br />Iegtlpproceedinggss'which etperate to prevent the enforcement of the lien nr fgrfciture aC the Property or any parr thereof. <br />S.11#aaastllawra~ee.Borrower shall keep the improvements new evisungar hereafter erected nn thePrapern~ insured <br />against lou by'Rre, hazards included within the term °'r><tended coverage'", anti etch otlicr hazanls :ts Lender inay regrtirc <br />and in such amounts and for Bitch periods as !:ender ma} regwrc; prr?vrdrd. that t..cndcr shall net reyuirc that the amotmt of <br />such coverage exceed the! amount of coverage requtrrd to pay the sums secured by this .Deco of 'frisst: <br />Theinturance carrierprgvidingthc instarana<x shalt be tiht+sen by Harrower subject to apptotaih} Lctide:'. pro.^idcd. <br />that such appro~s! shall twt be unreasonably. wrthhcld. All premiums on insurance policies shall br paid in the manner <br />provided ender paragraph 2 htrrgf or if not paid sn atu h manner, by Borrvvar Jnaking payment; when due, dirertl} ts+ the <br />imn[ance carrier. <br />All insurancc:pobeies and rcnewaks thereof shat! he m form auccptatrlr tal.enitrr and shall include ;i standard mnrtgagr <br />'dtuscin EavgroCandinform acceptabie2t Lender 1:cndersltallbavetttc rtght in hold the pr"nnc~ .tell renewals thereat. <br />and Borrower shall p[amptly furnish to [.ender all renewal rioticcti and aU receipts of psid prem~~~m~ In the e^=ent of lass. <br />BorrowershaBgive prompt notice-to the: insurance t;arrier and t.endrr. tender may make prcwf af'lnsv if ttc+t made promptlj- <br />by Borernver. <br />UnlatsLender and Bgrcosscr cr[hcrwix agree in wnt3ng, ;nsuraiizc prrmerds shalt be appliedlo resr+zration of repa+r of <br />IheP[gpeQy damaged: peavided such restoratic+n ar repo+e' i4 rcnnntn+celly teasihle and the srcurttys+f this DerJot Trust is <br />not lherebyimpaired. tf such rcatotaGon orrepaer rs naiccaan.mucally tresi~blear.+f thearcurny nLthis Decd of Trust would <br />be impaired, the insurance prorceils shalt ix applied to the sums .secured by this Deed of "Trust, with the excess. ~-f an}, paid <br />to Borrower.: If Ihe:PrAperly isabandantd b}"B4xrawer, ar if Brtrow,er fails to xrspond ?o Lrnderwi6un 30 day, from the <br />date:-noticersmaileclbytender to Borrower that the instreancr earner ati'crs iosettle 5 clasttr#'ar ins:rrauce bcaebts. Lender <br />is'autlrori~ed tocgttect andapplythe insuranceproceeds at l.c;rsder`sr*ptrcvneithrr to restoration or repatr cif the Prnpert} <br />or to file sums. aeicured by this Dced`of Trust. <br />' [Jnlesss Lender and.Horrowerotherwiseagrec to writing, any such appiicat+ost of proceeds a principal shall not etitend <br />or pptoustpone the due date oftbe manthly tnstallments refcrxed ra in paragraphs i and change the amaunt of <br />suchimtal3ments-. Lf underparagraphiyt hereof the Propcrt} +s aiyuiredhytxndes, a:1l. right. rr;le and tnterestofHormwer <br />inandio aoy iosurxocepolicies and in andta lire Itreo,eeds thcrecsf;rG.cultingfrom damagefcr theProperty prior [u the rite <br />gracgtrisition<shall passtaLrndertatheextenYOf thesnms xrured hy. thzs Drxdat l7ust immediaicly prior:n surh salear <br />atxluisition. <br />' 6.'.Prnervttba and.Naiatenancc of Property; L.easetwlds; Cairdaminiums, Planned Unii [Mvebpmerrts. Barrcrwer. <br />shaltkeep~ the Property in gotxf repair"arid shale nai s'omnur w;issc stir permit mpairn=cru itr letcsiorauan of tht Property '. <br />and shall comply with the provisions of anyaeasc if ihisl>crd of Trust is an a leaschald_'Ifthu Derd ofTrust s an a unit in z. '. <br />condominiumar a piannedunifdevzlopment: Borrower shafipedorm all of$arrowcisobiigatians underthe,declaratiari <br />or covenants creating ar governing the condominium ar planned uhit development, the by-laws and regufaf;gns of the <br />eondominiuia ar preened unit dcveloptrtent, and constituem documrrtu, if a enndaminium err planned unit dcvelopmenr <br />rideiiseacecutedby Borrower andrecorded together wi[h this. Deedaf Trust: the. covenantsandagrecmentsal'such rider <br />shallbeincorpora[edintoand shalt amendand'supplemepi. thceoi~enanz and agxee:nents cifthisDcrd oI.T'rwt asifthe rider.. <br />were a part ht;rcof. <br />1 Protection of Leodrr's Serirriity. 1f Borrower fails to perform t}ie covenants anti agrcemcnts u?maincd in this <br />Deed of Trust, err if any action or proceeding is commenced which materially affects f_enirr's interest in the.. Properly" <br />ine}uding,,Frut not limited to, eminent'domain; insolvency. Cade enfarremcnt, ararrangrments fir proceedings. invols<inA :+ <br />bankritptor dcceiient, then Lender at Lender's option, upon notice to Borrgwer; may make such appearances, disburse such <br />sums aria take stick action as is neccssar}^ ii+ protect Lender"s intrre t, iticludmg, but riot limned tor, disbursement of <br />reasonable attorney's fees and entry upon the Propertyto. make repairs. If Lenurr required-mortgage insurance as a <br />condii6on of titaigg the toan:secnrtxl 6y this Deed of Tnrst, Borrower shall pat the premiums required ro miiin:ain such <br />insurance in e$ect until sleek time as the rzgnirement for.sucb msurancr [erminatcx iu acec5rdance with'tlarrower' and <br />Lenrkr's written agreement :~r applicable law: Borrower shalt pay the amount of all mortgaee 3nsuiznce premiums to the <br />manner provided under paragraph 2 hereof. <br />Any amounts dicbut's+;d h_; Lrnckrpursuapt to thisparagraph: 7, with interest ihercana shat hecorne ad;irtionai <br />indcbtedrresa of Borrower secure:! 5y this Decd of Trust. 4'nless Borrower and Tender agree to other terms of ^:n' cwt e*tch <br />.amounts shall tx payahlcupon srutiae firam :Lender ta.Hprxavwer rrqursSn,gpaymeni tttrreof,and'shalllsear intcrz.r irr~•~n the <br />"daiegf disbursementi at ttscrstc payab3cfrom tmeiaiimr an auts[artding principal c+rdzr the 'date :+nlesspaymcrit at +n:rrest <br />at reset: rate would be contrary to applirable law, ,in.w°hieh cvrnt such amaunis slim} bear mts:res*. at the highest. rnie <br />permiasutt untitYapplicabtelaw.. Northing ~ant~iaed in ihis_paragraph ? sh,~lirryuire Lender ti reeler an}`expense of take; <br />an} action hGtGunder.- <br />xhat ~ ndtr s. ;-ansfermay make oe .reuse to bC made ~re~xrable Cnt~es tspcm ani en_r±cct rr r of th P lxTrt} prowd.d <br />.,give $orrtrwrr nmier.'prsor to any suchinspectior, spcr.a vrcig reawt nat52~ ca.r+,o tlxrrtfr. .tlatrd t< l,c•ndcr`s <br />interest in the Pmrxriv. <br />