~ ~---
<br />:_ __
<br />____ __._.____~_ -________..__ ._.- __ w..___.. _ _ _.._.._..____ __ . _ _ ._.. __
<br />52-A -REALESTRTEMORTGAGE-{With Tax Clause)Rev. ;g Huitmanandfelton& Wolf,Walton, Ne: 58461 '
<br />I;.V014' ALL :~fEN F3Y THESE PRESENTS: That Kdtherine.R. Stack, d:5ingle.-perSOn;.
<br />~Nineteerz Thousand Eigf~xan~ndr~~~c~ndf00/100 ($19,800.00)------------
<br />_. ~ , in consideration ofthe sum of
<br />hall Nebraska »oLLARs
<br />. in hand paid, de hereby ~+ELL and CONVEY unto- Kenneth E. Hutton, .Conservator of the Estate Of
<br />Esther S. Hutton,:
<br />I of DOll9l a 5 County, Stateof iVebraS kd the following described premises'situatrd
<br />in Hdll County; and;Stafe of Nebraska' .to-¢it:
<br />~} PTat of a tract of land'cotaprising ali of Lot
<br />QC One (i}, and the Northerly Twenty-Three (23.0)
<br />1.t Feet of Lot Two (2}, Block One (l};.Second
<br />'. 1t Addition to Cairo, Hall"County, Nebraska
<br />tV
<br />- ~ The intention being to conveyhereby annbso:titetitfe in fee smP3e; including: a13 the righfs'of homestead and dower. ',
<br />_ TO:HAVE ANDTO HOLDthe premisesabnce de.critx~d, with all iheappurtenances thereuntobelonging,.-unto the said
<br />moRgagee{a) aridto,hds, her.or:their heiraandascsiy;ns forever, provided always,.and iheae'presents are uponihe express
<br />': conditioa'that if the. said .mortgagor{s), his, her ortheir heirs, executors; adminisYtatars or axsigns shall- pay or cause to t~ : ~,
<br />paid to the said morigagce(ny, his: heror thear hears,. executors: admanistrators or assigna, theprincipal sum of $ l.9 s8~10..D0
<br />~. payable as follawa,. to wits
<br />A, A tnanthly payment of Two Hundred Eighteen and 021100 Dollars ($2i8.02)'ftar a
<br />period of Eive years or-sixty (60} installment payments_
<br />`B. Thirty. (30)'days after the both scheduled payment there will be a final ballaon
<br />payrtknt of Eighteen Thousand Or)e Hundred Sixty=Four and'S6/l00 Dollars
<br />(~18,i64.56}.
<br />with mtern,C atoordiiz$ W thetenor Graf cifec:t ad zhe marzgagors written Pronussory note bearing even date witFathese present:
<br />and shallpay a[i taxeaand axKtrnsmenis Ievi.Yf ul><>a ;aauf rrsal ratate,•, ar+'! ail other'taxe!s, levies and assessmentelcvied u~wn this '
<br />morn{~gtaktherrotewbirhthinawrtgageisgwentc;z,e.;um;befnsotheszatn~hcvoenesdelin9uent.andkeepthebuildingson
<br />_ sad tarcmiad irmurpd fc~r the :sum of $ ::9oas;:ii. any, payablew tlr» isaid mortgagoe, then these t~resents..~
<br />to br void;oiherwiseta be seal re!mtlin mfulf force,
<br />TrfS F'URTtfER AGREED {tj That'd t~hesaid rnortgagar shalifai] to paysuch taxesor procure suchinsurance, the
<br />said rnortaagee may.. Pay suchtaxea andp..icuresuchinsaranpe; and thesurnsoadranced, wit3a interest at per
<br />mnt, ahanbemPaidbY.saad mortgagor, andthxsaortgage ahatl ytarrl:as security torthe same. (2) T"}rata failureto pay' any
<br />of said ruaney, eitherpruutipal-or interest,:wi,en the.same becomes due,. or a fsiidure to. cvnsply with:any of the: foregoing
<br />agrremenb,aMltcause.2heichoie• sum ofmoney.:heroin secured to became dueandco]leMitite at oncost the optionvfthe
<br />mortgages. rr~--
<br />Sidoad this ~ L7 Y+ day of ~ u-^'~.. 19 ~2..
<br />fn presence of ,
<br />~ _.
<br />~',ATHERINE ~R. STACl4
<br />STATE CDF .....~f~8~5KR: , ... _ , .... ~ .. ,County of ..11A..LL : ....... . . . ...:..:..
<br />The. foregoing ittstrttment was acknowledged before me ........... ~..1:'^. "y'. , j.~J..:........19 :g? . .
<br />by .Katherine 'R Stack, a,singleperson.,
<br />~ratww-w.ar~~.
<br />~ 1~.0Y~E 110x11 ~ v c~:. ~/
<br />:. ....-- ::.. tom'^,, .................
<br />~..
<br />' Sigtuttu-e of Pe n Takaxg Acknowledgtneni
<br />Title
<br />S'L'ATE OF._......__._,..._ .....;__ ....,:.._.... t~ EnGeredon numerical indexaadfilod for rec+,x3
<br />Cvamty -__...... __..;_.. .._:-..,._ ,'...;.,.;... :_,.j. in thaRegister,of I?eeds(}fl'seeoz:.said Coirnty Ltao
<br />: ___..,iY> of.._.... ... _.,.:'.. ._..:.... iN.-;......... at_,...:.:_ ... ..,..._.._a7dack-and..... ..._... ..-.._muatce......:... ....._._.3t.,.
<br />_ :aid rec.~?rdod 6a.$x~le. .. ... ....,.:...of ,.,,. ,.._..,_ .. ............at,page ....-.,......... .._.,. ,. ........,.,
<br />....:,.,_ ..f2ep„ of f3ccxfs
<br />Ety.__,. ............ .._____. . _......_ .Lh+puty
<br />