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82-~-t~U228~ <br />Lender's written agreemcnt_orappiicabk-law. lforrowershall. pay theamount of all mortgage. insurance premiums in the <br />marttrer provided under paragraph 2 hereof. <br />hny amounts disbursed by Lender pursuant to this paragraph 7, with interest thereon, shall become additional <br />_ indeb¢edness of Borrower secutnd by this Mortgage. FJnless Borrower and tender agree eo other arms of .payment, ouch <br />amounts shalF bt payable upon notice from Lender to Borrower requesting payment thereof, and shall bear interest from the <br />date of disbursemm4 aF the rate. payable from time to time on outstandmg _principa[ under the Note unless payment of <br />interest at such rate would be conhary to applicable law;'in which evenr'such amounts shall bear interest ahthe highest rate <br />permissbk under applicable }aw: Nnehing contained }n this paragraph 7 shall require Lender td incur any expense or take <br />any acnon hereunder. <br />g. Iayecflee. Lettdermaymakrarcausetobemaderea_e~nobleentriesuponandinspectionsofthe.Praparty;provided <br />that Lentler shop give Borrower noise prior to any sut:h ;inspection specifying. reasonable cause therefor related. to tenders <br />interest inihrProperty: <br />9. Co~ieaaieatloti. Theproceedsmfany. award or claim for damages, direct grcoosequen[ial, in connectionwith. any <br />condemnation err othertaking ofahe Properly, or part thereof, or far conveyance in9ieu of condemnation, areheretiy assigned: <br />and: shall` be paid to Lender. <br />In tltc event-of a total taking of the Property. the prxeeds shall be applied fo-the sums secured by 3his Mortgage, <br />with the a+tcess; if any, paid to-Borrrnver_ In the event of a partial takng'af the Property. unless Borrower and Lender <br />olhcrwise agree in writing, there shalt br applied io [tie sums secured by this Mortgage such .proportion of the; proceeds <br />am is equaiao that proportion which: the amounz of the sums sccured,by this Mortgage immediately priorto the date of <br />taking bears to [he fair markervalue of the Property immediately prior to the date .,f taking. with the balance bf the proceeds <br />paid to Borrower. <br />If thd,Proptrty is abandoned by Borrower, or'if, obey notice by Lenderto Borrower that the condeaznar offers to make' <br />an award or settle a claim for damages. Borrower fails to respond to i_ender within 30 dens afterxhe date such' notice is <br />maik~d, Lmder is authorized to calla,-[ and `apply zhe proceeds: at .Lender's ep[ion. either to restoration or mpair of the <br />Property or to the sutras secured by this Mortgage. <br />'UnlessLeaderandBorr4wtroChtrwiseagreeinwriting,anysuchapphca[innafpraceedstoprincipalshatlnutextend.: <br />or postpatiethc dtredaterof the monthly instatlmtn[strc#erred. to in paragraphs ]and 2~hereof err change theamount of <br />such }ns[allerwttts. <br />111. Mrrower lYW Reieaaed. Extenxion of the lime. for payment or modification of amortization of the sums secured <br />by. thts: Mt*rtgage granted by Lenderto any successor in intrrest. of Borrower shall not operate to release,: in any.manner, <br />zhe (iairility of the original Borrower and. Barrnwer's successcers in interest. Lender shall not he required to commence <br />praceed'mgs againsesuch s[iccexsor: rat rehtse to extrnd time .fray payment err otherwise mr'ij amortization of thesums <br />secured by tltis Mortgage by reason aC anq demand made by [fir priginai $orrower and: Borrowrr's successors in interest. <br />1L Foriaaraarei~ f.ew~[ris}ota Waiver, Any far}xaranacby:Lenderin exercisinganyright ar remedy hereunder, or <br />athuwix atf©rdtd' by applicable taw, shat] not be a waiver cif nr preclude the extrcise of any such right or remedy. <br />Thepracurementofiasuranee or: the payment of aaxts'or ntherliens nrcharges by Lendtrvhal} not. he: a. waiver of Lenders. <br />:right to acccleraer the maturity of the inde}ztedness <ecurcd by this Mortgage. <br />12. Rewdfea Cw~htlfe. All xemafies pmvidcd in this Mortgage are distinct and cumulative to any other right or <br />remedy under ;his Mortgage or aftordtd tan lawn t,r equity, and may be exerrstd concurrrntly, independently or successively. <br />13. 3~ceesaara.awi Asaigatt ttioand; loiwt awd Several I.IabOky; CapMans: The covenants and agreements hertin <br />contained shall bind. and the rights ixreundet shall inure to, tfie respective successors and assigns irf Lender and $orrower: <br />subjeti to the prav%siom of paragraph 17 hereof: Ail covenants and agreements of Barrnwer shall be joint and several <br />The captiom aCKt head'v»gs of the paragraphs aC zhis Mc+rtgagc are far convrniencr only and are not to be used to <br />mterprct err define rho. prgvisioas hertaf. <br />1~. !Vallee. Except for any zwtict inquired under applicable lau to be given in another manner. (a) any notice to <br />Borrower provided far in this Mortgage shat} lac gtvtn by mailing such.nciiicc by ecrtified mail`nddresscd to Bnrrawer at <br />t}u Prtr;i¢rty Address or at suth srthtr address as Barmwcr stay dcstgr-~r by notice to ']-ender as provided herein: and <br />{bl any notice to ~,endtr she}t kre given riy certified marl; return rtccopi requested. to }:tinder's "address stated herein err to <br />such other address as Lender may designate fan nnzice to £tarri?wcr as prov';drd herein: .A°;y notice provided for in this <br />Mortgage she1C be dcented :~ base been givenCO Barrnwer err. 1 ~-ndrr whengivcn in themanner designated herein:. <br />lS,Untfaeat;Nor1)Rirke;(rovmd~Lave;5everabihv:"Tr+~~iorm=~tmottgagecanminsuniformcovenantsfarnatianal <br />use ana [tan-uniforrrr ravtnan[x with tiraned variaticnts by ;~,n..l~c~um ra egnxtitute a uniform stcirniy instrument coveting. <br />real propett. 71aisMr~tgagc shr(1 be governed by thc)aw <,1 the t~rtulictian m .which the Property-is Irxated. in the <br />event ~n:.t :,ray pr~~visi„n err clout itf tlttsilartgage .~r i}ir \~~~e ~:~~ntl~.c;. with applicable law, st:chconfiicishall not affect. <br />other ; ra~~vss7n. of zHr. 41arEa8e err the \Fotr +hkfn can rat .:~rcn .deer u-ithnuz thr cantlicting pravisian; and to this. <br />end [he pravi~ians aC.ihe ,Mortgage and the ~4,~tt ar<~ .lc< :;~ }r ~~t-treble. : <br />16. Domusrefs~Capy. 8orrowtr shall 3x fta r,~.t,r„ a CYSn7~'rT[tr-; ,«py of the Notr and: of t4:is Marzgagr at zhe time <br />~t'txesu[iarsarafterrcrordationherarf. <br />tT. 7raaate. of eke' Property; :1¢sumption 3 afl nr dnv Qan e,f. t~,cProperty t,r an interest zhecttn is said or transferred <br />r. aarn,wtr wtthau[ [:eadtr"sprier wri[trn ci~nsent. cs.lttdrng +`a± the creation ai a lrn-nr encumbtanct subordinate to <br />~h~s ]vtortgage::tbt [txcrratronxzf a purchase money securitw interest `irrizonschold appiiancts, fc) azransfer by devise,.. <br />descrn:: r by drp,eration irf law.upart the d¢aih c f ~ ,<i~rtC:tenanr nr td, the grant srf any icasrhold interest cif three yearn err lees. <br />net .,~ntainingan:rptiontn purrliase. ttndcrma~., atLendrr'~,-tptian.declarrall thesumv secured by ihis?vfar[gageto he <br />mmc.1 .,ttiv-due and. payshle. I.cnder stall have w.,rard wch optnrt zc± auelerate if, prior_t~i thr sa}e or transfer S:cnder <br />anJ the parson-fe whom the Property ie to: ire sold or transferred rear^. agtecm¢oi in writing ihai the credi[ tsf sucbnerson <br />sausfutrtrvto Leerder--and tharrlst inrtrrnt~payahlc rnihesums srcc,rrtd by thtx Mortgages#ta}t lx a: loch rate as.(ender. <br />sh.tll rtv)txst..if Letultrhas wazved the uptanta accelerate provided ;n this ;xaragrephl7.. and :if Borrower's suocessorin.. <br />~nccrect haS:tXeGUted a wri[trn assumptionagi'rtment accepted in writing }ry. .ender,tender sha(1 releaseBorrower fram all <br />,tbligatxtns uncles this Mortgage and. the Natc. <br />If Leadtr~exarcisea such vptian to accrlerte.. L:..;det shall ntat7I3orrawer police of aeetirratior. in accordancr with <br />paragraph'.~:~3rereof Slrch notretshalt pravidr s pcriodn(n ess than 3O days from the da[r2he notice is mailed within' <br />wlxicit Borc*wer may Qaytht sitmstioclamddt~. 1C Darro s ~ ~r , ..y ouch sutras prior to ihr cspiratian of such period, <br />tcndtr may. wiztiaui furthtrnatice .r:lrmand on }3orrawe . r•+~nke arty rtmediez permitted by paragraph ifi hereof. <br />'•lttt:+t-tlistroaM Cavrsnn^:'rs. Barsowrr and.}.-ender further cr:,4enane and. agreeasfallews; <br />lg. Aceelerirliotr, ltrmcdiee..~rteept as prorided inparagraph. 17 herenf, nptm Borrower's Frrtach of .any. e•ovenant yr <br />rrtr¢ttaeM of lurrowtr la brie.NdrtXa~e,.iaeleidiag tbr. covenants to pay when doe any soau: secured by [his :•lnrigage. <br />[,¢adcr yris.r to atcelerytiaa skaB awui collier to Borrotstr as prrrvided ir. paragraph 14 ftertof specifying: (1) teie breach: <br />ITI#ha artba rewiny/ t[r c[rr! shalt br¢achz 43) a data,. noilcas than 3t1 days fram Ehe date. rile native is, mailed taBormwer, <br />!ry srt.irh sere le trreacA Atlrel lit eur+cd: fad tylibat failure 4o eura snrh txeachoa ofbrfore the tittle s{xrified ut thenotire <br />oraY ren>ih lie atcekrstiea of the sane secured by this Mtrtfga;¢, foretlosurc by jtidirirl prorteding and sale ofthe Property. <br />71le rwthr shalt fwtbcr infrrrat Borrnwtr of tAe right to reinssateaftcr xeekratian andfhe right b assert in the farech»ure <br />prac<"tdu~ for noir-rsitcacr a.i a Ac#aslfar era} W~rdef¢nat of Barrowtr Co acrtkratian aad fartrtornr¢. J.C the Irrtach <br />is +so4 cured nn or 6efort the rlatr sperificdan the ootire:l.tnder atIrnder's optiaa mssv tkrlarcaBaf thr tiumssertsrcd by <br />this ;1arr~r 'n tit imaaedir[etl tine smt prryabie +rilturatfurthcr detaaird aad »wy frirtc#ost by. jodiciak proceedirig. [.¢ad¢r <br />'slat] Lx ratN&d to coitrrt le x,rch,procecdiaEall rxpttises, of fortcioacare.:iaciadfi~. MU cwt limited ter. crisKS of 6orunrtntan~ <br />,r~l~rm-<, abvrrrcta sod titre ztptris. <br />i9, ~arraxer y. itf`y to RcierAatt.. '~°atu .:.~rvdtng 1 ene$er'x aculrratnn cf tlxr ~:rims secure i. by ih,s 19v?rigatte. <br />;t„r:=wwr..~tia+! has.a the r~ht tetrsave un,y nr,~.~_ uhy=~ kxgatn By l~n ` ,3 en;urc-t :his Atixrtg:xgc,teei st my t;mr <br />