<br />8~- ii(:122f2
<br />Lender's written agreement or agplicablt Iaw. Borrower shall gay the amount of all mortgage insurance. premiums in ahe
<br />manrtcr ptbvided ender paragraph:2 hereof:
<br />any arrrannts dislused by i.ender pitrsuani'ro this>paragraph 7, with interest theraon, sfiall; become additional
<br />indehtednecs of Horrcewer secures by Chis Mortgage.. .Unless $dirnwer and:Lender agree to other terms of payment, such
<br />amounts shall be payable upc r• notice from Lender Ca Borrower requesting payment thereof, and,shail bear interest from the
<br />date of disbursement a: the rate payable. from time to time on"outstanding. principal under the Note .unless. gaytaent 'of
<br />interest at such rate wauld be cnntran• to'applicahle Saw. in which event such amounts shall bear interest at the highesC rate
<br />permssible under applicable-law. Nothingcontained rtthisparagraph 7`shall'requireZenderto incur. any eRpenseortake
<br />any action hereunder.
<br />8. [tttgtectfon. Leader may make ar cause Yo be made rtasonabie entries upon and inspections of the: Properly,.. provided
<br />that Lender shaii~ive Borrower natter: prior to any such irspectian specifying reasonable cause 2herefofrelated to Lender's
<br />interest in the Property.
<br />4. Coedemmtbn;, The procttds of any award or claim for damages,. direct or cansequcn2ial; in connection with any
<br />condemnation or other taking of tfie Properly, 6r pan therceif: ar for conveyance. in situ of condemnation; are hereby+assigned
<br />and'chall Ix;paid to Lender.
<br />In the event of a total taking of the Property, the prooeeds shall be applied to the sums secured by this Mortgage.
<br />with the excess, if any, paid to Borrower. In the event of a partial taking of ahe Property,: c+ales Harrower and 'Lender
<br />athtrwise agree in writing, there shall be app)icd to the sums ecured by this afortgage such'.propanion of the 'grooeeds
<br />as is equal: Les Chat proportion which the amoune of ahe sums. secured by this Martgage immediately pricer to the date of
<br />taking bears to the fair marketvalue of the. Property immediately pricer to the date of taking; w ith the balance of the proceeds
<br />paid to Brsrrawer.
<br />If the Property is abaniianed by Borrower, ar if, after notice, byy Lender to Harrower that. the condemnor offers to-make
<br />an award or settle a claim far damages: $prrower faits. to respand to Lender wirliin 34 des}•s after .the .date such notice.. is
<br />maims, Lenritt is authorial to correct and appty the proceeds. at Lender"s Gcption; either to restoration or repair oP the
<br />Propem• or to the sums. secured by this Mongagt_
<br />Unless [xnder and Bc~rower atherwise agree in writing, sin such agpticatian of pracetds to principal shall not extend
<br />or postpartc the due date of the monthly inssallments referred to in :paragraphs l and 2 hereof nr change the amaunt of
<br />...such ittatallmenu.
<br />d0. 1l~novrer Not Rekaaed. Extension of Lhrtime for payment or modificatson of amortization af'thc sums crated
<br />by this Mortgage granted by Lender to any'successar in interest +:f Satanw•er shall races operate to release, in any manner,
<br />the liability of the original Borrower and Borrower's succexsars in interest Lender shall not he required to commence
<br />procesdings againsr:sttch sYtccasctr ar refuse. to extend ttme fur payment ar otherwiu mi+dify~ amanzatinn of the sutras
<br />sceured'by this Mortgage by rtasan of any demand made by the ..riginal Bormw•er and Banawtr's successors in interest.
<br />11. Fae~eara~crbl Li:tiitr Not s Waiver. Am f•yrl+carance by Ixndcr in escrcising any right ar rerncdy hcre[tnder, ar
<br />othersxix afforded by, applicable law, shall ncu tx a waiver oaf or preclude the cztrcisc ~f am' such''right or remedy.
<br />The: procurement Uf ins2traacc ar the payment of taxer or other #iens irr charges h}• .tndtr shall not he a waiver of Lender's
<br />right to accelerate the rcaturity of the indebtedness secured by this htorrgagc.
<br />1Z Rewetifaa Cite. _All remedies provided in this 'slartgage ate distinct and cnmufative to any other right or
<br />rttncdy under this Mtxtgage or aHarded by law or equity, and may he exercised cancarrenily: independently or successively, '
<br />t3. SPCeesaon.aai AtatRws sottiad; Joist at~a S+evenl [.iairipq; faptioas. Tfic covenants and':agreemtnts fierein'
<br />contained shall bind, aiid rite ritthts hereunder shad inurt ta, rht respective s:tcccssats and .assigns of lender'and Borrower.
<br />subject to the provisions of partrgraph" 17 hercai .All rnvenants and agrecmcnts ++f f3orrawer shall be)aint and several.
<br />71tc captions and headings of the paragraphs at t3tis Mongagt are for convenience anfy and are nest to he used to
<br />interpret or define the pravtsiam hereof:
<br />I~, N~tiee. Eicept for any notice requirrv; urnter appficablc taw m be given in anathtr manner,' (a) any notice ro
<br />$orrowtr ptavidtd for :n chic Mortgage chat] 5c g,scn by mailing such no2iax by ~crtified mail addrtsstd to Barrawer at
<br />Che Property Addttss ar ,t ,uch ~Hhtr addmc :+. 8ormwer tnay designate by notice io (.entire as provided hereitr; and
<br />ih)'anp notice iol.tnder shall ht given by ctnifced marl. rztum rccrit:~, ,equested. to I:endcr`s address stated herein av to'
<br />such other addrtws as t.trt~r may designate by nertrcc La Bnrrowtr as pravrdeci herein: ,'+ny nestles pravidrd far in this
<br />MorCgaae:shail he deemed to have been given to 13txr.~acr ar l.endcr when: given in the trz:tnner designated herein:.:
<br />iS. UaRarait lfenR~e; Goverwititt; i aw: SerrraiRNy This farm of monsagc combinca uniform covenants for national ',
<br />use and ir7tt-ttnifarm +:c*venants with limited var+au~m. ley turn~fictiarn tc~ consLtute a etniform security instrument covering
<br />Csai property; 7Tris Mortgage shall be gpverrred :~. rht law ski the jurisdiction in which the Property is lucated. In the I
<br />event that any provision or dausc of this ?lfartgage .'r the Naite conflicts with apptcabft law, such conflict shall not affect '
<br />other prouisians cif 2hrs Mortgage or Cht Nate whtch can 17e,givcn eflte2 without the conflicting provision.' and to ibis.;
<br />.. endtht provisions of thc~fartgage amt the.`dotcart.feclaredtahe severabtc.
<br />If. fetrrewer"s Cory... BOrrowtr shall !x furnished a'ca+nformerl copy of the Natt and of this Mortgage at the Lime
<br />of ext+:ntian of after tecorlationhertof.
<br />19. Trainer of tYe lre~artys Aasatwrtioe. if cell or any ,art of the Pmpcny nr an iMCrrsr therein is sold ar transferred
<br />by Borrower without Lettdtr's:priar written consent, excitxling tar the creation of a lien csr encumfyrance subordinate ti+
<br />this Marteagc, fbl the crcatian of a purchase money security interest for. hotesehold appliances, fe) a transfer try :devise.
<br />descent ar by operation pf law upon the death of i joint tenant or ;;+, ~ >he grant of any ltaseliald interest of three years ar legs
<br />not rontainittg an opti~x to purchase. L,ertdtr m:+). at t.endcr's option, declare all xhe sums secured by this Mortgage to be
<br />itnxrtedtattiy due atxl payabk~ Lender skull base ••+a,vcd sack aptian to axekraLC if, prior to the sail or transfer: Lender
<br />and t}rc person to wham. the Property es to tea sold or (ransferrcd mach agreertxnt in writing that the credit of such person
<br />is satisfactrsryta Lender and that. theintcrest ptyaD)e +~n titesums secured try this Mortgage: shall beat. such rate asiender
<br />shalt request '.Ff Leader has warvtd the option xo accelerates provaded in-Chic paragraph 17, and if Batrawer's succcssar in
<br />interest has executed a written asstmtption agrtemtnt actzpted in writing by L.tnder. tinder shall release Borrower tram all
<br />obligat+ons under this Martgagc and the 3sFote:
<br />If Lexx4rr exercises. such opfton to accelerate: Lender shall mai3 Borrawtr notice of act:eleranan in accardancc with
<br />psrayrapti l+t hereof. Such notrct,shall provide a pcrtod of exit fessthan 34 days item the date lice notice is mailed within
<br />whi.:h Aarraewtr may pay the sutras declared dues if Harrower Calls •o pay such crams pricer tae the expiration of such perrod,
<br />I-ender may, wiihcntt further'xorict or demand on Borrower, Snvoke any remcdtcs permitted by paragraph l$ hereat.
<br />Nax-UvtFatth+ Cav~rt:nv2g, Boreowtr and Ltttdcrfurther covenant and agree as faHaws:
<br />Ig. ArcderaMa: ltettscdiec. Ezttrt as provided is pttragrsrb 17 hereof, riypra Eorros+~er's bt•each oC any coreaaox'or
<br />aRreet~eat of Borrower iw tkis Non>ttt[Zt,.itKltrdiag:.ihe coxetraitis to pay .vben doe ang sttrrtestcw•sd by this~•lorttfaptc.,
<br />trader tripe to acceleraliue sfuTf main ttotiee to:..&mrrow!( ss provided in. para~rarh.'fd }~r~f spreifyinee il):.the' breach:.
<br />!2} rYc sc[fua re~trked to crtt sacl! breaeix t3) a date, sot ides these :16 ua~s Pmtn lac dale the; txotice is mailed to<Borrosucr.
<br />try wficY s»cY tiara treat be corsik awd.(ty tfuq #sArrrc to emcsuch txra:6 on ur txfarcihe dafespeeiTaed In thenodce.
<br />tray result is wcceleratioa of tf.e rusts secured by tfris ~facytarRe, fatsttuaurc by )udicirf proccedimt and. srle of the Prorerty.
<br />The aotfce t~ father iatorra fSorruwcr of ttte r9C'at to mire sfter nceekraiion aarf tfu rghl to sssertan the foreclosart
<br />~roceediag toe woes-ex4tencc of a defauq utaay'. axQer dCtta~Stnf Iforrgatt to xcrirratfon. and fatccir~urt. if'. face brcirets.
<br />h not crud oa esr txfon ttte dale apeciFtd,. is the metier, teedeti ai I,:toder'~ option rnav dectarc. wet of rhesurwws srtnred hy..
<br />Heir --lfetttprre to 6r imraedFattfy Awe sad p~yahle. »~ithau+ Euriherdensaad acrd mm~ forncOc+ce by indfciat aertaeedit~. f,eitdcr
<br />sxrafl ere ealir/ed to ratted G+ strw'h procrcdtaa nd3 eiptoeict er later&ystar~e, includinK, bu! not ii+nkrA .t0. ttuttx aF <ip;nmwntst'y
<br />rvfdrscc, .Wetracts cent title rryorfa..
<br />1}, ^wru+.~s tiffs to Rwiw.tate: ±~it}tu ~tm;;~nu~ng i,eade ,m,.~ci_e •~, :; sef a .,,;a ar~r ~d is_ .:,: Mvrtgagr..
<br />ptse-a.~~cr ¢hni; have ttu s~ht fee hit ,.¢ cr,n~l><Cdr,;~s .ck u•. by 1 ,ae.. ~~ .. ..+:~ ,-:, s1o. -. _ ,~.. r.+.. sta. .cr .;:;y titres
<br />