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_.~----: <br />$2~3{)2259 <br />MORTGAGE See L 23 936- <br />r MORTGAGE LEAN NO. L 24,.042 <br />KNOW .4Lt ML?V BY THESE PRESENT)°: That Steven- L., Lsuennernlan, a stogie person, <br />Mortgagor, whether one or more, .in apnuderation of the sttm of <br />'f'en: Thousand and no/100 --------------__,_~__M~------------------°------DOt.LARS <br />laaased to spa} rnortpgor by Tlx Equitable $uiMing and Load Association of Grand fsland; Nebraska, Mortgagee. tgwn 200 shares of sfor~ of <br />aaid:ASSOCIATION, Ceriifieate No_ L 24.,041 , do. hereby gent- convey and ttsortgageunto the said.ASSQCiATION the fallowing <br />dttsearibed real. estate, situ><tted in}fa11 Couoty;Nebraska: <br />Lots Eleven {1l) and Twelve {12), in Block Six i6), <br />in Boggs and Hill's P,ddition to Grand Island, Hall <br />County.. Nebraska; <br />to®etlier with a8 the tenetttents; iiereditarfxatx and appurtenances thereunta taebn[jng, intltedittg attarJted floor Coverings, all window screens, <br />~ristdostrshadrs,.biinds,.stormwindows,awtrmgs,hateng;aactrttdihaning,aodplttmbmgattdwateregwpmrntandacceatoriesthento,Pumpsstaves, <br />iefrigetuois, attd other. fixttues and equiprnent now ud heteafttt attached io or sued in canneetian with said real estate. <br />And wheitu the said enortgagar has agrrxd and dues hereby agree that tlrttnartgagstrsirall and will pay all '.taxes and asusxtnents levied or <br />afaeessed uptm steidpremisa and erprrn this tnorigage anei the baod stcnred thtrehy traiure t ht same shall. become delinquent: to'Eurttiah approved <br />iosurantx upon the 6uildiryisan satd.PremiseasituatediathrsumofS 10,000.00 payable to saidA5.St)C[A'P.ON and to delivertosaid <br />AS.irOCIA7iON the palieiea Icn said insurance; astd ntrt to cYrmmrt ~ perrrtit any west[ on ax alxrut said premiss: <br />In case af'detwlt in the perfirrmutce of any of the tcrrrts and crneditiam of this rsrtrtt~gie of the bond setvred hereby, the mortgagee shall. <br />on demand, be entitbd to imtntdiateptrraesstun ofthe nanctp~d pretnues and the mortgagssi hereby assigis, transfers and sets aver tothe <br />mortg~ee all the-rents, rewatues attd intxror uy be derived from the ruartgaged prettrixs dtuirtR such time xa the rtwrtgage inakb[edtteas [hall [ertuin <br />uapsd; and the mortgagee stall tune the ptrra w appoint any agertt w agents rt may desire for the purpose uC iepairing spd premises and tenting <br />the aarrte and eulleclrrtg the rents, reienues a:ad inoorne, and it may pay out of aid inartne art txpenses of repairing. acrd premises and netxsttry <br />oomtttuauuns and expenses incurred in rrrttrog Arid nunatpng the same and of Ct,iara~ietg rentab therrd`rom: the balance rettuining, if any, to be <br />apptieil reward the discharge of xpsi tttwtga6t utdebtedtxxs; [hest rights rd the nxrrtgagee may. be txeicixd at any time doting the existence of such <br />tk ault, irrospodive pf any temporary weever of the' acme. <br />Thtae Presrnis, haweves, art upset. ehe Canditiott, 77utif the said Mortgagor.. shad repay said ([san on ar befort the matutily o6 said shoes by <br />PaY~st: pay. monthly is saki ASSf)('IAT1pN of the stun specified in the Bam! secured hereby asiriterest and prindpal ansaid Joan. on ar fiefore <br />the Twrntreth day of cart[ and [very maeath, unu: said rasa"is !oily paid: pay all taxes and assessrncnts levied against. said paemiscs and on this Mortgage <br />and the Bond severed theretsy, befurt deliuqucncy; feurtish approved insurusCC upam the buiktmgs thereon in the sum of S' 10, 000.00 payable <br />to said ASSI)CIAT1iJN; repay to said ASSO(:1A7'1()N tepan dearond aD rtxtnry by it peed for such tarts, assa:sxments and fnwrancc with interest at <br />ehc maxiatum legal rate thnean from date of payment all af:which Mortgagor hereby. agrees tie pay;permtrnr sarastc an saidprcmises; k--ep;and wmply <br />weth all the agreements and comtgiwts ofthe Raid. for S 10, 000.00 this day gtm by rtee said Mottgagoi to said ASSt?CIA17t7N, and comptY <br />wnh aBthe rtgtefierneats oi'the Ce»istitution and By-fm of said ASSOC:IATtQN; [heat these. presents shall 6ecoene null and .:void, othrnvise they <br />sha8 reauur in .fall !neck and may 6e foreclosed u the opuoa of the. said AS50(7AT14N afar failure for [hits months to make any of said <br />gytneats or be three ntonlhs is urears in rrukuig said mottchiy payareats, or to keep amd camply. with she agteeutents and tnndiiiona of said: Bond: <br />and Mtutgagur gees to have a reueirsea appermted forthwith in reach foreclosure proeaxelings. <br />ff [here a any ~6tm ownership of the reattuate mortgages! heresn, by sale ui oWerwiac, thin theentire temairsirtg indebtedness hereby <br />stored shalt. ar the. optidt of The Equitable $uibdiiag amt Ivao Associaticm. of C,raad !eland, Ne6raska,btounie irmneeliattly due and gayable without <br />!merlin motice, and the unnnnt eerrtaining due: uredes said bond. and eery other bond far any additional a3vances [rude tlteetitrnder, shag, !min the <br />date of exereYat of raid op ciao. bear interest at the maximum legal race. and thn mortgage may then be ftxeclostd to satirtfy the amount dtte an said <br />6ond.,atad any other ttawil for additromatatitrams, together withal! sums paid by saidThe Equitable Sttildirig and Loan.Assaciat:irrnof Granrl island, <br />Nebraslcs for ietmtraerce. taxes acrd avesa~settts, and. atrarattietg extertsian ciur~s, with- interest iheroon, from date ofpayment at tlu maximum <br />iejgel,rate. <br />As pmvidcdln the Bond. secured htreby, while this ttroragags reenaina in effeer the mortgagee may hcrtafter advance additional stem to .the <br />makers of saad Bond, thtu ass~os ar soccesrnrs in utterest, whiett sums, shat! tee. within the security of this ntaxfgage she same as the funds. originally <br />seratred thcreLy, the late! amratuu of princrpal debt not to exceed at anytime the, original arrroetni of this. mortgage. <br />~ t daY of JtIIIF? r A..!?., 1 YT 82 <br />Stt9vexl b. IAlennerlttan <br />SCATS dl: NEBRASKA, ~ ~. Os: this <br />Cl?lJid1'Y t7F flAi.L 8Th day al' June, 14 $2 , before rt>r, <br />the turdtrsigretd; a NaiuY Yublee in and tar said Gatmty, pcrsnnaliy artte <br />Stever-1 1.. Duennexzrtana a single Person. <br />wtaa .15 persrmaPly krxrwn. to <br />ene to be the'rci:~mG^! ;-*se,n c~tutce name. 1.5 effixcd to thcabUVe it:strurneu:. as morlg~or arui ht >~et9dgt <br />ackn<rwrcdg:4i.:}KSa~dvfztrrmunitalr Y31& vt>ttsntaryaCtiand<Pt;cd., <br />K3TNl':SS m+ harxi arx4 Natarxil Sri ttx dart afartsaid, <br />- My f.:aatr.*rcsn.n capres ~ ~ :t~~ t <br />m_.,_. , <br />~uta=v t'r~Gc. <br />