<br />$2~ ut~2~51
<br />Arnold C. Yl13A and Linda C. Ysnn, Husband and Wifs and Miabasl
<br />D. lCtliTt~ a71d Barbara A. ICtnIIy, Huaband aAd herein called Urantor, in
<br />Yifs
<br />consideration of Cme Dollar l$1.Q0) receipt of which is hereby acknawledged,
<br />hereby grants and conveys unto the
<br />a municipal carporation in lYail County, Nebraska, hereir. called Grantee, a
<br />permanent and perpetual"easemenC and right of :way to survey, construct,
<br />inspect, Taintain,-repair, sepla~e, extend, remove, and operate thereon,
<br />public utilities,,ineludng but not limi ed to electric power lines, water
<br />mains, sanitary severs, storm sewers, gas mains, telephone lines, pipe '_ines,
<br />mains, cables, surface markers, and other appurtenances connected therewith,
<br />in, upon, above,-along, across, underneath, and 'through a tract of land
<br />located in 'part of>B1ock Ten (10} of Pleasant: Home Subdivision, an Addition
<br />co the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, more particularly described as follows:
<br />The Easterly eight ($,-0} feet of the South fifty six (56.0}
<br />feet of the North two hundred twenty £our (224.0) feet ofrthe
<br />West half of the said Block Ten (10}, Said tract.contafnng
<br />O.Ui acres mareror less as shown on :.the plat dated 6/7/$2,
<br />marked Exhibit. "A", attached Hereto and incorporated herein
<br />by reference,
<br />together with the following rights:
<br />Unrestricted Sngress and egress to the above described tract of land for
<br />installation, maintenance,'operaC-ion, and removal of 'such public utilities
<br />and appurtenances.
<br />Such rights of ingress and egress'shall include all rights necessary for
<br />the full and complete use, aecupation, and enjoyment aC the easement herein
<br />granted, including the right co excavate and refill ditches and trenches; to
<br />remove, clear, aad,keep clear trees, bushes, hedges, undergrowth, and other
<br />obstructions interfering wit:a the surveying, construction, inspection,
<br />maintenance, repair, replacement, extension, removal,. or.aperation of such
<br />utilities. No structures.,. buildings,'fences, or other obstructions'iof any
<br />k5.rd whatsoever, snail be allowed in, upon, above, along, across, underneath,
<br />or through the easement herein granted.
<br />All public utility lines, pipe lines, mains, cables, surface markers,
<br />and other appurtenances connected therewith,-placed:in, upon, above, alnng,
<br />across, undernear_"r., and through such easement. s'nall remain the property of
<br />tae Grantee, and *eay be iemoved or replaced at-any time.
<br />w :`y T
<br />