~.,~ ;_
<br />WENN/KEiNtFY 02 2E :'22IQ This form`'is used'in connec-
<br />D.~+f tion with mortgages insured
<br />M~I1 1 GA~i~ under the one- tr, four-family
<br />previsions of the National
<br />Housing Act.
<br />s2-- ~~~-2~~a
<br />TH1S MJRTGAGE, made and executed this 7th day of Sune .A. D.
<br />19 82 .by andtxtwetn Arnold C. Wean and Linda C. Wenn, husband and wife AND Alichael D. Benny
<br />a,td Barbara A. penny, husband and wife
<br />of the Crttmy ~ Hall ,and State of Nebraska, party of the first part. hereinafter called
<br />[lre Mortgagor, and TflE RICHARD GILL C~~HPANY
<br />a cot~orntion organized and czisting under the laws of the United States of Attieriea ,
<br />party of the second part. haeitufttr called the Martgaaee,
<br />WITNESSE'TH: That the said Mortgagor, for attdin consideratitm of the sum pf TAENTY 1FY0 THQUSAND AND
<br />00/100ths--------------------___~----_-----Datlars($ 22,000.00 ), paid by the Mart-
<br />gagr+e, the receipt of which is hereby ackmawhMged, has Granted artd SoCd-atxl'by these. orestnts dots Grant, Bar-
<br />gain, Sell, Convey and Confirm unto the MortEaaee, its 'successors and assigns; fottver, the following-described
<br />real estatt, situated in the County of Ha11 ,and State
<br />of Nehrasta, to Wit:
<br />The South Fifty six (56') feet of the North Two fitutdred Twenty
<br />Pour (224) feet of t3t~ Nest'Half'(w~) of B1c~ek.Ten q10) of Pleasant
<br />Home Subdivision of apart of the East Half of the: Southeast Qusrter :
<br />(ESSEX) of section Twenty One.{21) in 3bwnship Eleven (11) North of
<br />Range Nine {9)"..:West of th 5th P.M., Ha11 County, ATebraska
<br />Also Xnosrrt As:
<br />1415 Sau1.h Lincoln
<br />Graced Island, !ATE 68801
<br />of the Sixth f titnipat Mcridurrt, ccm[aitartg in all city; property acres according to Gavern-
<br />tnenl wrvey:
<br />TO HAVE AND TO IfOLD tht:pretoisrs above descrbed, with aq the sppunenances thereunto belonging and including
<br />cell heating, plumbitrg and tighGnt fixtures and egtupna;ent now or hereafter attaehtd to of used in connection with said real estate
<br />unto the Mortgagee, arW to itt succe§aors and assi~ps, forever. '!Be Mlxtg-agorrepresents w. and covenants with, the Martga-
<br />gee, that the slottgaga tray good TiYhi W sell and convey ,aid premises: that they: are free from encumbrarreq, and that the
<br />Mortgagrx will warrant and defend the setae against. the lawful claims of alt persoas whomsoever; and t11e paid Mortgagor here-
<br />by retitrquisbcs all rights of homestead. and ail toartia: rigF.ts-richer in 1 aW ur in equi[•~, and all ether contingent Iratetests'' of the
<br />Mortgagtx is and to the abrivc-described prtmiises, Ehc intention being to ~unvty hereby an absolute title, in tee ~.imple, includ-
<br />irtg aU r:gltts of homestead, and other rights and iatratsis as rfortt:tid.
<br />PROV IDF.D Al.W A't'S, and thcsi prtstnts art extruted and delivered upon the foliowtttg coodtttons, to u'iL•
<br />The Mortgagor atrees to pay ro the Mortgagee, .x order. the principal sum ~f 'l'~ENTY TWt) THOtJSAHll AND 00/100ths
<br />-------------------------i?oflars tS 22,000.00 I. with inttrestfrom
<br />date at the race of fifteen and one half free ccnWm t iS. SO °/r,} per annum on
<br />lire unpaid balance uWii paid. The said principal and interest chat! be payable at the n11tceof TT3L .RICHARD GILL COMPANY
<br />in SAN Ati'IjONip~ ~~ , or at such ether place as the holder of
<br />tfrc note may dcs:gnasc in writiryt. in monthly irtstallincnts of TWO HUNDF.ED £I~Cah-'TY SEVY.N AND -10/100th5----
<br />------------~--------Da~lars CS -~ 287.?t7 ,. arrnmendingaio the first day of
<br />Augt:st ; 1982 . aitd on the first day of ca.:h montl+ thcreaftc~ unti; the`principal and in-
<br />tcrest :uc fully paid, ezc:ept that tlw fernl paymeul a:`. principal and interest_ if not x7antr pzad. "sfialt be doe and
<br />payable on Lire lust day o! 7til,y 2412 - ; aif acu7rditegtr the tcr:ns of a certain promis-
<br />scerv Hatt of even date hetex fth enecuttd bythe said Mortgagclr.
<br />The !sfort~or in order rnerc fully to protect the sccariry of this Afartgage. agrceai
<br />t. Tltat he +~ill paJ :he indebtedne3ti- ac hercintxf<irQ p:ovidcd. pri.•ilegt i, rPs~-rued to pay. the d¢bt in .vbU;t; t>r in an
<br />asnnunt eyu:J to nne of more manth2y p-symcnts on t!u princlp:ti :hat are next d.le on the noix, on the Sr t day of apy month
<br />rr~~r to maturity: Provia~e~d. lwwevcr, l`hat written nc,Yice of an intcruo^ to enscise °;uch privilegesgivena1 Itast thirty .30}
<br />days ptiot io prapa4"merit.
<br />:. lh+~t• toyethcr with, snd in addittcrn to. t}x rnoathiy t`ayr,^ena; ~~4 ; rirc;ip- and inteft5t~}7yya{+tt under ire ternt~'-af the
<br />cs;lu ce¢arcu hereby. the 3iortg:.gor ail? pa:; ti: the .'-Sort~ge•., an the fiul day u. es;.`e r~:o ~i; cnli9tlec sai~7.nutc ia(,.ily paid,the.
<br />fut3aMing+.umc:
<br />(~. .1r~~c>_irt .w r.~t'te~, .~ rc=-~v:3o ':hc t~o:de- herc,~f ~.+. til~ !wn~s :o p<-y ~h_ -,... : g;.i{e in :~: rs*C l.+t es-atitt;ct[f tat,
<br />c t4^h.~,t ati:i v e n ~'~~ k~.3,c~ Heresy arc irsctcS. <>r s n~;~thly -h ~, ;;-r r ~.. Ufa rrr .:g¢~+e i~utmnre j,~-
<br />.vt:unz' of !etc sr_ fx is by RYa ~:c-n'2:y of flora .~ mr~° i~:t _Tn~ti~~ . ~ '.~, ,.,w _
<br />ii ~ a..:i ~. - _ w.,l .ramie ~ t arzri iii'.; .end .Ac n> ._.n°t ~..- ~..~~Ur-.: -.• .: n. _:r,: .- ~ -.
<br />-~. ,.~. ~.1£ H~:csm~ ncl~ a ,n, :nl ._. .. ,., . a-. ,., .._ c,
<br />