<br />" X356--!~rrr![41~att K Gunty Caitmt Pe+~e~adinq tst~rotrl4tg R+nii`£atatt A. C`. ?~?ayer
<br />p ~} ~
<br />L+ate_May.27:..:19£2.. pL:'~'~t~~~a7`3
<br />[~ LV" i'FPE COG 1'T }' C~JGRT UF_ _-- _ _.___w Hal l . ___ __ COC~1~T F, t~`1BR~1 SKA
<br />I 7'hfs is to c2rtijy that there is pending in the e:c~~lr~tn Court ~f,__~ ~__._Hali __ _~a~!~ttu
<br />`. ~et+raska, a proceeding emitted:
<br />- In the ~Iattez of-the Estate of Edward H. Boernke Deceased
<br />?1'0. F&2-51..,x., Uoc.~PII2~-- --__ Pa e_.._. 51
<br />- g ----- --- --
<br />: ', which is a proceeding introlzing_Formal' Probate_of_Wll.,_ Determination of Heirs
<br />(proLate~lJ~iil.aAminesirrrtrongrrstate,dctrrrninr~tionolheirs,-.determination ~.
<br />ana Appointment a~ Persona Re
<br />__~~,._._, ut which praceeding the fo{fau7ing desc7ibed real
<br />o/ rz hrritnnredaz. ~uardianstuq. ar,onsrr<rrforshlp
<br />estate is inuatoed, to-ruit:
<br />1. Easterly Sixty-twa and Seventy-five. Y.undredths,Feet (52.75') of Zot
<br />Four (4), 91l of Lot Five {S),.and westerly :Seventeen and-Twenty-f"ive
<br />{17.25'} of Lot Six {6), in Grace Lutheran Church Subdivision, in Ci-ty
<br />- of Grand.Tsland,Ha1L County, Nebraska, commonly-known as 1304 E. 8isntark.:
<br />2. An undivided one-half interest, as tenants in common-with .Lillian
<br />li. Soernke , in the following described premises: Lot Two (2), in
<br />' Block Two {2}, in Valley View. Subdivision in the City of Grand:Island,
<br />°~ Ha11 County, Nebraska, commonly known.. as 1027 'E. Bismark Rd.,_6rand
<br />Zsiand, Nebraska.
<br />3. R tract..of Land comprising a part of Lot'"H" ~aehnck`s Subdivision
<br />situated in the Southeast quarter of Section Fifteen (i5), Township
<br />Eleven (li) North, Range Nine (9) west of the 5th P.M., in Hall County,
<br />:vebraska, mare particularly described as (allows: Beginning at a
<br />point on the Northerly line of Bismark Road, said point beinq'One
<br />.'..hundred Seventy-three and five tet3ths feet east of the Southeast
<br />earner of Lot Six, Walker's Subdivisic:.,' thence running ~orthwesteriy
<br />along a line 3133.63 feet Southwesterly from and parallel to the South-
<br />westerly line of sherry Street a distance of Sixteen and "Pwa
<br />Hundredths Feet, to the 5rauthwest earner of Martini Subdivision; thenct~
<br />.Northeasterly perpendiruiar to said Southwesterly line of Cherry
<br />Street, a distance of t7ne Hundred Sevetzty Three and:Eight Tenths Feet;
<br />tktence deflecting right Cane Hundred Eighteen degrees and Thirty Four
<br />A:inutes and' running southerly, a distance of. tinety-Seven 'and line
<br />Tenths Feet, to the Northerly line of Bismark )toad; thence westerly
<br />along said Northerly line of eismark Road, a, distance of t3ne.Hundred
<br />,;~ Forty Four and Ninety Two Hundredths Feet to the place of beginning
<br />and containing t3. 195 acres more or less, co~rmonly known as 51S E.
<br />r,
<br />s B~mark Road.
<br />;
<br />~.
<br />=' Richard E i^teaver
<br />.,
<br />County Jvuye o) ;aid counfy
<br />c's. ,~ Deputy C.tcrK oJ~tht L.ounty Court --- ~ -"
<br />~Ci '4 li
<br />_. r
<br />5 r _ Insn n ~. ~ ~~7- `,~ira it -:'~r :-~i a r r rtftr, rrutsrm:a rf t::hrzpter30.arftttr
<br />{} -` ." r>r r r r ~.~ ~ ~ ±er 311 ~ , :Z, h 'tr .lore f !r try. under thr prnrt ons r1J
<br />i.,~ - ~~ i 1 is - .. ..: tatst.nrte i r~i ttrla.:U i fYUarr<'a ns
<br />,.
<br />~„
<br />tr ... .w ~ r. ,a~ f.+tn;lttf J`5_rr=:finf ,f, ,•rt
<br />r c r., <., . , _
<br />,`re- ri rq t t rry atru i ,rta
<br />~r, .r.
<br />,. .
<br />~ _ _ ;n ~ tTtc Carr , ~ ...±at •~o u?tJ uitharsar dn7,a ur er
<br />