<br />82"" -v'G~2~6
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<br />NOTICE SS HfEBY GIVEN that on the ~,E/ day of
<br />7.982 trLr' .,
<br />- -~-- &11.aL.l~s_A~~U.43~3~~sef_Evans1_Colora o__,;' ~ c_~~`'"+
<br />r,
<br />=~- ~~~1{~s--- --, as Landlord, whether one or more, did ~--
<br />execute a written cease to_-_Terrv t+1.'WOrth _-- ___, Grand
<br />Island, Nebraska, as Tenant, whether. .one or more,-on the 'following
<br />described real property located in Ha11 County, Nebraska, to-wit:
<br />Lot 7, Slock 2, H.G. ClaYks Addition to the City. of
<br />:Grand Island, Ha1Z Coun y,: Nebraska'
<br />The term, of the Lease commences May 1, 19B2, and, unless terminated
<br />pcior thereto by default or the: mutual. con ent o£ both--,parties, e=x-
<br />tends to midnight, April 30, 198.5. The Lease provides,'amon o er
<br />provisions, thaw Tenant is responsible for all utilitie ~ and `ta3fes and
<br />the maintenance of ,the raremises_ it specifically provides as 'follows:
<br />"LIENS: It is specifically agreed between the parties
<br />that no person shall. ever be entitled to any :lien directlg or
<br />indirectly, derived through' ar,under Tenant, and through: or under
<br />any'act or amiss ion .of rt, super,ior to that in this Lease reserved *o
<br />Landlord upon either the Land above described or any improveme-nts r.ow
<br />or hereinafter situated thereon,r'faz or on account of any labor or
<br />ma terials`£urnished for any such improvements, for or on account of
<br />any 'matter of things'"whatsoever. All persons furnishing such labor
<br />ar materials, as well. as all other persons whomsc,ever, shall'be bound
<br />by, these;provi5ions:"
<br />"RELATZOPI5HIP OF PtRTIES: The parties hereto specifically
<br />provide and stipulate that his Lease. shall not create, ac't as the
<br />creation af, or be interpreted as creating,. any relationship of
<br />agency, either limited or general, between the parties nor any joint
<br />venture, partnership`or trust relationship of any type. The'arrange-
<br />meht hereby created is simply *hat of a Landloard-tenant an 'a "-;net
<br />net'- basis."
<br />"A55IGNMENT: Tenant shall not assign, convey, centr.act to transfer,
<br />mortgage or otherwise hypothecate this-.Lease, ar any interest therein,
<br />and any such assignment ar`hypothecating shawl be void and shall, az the
<br />option of Land lard, erminate this Lease. Tenant.-may, howeveY, sublet
<br />the premises without Landlord's prior written approval."
<br />By separate document-execgted the same date, Landlord h`as granted
<br />anwootion to Tenant to purchase the above-described premises for the
<br />price and `upon terms `as set :forth: in said Real Estate Option. Unles's
<br />that Option Agreement is breached by Tenancy, or terminated by''the
<br />mutual ^_onsent of both parties, the right to exercise that option shall.
<br />~xtenc'. Co midnight, April 30, 1985. {See exception.) Thi's option is
<br />personal unto th,e Tenant and is not asszanabl? by it without the
<br />arior wri ten approval of Landlord,
<br />Executed oopies of tY;e originals of tf:e above-described.. Lease'
<br />Agreement and Real Estate Option are in the-possession of each o£ tare
<br />cescec,..ve aarties and, for ,good cause shown, will be made
<br />*cr inspection to any available
<br />person demonst a ing a; bona fide interest therein.
<br />L dated thisLL~~-!~"_day of __ _ _ ----
<br />E.A*IDLiJRb - NANT...
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