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Charles R. & ,i3ry F. Babel <br />Permit ivo. 15555 <br />Ma}~ 6, 1982 <br />Page ? <br /> <br />1. The building encrcachment protrudes in the right of way approximately one Foot on <br />[he :Jest end out to approximately two feet anSthe East. end. <br />2. The maintenance of that portion`af the building protruding ir, U.S. Highway No. 30 <br />right of way shall be the responsibility of the permittee. <br />3. The permitter shall be zesponsible for any loss or"damage caused by the Perniittee's <br />encroachment on the tight of way. The Permittee will':hold the Stata harmless from <br />.any Lav Suits brought against the State or Permittee'ari ing out of the Permittee's <br />encroachment' on the right of wayL <br />4. T_he State reserves the right to ~anstruct, maintain, use, operate, relocate, <br />reconstruct sad resew such highway facilities as it may at any tine, and may from <br />time:-to time, desire within the limits of said right of way,. including r_he right <br />to use said right of wap for any and all purposes. <br />5. The Permittee shali'at no time permit, construct, reconstruct, or place any additional <br />structures, facilities or other-encroachments upon the permitted area of State right <br />o€ way wtthont written coasent'of the State Bepartment of Roads, Director-State <br />Engineer aad`the Permittae>shall at no time alter or reconstruct the present <br />enczaachmeat, consis13ag of a building front, without prior ~~ritten approval of the <br />^sL'4te. <br />6. Tht Permittee by receiving this permit understands, acknowledges and agrees that <br />rspoa;3Q days,;written notice the State can cancel this permit-where the right of <br />way is necessary £or construction, reconstruction or aaintenance of II.S. Highway <br />;io. 3U and that Permittee will move his encroachment from the right of way aJithin <br />fi0 days with na cast or expense to the State and Permttee agrees t:iat if he fails <br />to remove the encroachment within. b0-days the .State becomes sole and complete <br />cnv~nez'a€ the encroachment and may cause its xemoval as destruction with no <br />compensation. sue the Permittee. <br />T• Permittee understands and acknowledges that violation of any'of the terms of <br />these permit'conditons causes automatic revocation af_this permit and. will <br />cause the iaediate removal of the permitted encroachment by,Permittee and 6y <br />the State after 6fi days notice of the vioiatiom <br />8. tin other or additional uses of the riRht.of way`shali be permitted. <br /> <br /> <br />