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(~ $2~. 0p221 ~, <br />-ale F. & Edythe 3ohnsan and i?ozotfiy T?ocd <br />Pezair No: 0-15557 <br />t3ay 8,.1982' <br />Page 2 <br />1. The-building encroachment protrudes in the right of iaay approximately four feet <br />°n the F7est end out to anpraximatelc'six feet on the East end. <br />2. 7~he rtainte;~a-ace of that oortior_ of the-6uild;.ng nrotsuding in U.S. Aighc,+ay ido. 30 <br />right of way shall be t2ze responsibility of the permttee.' <br />3. The pertsittee shall be respansibie for ar_y Loss ar damage caused by the Pernii~tee's <br />encroachment on the right of c,;ay, ahe Permittee Taill'hold'tf~e State harmless from <br />any Law Suits brought against the State or Perraittee=arising out of the Perini*_tee's <br />enczoachment on the right: of way. <br />~- The State resen*es`the right to construct, ..,aintain, use, aper<.*_e, relocate, <br />recorstruct and renew such highway facilities as it may a2-any time, and'may `rom <br />time to tine, desire wi*_hin the limits of said right of wav; ncluding,the ri.~ht <br />to use said right of way for any`and all puraoses. <br />5. The Permi;tree shill at no time permit, construct, reconstruct, or ,,^.lace any additional <br />structures, facilities or other encroachmenCS_upon the permitted area of State right <br />of wa; without written consent of the"State Ilepartment of Roads, -irector-State <br />engineer and the Pnrmittee sha11'at no time alter or-reconstruct the present <br />encroachment, cansisting'of a buiiding'frant,,without prior written approval of the <br />State. <br />E. The Permittee by receiving this permit understands, ackno«ledges and agrees *_hat <br />.upon 30 days wrxten notice the State can cancerthis permit where the right of <br />way is necessary for construction, reconstruction or maintenance of U.S.;!:ighway <br />ho. 30 and ..that Permittee will move his encroachment from the right of way within <br />60 days w£th no cost or expense to the State and Permittee agrees that if he fails <br />to remove .the encroachment within b0 'days the State'becrmes sole and complete <br />OwAeY of .the eneroachmentan$ may causeits remavalor destructionwithno <br />compensation due 'the Permittee.' <br />7, Permi:ttee :understands apd'ackaowiedges that violation'of any of. the terms of <br />these permit conditions causes autou~atic revocation of this permit':and will <br />cause the immediate removal of the permitted ;encroachment by Permittee and'by <br />tha State after 6fJ days n©tice of xhe violation,. <br />8. Teo ether or additional 'uses of the right of way shall he permitted. <br />~.1 <br />~_ ~ ! <br />