._ _
<br />4.2 ~~'~ [} t~ +G G 10' _ "__.__.. ~. _.__ _ kuftman and Feltan & Wolt, 15'afiou,'Ne. 68461
<br />~aC~xr P4. ftL,AEYCY, a single Person, and KAI~l L. HLADKY, a singL person; Fatl-ier and
<br />I13ugttt~s as joint tenants , Grantor; whether one or more,
<br />in consideration of ^tEt~i ~'7D Alm i~1Q~I00'ffiS --DOLL
<br />($I0,000.00) ----, receipt of which i$ hereby acknowledged, conveys to
<br />GARRY L. ['R and 30YCE E, WEAR, ' Husband and Y7fe ,Grantees,
<br />as joint teaants sad not as tenants. in catnmon, the following described real estate. (as defined
<br />in Neb. Rev. Stat. s 96-2Q1) in ~' County, Nebraska:
<br />33te Westerly 7hixtY-Eig3-t Feet (W 38'} of Int Seven (7) and the Easterly
<br />TWenty~-fie ,Feet {E 23'} of Iot Eic~xt {8) , Block 'Ilzree, (3), in B1aia A~ditic~,
<br />an Fiddticn ±-~ tlve City of Gt~rad Island, FiaZl `County, .Nebraska.
<br />f+fE8F2ASKA t)OCUNiEfVTARY.
<br />Sr'~f£ STAMP TAX
<br />M~m~~~~~ JUN 4198?
<br />s // ~' .sir Ate,
<br />Grantor covenarns (jointly and severally, if more than one) with the Granttes that Grantor:
<br />( 1)- is latrttilly stised of such real estatt and that it is free. from enctunbrances except
<br />easenettts and restricti,tYis of record,
<br />{ 2) hat less! pourer and lawful authority to convey the s.s,e;
<br />{ 3i xarramta and ti-ill defend the title to the rtal estate against the lawful claims of all persona..
<br />?/+'~
<br />Esecuted: .:. .......: ~X....:.. ~- '......:,.... 19.52.,
<br />., ... .:. ...... .. ........:......... ...ti .~h,~
<br />Po~bert EL ttlati}cy .,.. .. ...... ~...,.....
<br />L. iihac3ky
<br />Statc of Ncbruka ~~~~
<br />County of .......~~: ~~fa~ls!!~
<br />The foresoins instrument was acknowledged before me on ~~:~~,-~ ~;,>; ,,,~~;,;.
<br />by .•~ .~M, -~tes~}.Y.~..a. s?n3Ie.P.~r.4F3r_.4~.~+i ~-..~>~iY~a_.d..S~A$.~.-F~SfJR<..~~.,
<br />~% Nary Public. .~Jr ...... ,
<br />C ov my of ..............................
<br />Filed for recnrd and entered it4 Numerical lndtz on _ .... .. .......
<br />mi ....,: o'clock .,...?rf., and recorded in Treed Record .. ........
<br />..,. Fags .,
<br />By : ......... ...:...
<br />C. aLrt~; ~r Deputy Cssunty Clerk
<br />ltcg.ster ni L~ccds or Deputy Regcstrr of Deriis
<br />