<br />82=-= iJU2213 Mt~RTG~'!GE
<br />'PHIS IN~EN'TUEE, made ;hn ?nd _ r
<br />DONALD L. BEJTTS AN^ BETTY R. BUTS, HuSbdnd dtldwine 1~2 "' 6y andhetww•n
<br />1 T f
<br />_.._.______.__ _.- - ___~-__- -_._.-- ~ P .
<br />°f Hd ~ ! - Coun[Y, Nebraska, as coon or __ ______
<br />orltartized and ada[in; undo the laws of :he United S~raees of America ~~th ~.otsnpnnct~pal office and place ofbusinessnettGrand [eland, Net raskatr a'c
<br />rrsortga6e'c:
<br />WITtSPSSF,TH: That said mortyaaar ~_,__, for and in consideration of the sum of
<br />___EL_Fy.FN THOt~SA~nroF HurvnRFtLTtJEN"rt'_~rx aNrl -d%I_~.Lll~- ~~ue~a >> -2~F nn_ _~.
<br />tRe recdpt o(which is Fteretry>`krtowkddM,do__-_.__"___by thex praents mortgageand wurantutttb sod
<br />mortYatsee, its wccessors and assign ,
<br />torcwer, all the toUowinR descrilxd real estate, situated in the C:nunty of ._"AL L
<br />and State o(Nebraaka, to-wit - __ -- -
<br />TOHYSHiP ELEVEN ;?1; NGRTN, P,ANGE TEN (10); Wg$T OF TyE 6TH. P. M.
<br />Ts7Kschar rith all buffos, stir tottditioainR, Iisht+nK, arrd piumbinR equipmtult ttad [iatunea; ittrludinR screens, awnings, storm window. and
<br />~~'hadae or bflrr~.tmedontx mcapasction w[tff saxl propertv,wltether theorn>e ore now:lxat..d on said property or hcrrafter
<br />'tV HA V k: AND TO HO1.G TH F. SAIi1E, fa>sether tvtlh ~ std aioRet lar the tenements, hercditamenta and appurtenxnceq thernuntn Lr~
<br />iorypng, .u in rnysrtae appart.autia~. forever. sad wrrnnt the trcle to thr sarrM. ,r'. '. .
<br />sid m9rRagor S _. hKeby covenant _ , with gpid
<br />rnottgape that. _. t he Y... _,3C'€. ai the deiivay hereof. the hrwfui owner S. O1 the premises above cunveved anddevt•ritx~.
<br />and _... d rt? ._.. stared o! • Qood sad indefaaaible rs:ate n( irtltarnartee iMntin. tree and clew of"all vacumbrancrs, end that "~hc f will
<br />rarraat and•ddand tlse title thurato braver aRunat thr claims std datrrnds of a13 perstmr wbotoeriever;
<br />PRbV I DEU AL W A YS, and thu wtrumgit u raecuud .rd deLvtned to secure the payrt1en40f tfie sum of
<br />ELEYEN tNOUSf~ND Q~JE HUNt7RED T:JENTY-SIX ANQ OJ~l_QO L?atLrat>K ll,;~~,00
<br />_ - __ ,.
<br />trilh iatartrt thereon, ta~ether nth stteb charKR and advances u may be dun a:d payable [o gad mortgagre under thn Lerm.v and n~ndntnn.
<br />d tJfa protaiaapry note of oven date haeeritk and snrund heresy. e:atvted fay Said rmrtrtrytor .- S. to .sasd mungager, payabir as evprevwd
<br />is said sales. sad to saves tba perluntaatne of ad :iw farms and caditinru Mntained Ihrreun. The tgrma t:f sxid n,.tte are frereb -moo
<br />hania 6y ilea eef~aaew. 5 r7xr. arrd
<br />It i- flee iutastion asd. aQnemast of tie part.w haralo [hat tlve awr[pRe ahdl aLn secure any future aovtuxea made w void morLKaKOr s, _
<br />by cad metrtpgr, and any rtld al! i+xiabtrdneas is addi;.iwt tp the atnouni ebnve stated whic2, sad +aortyagons, or any of them. rwv t.wr trr
<br />+ard mortKypae, how~aver evidwnued, whetha~ by note. twk acnouM °r otlurwisr. This mnrtgagv x1u11 rrrrtain rn full fnrcr and effect trt~w.+~n
<br />the pxr[iea haret~ and their hrira, personal zepreaenUUVes. surs;eaaora and aaafKtt , until ali anuwn[~ .xun,~ti hereunder, includinK tut,i r~~
<br />advances. are paid N tnL' with inlerwt.
<br />The mortgagor-~._ lxaaby aaai~n ___._ to said moregagee e:6 recta and utrome arnsing a[ any and sJ tunes from .void proprrt} and
<br />hereby auihurira said mott~a a i[s ~, a iLS option, spun dejau}t. to taYe c}~rgE of said PrvpertY and cul{ect. alt rv>ntw and iru,umc
<br />thaetrem and apyiy the name [° the payment ~f int.erer.[, principal, insurance premiums, tasee, assesamerts, repairs or irnprovemenis
<br />to kaaV said property in teaaata6ie cosditiao,, tx w otlsez chargrta br pe>Anenta prrn•idad for basin or in ciw note hrrebv srcuxd, "1'h rs
<br />mat exsignmmt shall cavttintx in force until the unpad ba:ance o! saiu notr w fr~11y paid. Tice taking c; paserFSeion h°reu rider shall in oo ui,fncrcr
<br />prmtm[ or tvtsrd said mottgaQae is [he cvllaeion of said soma by foredocru re oz txh~,r.~,sr.
<br />The 4u7vre o[ the rnort~rKae b assert any d its ;ighta hereunder at nny time shall not :R construed as a weaver of its ri hi t~
<br />Mme at any 3arar Lima, std to insist upon a>xf e±docrx sttic;. compiianre wire eL the t.ermy and prow isurts of said note snd ~ thLvr ra~vsert Lhe
<br />r~;ai;u_
<br />i( ~d tn°tt~g°r S aha({ ,~~ W tre paSd tci said axtrtgagee Che retire enuaunt dm: it hereLrdzr, snd under the a-rins and
<br />~ aid. ants haraby secured. inchdir~ future advances. and sap eateaaions or mneM"a1s thrnmf fa xccurdance with the t.t~rrn:; and pro-ainns
<br />thuwf, sad d acid mortKa[rx ~__ shaA c3mPlY wit ; nil the pcovisiana of avid Hate uud o[ thin mortgage. then ffieac p:.>srn Lv aha.'1 be void:
<br />otlrrrsriae to casuals in roll ford sad aflsct. and acid ntortgageeahall be mtttled to the possrzsiun of as of saki Prop'rtti , arui may. a[ it_v npti~rn.
<br />dadue the wituls of said sofa sad aII itia-`.~z~--a repre~er.-u..d thari{ry So bc, immediately due a,rd payable. and ma} fureclusr Chia nx>n~;ege.
<br />a take say other lagaf action to protect iU t A
<br />rtah ppraiaemen[ waived.
<br />This nt~6Y'e +i<.[t ~ `aoaC+ni appm and shalS enure to Lhe henofit o4 the heirs, exert tors, aftmini trntors, succe&u~rs and assikns of tho
<br />rmtpetYivi ~p+ariiea herwt.°.
<br />IN W fTPi'F~S N 7{ERF.OP. said Mattgagor_ S_ ha ~ -. _ hercn:nto set l•_12it- nsnd _ ,rw1
<br />+rrjgtt,p,~_ i _... e_.. .ar nrxr alxn-v
<br />(i1•,, h~ dnv
<br />7
<br />~j ~~ ~~~ ~- ~~c~~-.
<br />..1~fFlAE1i L. EtIJTTS _... __. -
<br />aiTTV f7 ~J;?S
<br />r~a3~x~tC~`~t*z
<br />a!
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