<br />103.6---Sl:RY3YORaHfP WiARRA'lVTV' DEEP (RexiNd 19d1:j.. ~ 1`Ae:Haftm~n Qanez-! SnltP37 Ravan. t.ncota; v<nr.
<br />~I li'vOW .ALL ME`i BY TfiE9E PRESETS. Thxt Richard C. Chaney attd 7oah M. Chaney; ,~~
<br />husband and wile
<br />
<br />8G~UU2211
<br />
<br />herein called the grantor whether oae or more. ~~
<br />~!!!I
<br />in eonsiderationof One IIollar ($I.OE}) and other valuable consideration
<br />rck`eieed from granters, does grant bargain, sell conseg and confirm unto
<br />Paul W. Stoner and Bonnie S. Stoner, husband and *,~i:fe ~
<br />as joint tenants tcith right t3f sursivorship, and not as tenants in common; the following de,crited real property in
<br />Ha I2 County, Nebraska
<br />Lot thirteen (13), Capital keights Seventh Subdivision, Ha 11 i:ounty,
<br />Nebraska
<br />Subject to Essetnents Restri:ct%ons and'°Govenants'of Record
<br />To hate and to hold the abore described premises ;other'with all tenements, hercditamenta and appur-
<br />tenances there±o hetnnRing nxAto the. grantees and to their assigns. or to the heirs. and assigns gf the survivor of
<br />them forerer.
<br />and grantfn does hereby covenant wi:h the cranteesand with their assigns and kith the heirs and assigns
<br />of the xurvivoc of them that Rrantar i>; lncrfu:lc crttied of said premises; that they see free from eacirmbrance
<br />except as stated herein
<br />that grantor has good rijrht and lawful Huthnrity ur rotovey the same: and that grantor warrants aad will defend
<br />the folic to said premises aKUrost the lavrful claims of all peraons'whttmaoever.
<br />it is the intention of atl parties hereto that is the event of the death of cilher of the grantees the entire
<br />fee wimple title to the real estate ahsu roast in'the anrviviniz grantee.
<br />Dated `_ ~, . 1,T_ ~ ! ~`~ 29 $2
<br />.. ............
<br />Richard C. Chaney.
<br />~1!c ~-.~ ~ ,C < Joan *l Chaney
<br />3TATh OF. .. ..... Couaty of._~-:~f J ~.c ~:~ ~ 1
<br />E3efonime, a notary public qual~tted for raid county, personally. came
<br />Richard C. Chaney and 3oan T1. C'naney, husband aad wife.. f
<br />i
<br />~noxon to tae to be the identical ,arson Or persrns ~. by sicned she foregoing instrument and acknowledged the 1
<br />ecee~ution thereof to be his, her or their voluntary act and dPed,: j
<br />VFitaes my hand sod notaru4 seal on: .. ... ~4~c~ti :. ~~~: , ... , J9.-I . ~.
<br />f
<br />~~~ ! v~-a ro ' ~~ t..c+_.~ < .-rte ~~
<br />~1~ .. %~ >•.~ .Notary Pnbiic
<br />]lgccmmisnion rlrpi.cs ~ f ~ ., 19 :/
<br />/ .~. .. II
<br />~TbTE aF . ............. . .... ~ ~ {{~~
<br />t`ounty ............. i
<br />Entered on numerical irdea and ,,°i:ed for rtcvrd in the Regixter of Deady Office of said County .the
<br />itty ,}i. _ 19......, at... ....... o'e'•ock send. , .:......: trinntes ......... _ ~.,
<br />~n,d re.:onteel in i3cvg .. , : , . , ..of. -:.... _at page:..:....._
<br />... .,: ~'K of Dmeda ..,....
<br />s
<br />13y : .. , , , ... .. , . Deputy f~
<br />s ,.:,cuu~rt gr+~tsa:od t+y chg %txen Rded t:s:r;~pan`?r In:_ . , -.;,, x, ,aa , t~:s~'r,;. ~,,
<br />