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~_..__~. <br />r <br />82=CsU2c08 ;~,~; <br />ADDiTiONAI PROVISIONS <br />DEBTOR «r~RR:~V'TS A\D CODE\A'ti"I'S: (I} Tlmt except fbrthe secizriFy interest granted hereby Debtor is, or tr, the <br />extent that this agreement states t}rat the (:oilateral is to acquired after the date hereof; +v~ll be; the owner of the Collateral free from <br />any adverse Iien, security interest or encumbrance; and chat Debtor «rill defend the Collateraal against :ill claims and'demaruis of all <br />persons at env time claiming the same or any iaalexest therein. (21 That cab financing statement covering Lhe Colla#eral or nn~ pro- <br />ceeds t}rereoff is or. file `in any public office and that at the request. of Secured Party; Debtor will,jom with Secured Party in esecutinG <br />one or more financing skatements pursuant to the tiebrasku Unifnrm Conaxnercutl .Cade iza {erne satisfactory to Secured Part' and <br />will pay the cast of filingg such financinG statement, this securfh= agreement :urd ani= continuation ar termination statement, ;n all <br />public• uff}ces tvhereger fitimg is deemed be Sexured Party tb be necessary or desiraGle; and if the Collateral is attached to yea! estate <br />prior to the perfection of the security interest {,wanted hereby ar if the Collateral indudererops oroil, gas or minerals'to 6e extracted <br />or timbrr to be cut; Debtor loll, bn demand of Secured Party; furnish Secured Party nzth a disclaimer. ar discla}mers or subordni- <br />ation agreement signed by al! persons havurg un interest in the real estate; disclairaaing nr subordinating ;iny interest in the <br />Collateral which is grior tie the interest of Secured Piirty. { 3? `:o t3a sel}, tmrisfer or dispose'of the Collateral; mor take trio same or <br />attempt Lo take the same from the ma_raty= where kept as ahave stated; w=ithorit the prior ~~--Titten consent of the Secured Pert. <br />(4} To pay. aU taxes and assessments of every nahae which mac• he levied orassessed against the Callatera}.: (S} \ot to permit <br />or aUow• any adrerse lien, senrrity intezest or encumbrance wha±suever upon t}ze Callateral; and not to permit the same to be <br />attached or repktined. (81 That the Culiaterai is fn Gaod cunditic>n, aced drat he et•ill at his oaaaa expense, keep the same ire ggood <br />condition and from time to Limerforthwith, replace and~rep;ur all such parts of the Collateral air may be broken, worn out or tlarn- <br />aged.. without allow•mg ;any Jaen to }ze created. upnn the. Collateral on accaunt of such replacement or repairs; and that the Secured <br />Parh• may examine andizaspett the Co}lateral at aziytime,. wherei•er located. ('', That he~vill athisawn expense:.keep the <br />Collateral `insarred in a company :satisfactory• to Secured F.aiy a gainsi Ions, as appropiate, by theft, collision, fire and. extended <br />~nyerage,,wiYh lass paya}ile to Secured. Patty as its interest may appear; and will on demand deliver soft! pcalicies of irisixrance nr <br />furnish proof of roan insurance Fb Secured Perri- (lii At its option Secuued Party mat Procure such insurance; discharge tales, <br />fiens, ar sectufty interests or other encximbranccc at any Hine !cried ar placed on the Collateral and ma}"pay for the repair of env <br />damage or injun• to or for the presen'ation and marntenance bF the Ctzllater:d. Debtor atlTrees to reimburse Secured Party an dam:uad <br />for any pay'riren[ ar expezt~e mtutrecl by Secaued Part}' Iursuant to the foregSiing authorization, Until suc}i reimbursement, the amount <br />of env such payment, ~a•i[lr interest at Fhe rate of 3: par annum from date of paj•ment uniil reimbursement, snarl!"be zdded' to ibe <br />fndebteciness owed by Debtor and shall lee secrrrexi Iay .this aizeemerzt (9) That he will rxatrise the Callateral in a=folation of env <br />appiirabie siatufe, regu}ation or iardfnancr and if an}• of the Collatcr.d is orator vehicles the same ++rill not lee rented; used itiaental <br />son=ice aor in any speed ar endurance contest.. ! 1(l l l~ebtar ~.vitl p3c Secured tarty .rnv uitl ;r11 costs. and espetues incurred in <br />reco~=erfng possession of', Lhe Coltarezal azrd incurred in eniurcipg this secuntL agreement, and the same shaA be seczued by this' <br />securit}• • agreement <br />1?IVTLL DEPA(LT Debtnc may }z:u~e peaccessican of the Ca}lateral and eLVe it in array a+vfnl manner iaot inconsistent with this <br />agreement arrd,not {ncxinsis•t:rnt with env policy of us3uranre thercYra, and upon default Scrrsed Party shall hate the immediate <br />right to the Iwssessian' of the CullateraL <br />DEBTOR SHALL. BE IL DEF3L''LT under this aztrerxnerrt rrixazr the happening of ray bf the fr>llotviag events or cunditigns: <br />(13default in the pa}anent of performanrc ..t u,y~ oblaGuifon, troverrazrt or Ifa}»lrh~ rnnt.uucd nr refe•rre'dto herein nr as ;uw note <br />evidencing the same: {~} env warranty. represrntaben or atalemezrt made or Fut?li>i,<•,l to ~rclzred I'arh• by or on `!ache!{ a( <br />Debtat proves. to have. }teen f.c}se fn tizzy mater d r~•,t>.•. e+t,en rzratln or furnished, i:l r ~° event which results izi the rccelea•ation <br />of the rnaCUrity of the indebtedness csf L~ebttar Lo ethers uudei tiny indeuturer agreemrri „r audertakrng; { 9) loss, theft, damage, <br />destructian, w}e ar erzcxtmbranm to, or of any of the CulLvterd,. ur the rnakini; +>f way kvy, si•irm e or attachment thereof ur there- <br />on,, {S} dtrpth. di>sotut4otz. ternzia3atzari of rxistenir, iuxahrzzsy, bunizica~ fauluec•, .rppouzlmrui of r recr:•iver of any part caf the' <br />proper#y af, assfgnmerrt far t}re llenefft of creditun by, or the ecanuneucement of :art" proacdiul„-uudcr-racy }ruikrtr}i{cy or insulveney <br />laws b} or al;ams# l7ebtur ar. any gararantvr or surety far l~latar. <br />L1PO\ SCCfi DEF.~I'LT acid aY anuYUZae thereafter r if zt deems rLtelf inw<nre, Scxvrc~d Fartyrnrv dr=cLu'e .dl Oblig- <br />atiLxias scorned frerebv u~rrntdzately tlrrc and paya}aly .end ,z.,Jl h:~+._ the renterlfes of a secured party. Hradec the ;Veliraska L=nifvnar <br />Gumnaeratial Cade. Secured Party rarer require L)ebtor t tr n ble tf - Callateral and deliver or nr zke f£nv.ritablc to Secuced:Party <br />at a placr to Eae dcsrGrrated by 5ecarrecl Party w}ucir is re ,rr 1 It c n,xraient to iwt6 p rnc~ s, t'nless du/ /'oIIafbral i.c perishaiile ur <br />threatens to decline speedih zn value ar za u: a lvpc cirsYor• Ir +nlti on a arcr>ar»ied market, Svcureu Party +vil1 give ]:)ebtur <br />rcm~anable cmtitr a£ t e liner and pLrce ati{ ,r::, pulrLc wie iherecr} or nf4he time after v«}aich any private ti.rlr nr<rny other intended <br />duposatrcmthem>[ i.' to br• made- The rrxi~drerr.•vzts of ze.tsonable nukicrshall be met rI such rmue~r~ Is in.ak 1, i>rastagc prepaid, to <br />fire aridness a{ Lk•btur shut«•rr aY tbe,}aeGfurnns, .,f this agrerssrezat`a! !cast fivr days before the dine of k6r• s•de ur dispusitzuu. <br />~a waiver by Secured Party of aura default shall operate as a waiver of any ether drfaultwar of Fhe some dc.(avit on a futwe <br />ooracion. ThetakuatG of this sectuxty a eenaerat snail rack waive or:imp-air any oYhe_r sec~aznty xaid~Secured P rt rr: have nr here- <br />after acr}utrriot the payment o[ the above indehtedzarss; nay shall the !eking of any such ,addfFiauu.l se.,criifti tt tc r,r unpalr this <br />sertrrity agreement, but said Set•ured Party miry resort to any x~•urity it may.: h ve m the order it may deem priifrer, and cwtw~rth- <br />starrding any +`oilateral security, Secarrc( party snail retain its rights of srtoff ag:ririst llebtnr <br />rill rights of Sectu~ed Party hereunder. shaI! more to fhe benefit aF its successors and asszgns; tired ail prbmisc~s and duties <br />~ of Deb#or shall bizzd his' bean, executors or admimistratoss or his br its saccessors or assrs;ru. If there 17e inure Y}iarz one Dcbtar, <br />• their tiabffitics hereunder: snail be joint and several. <br />This agreement shall izecome effective when {t is signed by Debtar <br />t__J <br />k <br />