~; ~
<br />X52--_ut~2206:
<br />2ETTyy'E.I~c'z1I, :iND Ta^I~TISTC~~t OF FSNP;NCltii'G STA~~i`
<br />ra+~a AI.I. f~T+t uX ifs, ?RaFNI'S
<br />'73~3t r/w*e ~nthia J Sorensen of Kuester's Lake, R F' D, #3, H,~7 ^--
<br />~aantY. Nebraska DF3`1~t5) , and ?`li2 Eauit~`;ie
<br />3eiilcirti ~.d :,tea,^.:rssociaticn of Gra.-~~ Ssiand, Nelaraska, S£CZ3R£D RAR'iZ, do b~.
<br />t"°~ese presents agree as- fo1 ia~~s:
<br />i. ??~ Fi.^.azu-ig St,a:..e~c~c::t given 3~y t~~e ~at~r(s) to t;~e S~c.._~_
<br />Party ~y~der 3a:e: of June 30, , '-° 77 ,which ~::
<br />tf~ ate °-,° Jul 1, 1~ 77 was file=d in tli2
<br />cffi~e o` t~ Cca:^.ty Clerk of i?a21 Ccx:nty, iVa.~rasica, ~ari*~g,n-
<br />ccrdi~g ~Io. 6554. a.~zd ~ the date of ~U N~.
<br />lg ~~ was z-a~:or,~d s:i e office ©f the F,t'Gis~:r of Tx~.~c3s o
<br />call Go.;,.ty, '.t7~.bras}:.a, wring ~a:t :io. ~c~-FX.~ ~~05- ,
<br />;2ereby r~^nd a.-zc ext:.~: frxs t3~.2s date.
<br />2. Str...~: ~'s~r.:u?r ~;tate~:~:t ser:re:s a bcmc given the 5~°~curCG Ps~.y
<br />~~ June 3~, _, 24 77 is tt:e original a~vit n*
<br />$ 399Ua.Q0 :~:c ?-..':e ~trc~rty given as security :ss v dweiliatg
<br />}~sil;ii~g, },.og~t~r t.~: X311 :~Ils, cut-aui:di:~gs, attachments, Ord
<br />F,LYPC~. f'4'~t33.,t"+1'1LSit, i?~':i ~'.XS
<br />Lot 2e~ C10~ Kuest{:z's T.a}ce, a part o£ the East half of the
<br />Southwi'st,4uartcr {E~~W~}7 of Sec~i~ Thirteen {13),' in
<br />2br+nship Eleven f 11) North, Ranc3e *7is~e {9) , West of :the 6th
<br />p,m. in Hall qty, Nebraska.
<br />~~
<br />`~ ~ ~~
<br />ri~S~-)..:iA~ i~.4`i ..'fir ~-rv3~.:.• * `_t ,~_ ~..
<br />r _~ li.Y23, .~+
<br />Gyntl~sa J, Sarensvii
<br />}3y l =/, 1 ~~~~
<br />P.. £. Kinf~an, President Lsh~f:=,i
<br />.55.
<br />$? T1'11.5 '~ ... ~ "7'P~i .9 ~i7~ , `~F?.roT'' Fit:, L'?i:~ ... .. .._;, z'~ ..
<br />:+t~tazy ~;r- ~:in €: _ lair ~ _,v _ ~onally~,~x. ,
<br />~t~-- i~ .~ 3, .~r: ... _ ~.. _ .._.~ . .._~ ~ ~;e tt'',e .a..- txt:al pr r_ --- -
<br />tr ' ~~ ~'
<br />t
<br />t
<br />i
<br />. ~.;,... Y7 ikmac Grp Now. i6. 19#9
<br />