<br />~`'~'`Fidlt County, tdel?rask,a
<br />Ddt:~, nci :. i;~
<br />i., ~~a s~a=i=ri~~:T
<br />__ ^t}>i3 __. ^Se:l,:_ Sl~€r..~ faerS4n, ~~:k~t3P5ter'.S LdKe, .. .._. -
<br />_. f .i.. .~eh}.aS n, ,:;~htv}-> •..^.r *he..~Uk`po5e. G~ Se~Uriitg't~'ie }~.dv!'?f~:. ~-
<br />,_ _r.;i interest at :~" ,'er ani~uri;, com~uued }upon t'r;e unpaid c:~,a::
<br />Ud'. Br: ?CCp rd,ng t0 d'htr7d veS ~Y'ib2d a5 metal lows:' :
<br />Gated `he 30t'r, clay Qt ,?un~ T9?3
<br />i!i :the "?rig final amt~unt of 39 ,4C~G. C~~3 hearing interest
<br />at ~.~" ;;.=r arnur, =sua:~utedupan thy' +.~npdid~rihcipal
<br />ba~fr~~e,, and pa;nbe in eGtidl monttly installments
<br />af'~33~-_> :.per ~cr-h. which wi;l apply first upon
<br />intervsi aad the ~.alance ih-reduct7an of the principal,:
<br />the first such .~~nthly installment payment payable on
<br />the 4st day'of July , 197?.'
<br />~,sn~r't ~~;^!i was given "s"he ~quitable dui}ding and Loan ~ssociatian of Granc :viand,
<br />^~cbrasFa, 'lse debtor does. hereby grant, ;nortgage and assign ante said secured
<br />;;ar*_; *.hp resi:ence '~n~;e, uE~rt~ an i:r~ranener,: ~,,;,~n s leasehold and all appur-
<br />teccr _aerr*~,, _ _ ;er:~~ hog=->etJF ne Sit~,dtec~ ,:;,4ta ±;~t Ten'(10) ':ueS er~
<br />.:fA~_ .. .., ~ rf .:St s.il ,. ~-~_. -; *h,~.~.;' ;drte~ .`~r~'a ~f Ca}.r?n~'~jr<.n~~rt
<br />.,h', _, :. ;r ~ .r,~'. of ,t .°,''~ ..
<br />~3 ..~ C( tbs..,... ., ,..rt __._ 1'.... 't ~. ,:O r'_ .~,. , ~;t,- ..
<br />.. .. _. ..i .._. _ .. f-._,.;r _.. r > :!7' ~ii_ .Z'fI T, nnw Cir ti E' 3''. ..~
<br />.!~ ~, -
<br />_ ,
<br />'-,err ~_ .,_ ., ._., __,_ i,~~ _` :~t3 r`td.te h~t_ `ay ,, j~~en' ,~ __
<br />- -,anc _~ E cr~t . ,~,-rs,
<br />. _ . , ~reb ,reed `t;~t ~t ~'Qfacl ~_~ :jade iR'the patent ~f ;r~ir ~~nc
<br />f -:eL}t ,
<br />:t"t ~-r:t' _ r_r.=o ~N,~~r? ,^r~, ~. t~~ ia:~'~ taxeshefc~r~ t.}'i(,
<br />